Mr. Warner Quotes in Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003)


Mr. Warner Quotes:

  • Daffy Duck: Say, that's the stuff from my office.

    Mr. Warner: You don't have an office.

    Mr. Warner's Brother: Not any more.

    Daffy Duck: Symbolically, this is bad. Come on, Brother? Other Brother? Icy she-wolf? You can't fire me. I'm too young and tender to retire.

    Kate Houghton: Let me escort you out.

    Daffy Duck: Wait! I haven't tried toadying, kowtowing and butt-kissing yet! I'm still begging here!

  • Mr. Warner: This guy is a lump.

  • Mr. Warner: Have you slept with my daughter?

    John: Mr. Warner, I have never slept with Elaine.

    Mr. Warner: Good! Godammit, that's good! Because if you had, John, I was gonna kick your balls up into your head and let them rattle around in your skull like dice in a Yahtzee cup. Have a good one!

  • Mr. Warner: I'm gonna give you a few seconds of immunity here. Now, if you have slept with her, you tell me here, you tell me now, and we'll let it go... have you slept with my daughter?

    John: Mr. Warner... I have never slept with Elaine

    Mr. Warner: Good! Goddammit that's good! Because if you had John, I was gonna kick your balls up into your head and let 'em rattle around in your skull like dice in a Yahtzi cup. Have a good one!

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