Mrs. Alice Mitchell Quotes in Dennis the Menace (1993)


Mrs. Alice Mitchell Quotes:

  • Henry Mitchell: You go sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

    Dennis: For how long?

    Henry Mitchell: Until you're sorry.

    Dennis: Oh good, I'm sorry now.

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: He can't sit in the corner, I have to take him to Margaret Wade's house.

    Dennis: [screams in horror scaring his parents] Margaret's house? I didn't do anything bad enough to deserve to go to her house. She's a lunatic, I'll go crazy, she tortures me, she's mean, she's ugly, she doesn't share!

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: Honey, I made arrangements with Mrs. Wade for you to go to their house while I work.

    Dennis: Are you serious?

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: Well, you can't spend the summer unsupervised. You're out of school.

    Dennis: [loses it] *I'll go back*!

    Henry Mitchell: You're mother made arrangements. That's it! I don't want any arguments!

    Dennis: [lightly bows his head on the table] My life is falling apart.

  • Mrs. Alice Mitchell: Hi. This is Alice Mitchell.

    Elderly Babysitter: Noooooo.

  • Dennis: [innocently] Hi.

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: Did you shoot an aspirin into Mr.Wilson's mouth?

    Henry Mitchell: Oh god!

    Dennis: I didn't want him to bite off my fingers with his big, fake teeth. Those things are sharp!

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: [to Henry] George said Dennis shot an aspirin into his mouth with a slingshot.

    Henry Mitchell: What slingshot?

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: Do you have a slingshot?

    Dennis: I'm not sure.

    Henry Mitchell: Give it to me.

    [Dennis sighs and hands over the slingshot]

  • Andrea: Hi, mom.

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: Good morning.

    Andrea: I hear you're trying to beg off the Oklahoma City trip.

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: I asked that it be rescheduled.

    Andrea: Have a Cub Scout meeting or something?

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: My husband has a trip at the same time. His was scheduled before mine.

    Andrea: So, if you and your husband travel at the same time, there's no one to watch your kid. Is that the problem?

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: It's not a problem, per se.

    Andrea: Oh, good. Because if you want to blow off your trip, I'm the one who has to cover for you, and I have plans I can't break. I don't have kids but I do have a life. I'm sorry. I'm just not gonna be able to help you.

    [Andrea leaves]

    Mrs. Alice Mitchell: God...

  • Mrs. Alice Mitchell: [while at a business meeting] You see, when I go to the mall with my little boy, we can't get out unless we visit the toy store. I mean, he knows he's not gonna get anything unless it's a special occasion or something like that, but like every other little kid; he just wants to go in and look around.

    Andrea: Could you spare us the family anecdotes please?

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