Mr. Mushnik Quotes in Little Shop of Horrors (1986)


Mr. Mushnik Quotes:

  • Seymour: The Audrey Two is not a healthy girl.

    Mr. Mushnik: Strictly between us - neither is the Audrey One.

  • Audrey: Seymour's first radio broadcast! I wanted to hear it so bad. I tried to be on time, but...

    Mr. Mushnik: Don't tell me. You got tied up.

    Audrey: No. Just handcuffed a little.

  • Audrey: I got a date.

    Mr. Mushnik: With that same no-goodnik? I'm telling you, Audrey, you don't need a date - you need major medical!

  • Mr. Mushnik: [to Seymour] You love her madly, don't you, schmuck?

  • [Seymour is attempting to put a plant on a high shelf. The shelving unit falls and the plants crash to the floor]

    Mr. Mushnik: Seymour, what's going on?

    Seymour: Very little, Mr. Mushnik.

  • Mr. Mushnik: Hey, urchins!

    [bangs on window]

    Mr. Mushnik: Shoo, get outta here!/ No loitering!

    Ronette: Maan, I wasn't loitering/ Were you Crystal?

    Crystal: Not me Ronette, were you Chiffon?

    Mr. Mushnik: You kids should be in school!

    Chiffon: Yeah, but were on a split shift.

    Ronette: Yeah! We went to school till the tenth grade, then we split!

    Mr. Mushnik: So! How do you intend to better yourselves?

    Crystal: Better ourselves? You heard what he said? Better ourselves! Mister, when you're from Skid Row/ Ain't no such thing!

  • Mr. Mushnik: Move, move! Move! Stay away!

    [gestures them away from inside his window]

    Mr. Mushnik: No loitering!

    Ronette: Man, I wasn't loitering! Were you, Crystal?

    Crystal: Not me, Ronette! Were you, Chiffon?

    Mr. Mushnik: You oughta be in school!

    Chiffon: Yeah, well, we're on a split shift.

    Ronette: Yeah! We went to school till fifth grade, then we split!

    Mr. Mushnik: So! How do you intend to better yourselves?

    Crystal: Better ourselves? You heard what he said? Better ourselves! Mister, when you're from Skid Row, ain't no such thing!

  • Mr. Mushnik: [after Seymour asks why Mushnik is angry at him] Little red dots all over the linoleum, little red spots on the concrete outside - I'm talking blood, Krelborn! I'm talking under my own roof!

    [grabs an axe]

    Mr. Mushnik: An axe murderer!

    [Seymour goes alarmed]

    Audrey II: [sings off-screen] He's got your number now.

    Mr. Mushnik: I saw everything!

    Audrey II: He knows just what you've done.

    Mr. Mushnik: Everything you did to her boyfriend!

    Audrey II: You've got no place to hide.

    Mr. Mushnik: [swings the axe] I saw you chopping him!

    Audrey II: You've got nowhere to run.

    Seymour: [innocently] It's true! I chopped him up, but I didn't kill him!

    Audrey II: He knows your life of crime.

    Mr. Mushnik: [points a gun at him] Tell it to the police!

    Audrey II: I think it's suppertime!

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