Mr. Hyde Quotes in Van Helsing (2004)


Mr. Hyde Quotes:

  • Van Helsing: Now, my superiors would like for me to take you alive, so that they might extricate your better half.

    Mr. Hyde: [laughing] I'll bet they bloody would.

    Van Helsing: Personally, I'd rather just kill you and call it a day. But let's make it your decision, shall we?

    Mr. Hyde: [pretends to think] Hmm, do let's.

    [attacks him]

  • Mr. Hyde: You're a big one. You'll be hard to digest.

    Van Helsing: I'd hate to be such a nuisance.

  • Van Helsing: Dr. Jekyll, you're wanted by the Knights of the Holy Order...

    Mr. Hyde: It's Mr. Hyde, now!

    Van Helsing: for the murder of twelve men, six women, four...

    Mr. Hyde: [laughing] Four children, three goats, and a rather nasty massacre of poultry!

  • Van Helsing: I missed you in London.

    Mr. Hyde: No, you bloody did not!

    [shows Van Helsing a bullet wound]

    Mr. Hyde: You got me good.

  • Mr. Hyde: So, you're the great Van Helsing.

    Van Helsing: And you're a deranged psychopath.

    Mr. Hyde: We all have our little problems.

  • Mr. Hyde: [landing on the ceiling next to a knocked out Van Helsing] Aaaah! Paris...

    [walks to Van Helsing who is lying on the floor and picks him up with a chuckle. Then he walks to the border of Notre Dame's ceiling]

    Mr. Hyde: [laughing] I... I think you will find the view over here to be rather spectacular.

  • Captain Nemo: [Seeing the Dante-Beast] What is that thing?

    Mr. Hyde: It's me on a bad day.

  • Captain Nemo: We have trouble.

    Mr. Hyde: Trouble? I call it sport.

  • Mr. Hyde: Don't be afraid.

    Tom Sawyer: Who says I'm afraid?

    Mr. Hyde: YOU DO!

    [In an eyeblink he rips a chain from the wall and sends it flying over Sawyer's head]

    Mr. Hyde: YOU STINK OF FEAR!

  • [Deflecting an enemy's bullets]


  • Mr. Hyde: Home... home is where the heart is, that's what they say. And I have been missing London so. Its sorrow is as sweet to me as a rare wine.

    [he eyes Mina Harker]

    Mr. Hyde: I am yours.

  • Dorian Gray: [after watching Hyde's attack] Quite the parlor trick.

    Mr. Hyde: Wait 'til you see my next one.

    [Hyde transforms suddenly into small and meek Henry Jekyll]

    Dr. Henry Jekyll: Dr.Jekyll... at your service.

  • Fantasy: Dr. Jekyll? Dr. J?

    Mr. Hyde: My name... is MR HYDE!

  • Mr. Hyde: [approaching with his foot stuck in a pumpkin] I tromped through the pumpkin patch.

  • Jack Skellington: We pick up an oversized sock, and hang it like this on the wall...

    Mr. Hyde: Oh, yes! Does it still have a foot?

    Smaller Mr. Hyde: Let me see, let me look.

    Smallest Mr. Hyde: Is it rotted and covered with gook?

  • Mr. Hyde: Hyde. Hyde.

    Felix Flanken: Hide? You want me to hide? Well if you want to play games, you must be feeling better. Certainly don't look it. Okay, I'll hide and you try and find me.

  • Mr. Hyde: [as Hyde] I'm a drug crazed beast with a giant erection that won't go away no matter how many times I do it. You're a nurse; what can you give me for it?

    Nurse with Telegram: I can give you sixty dollars and my wedding ring.

    Mr. Hyde: Bus fare! I need big money for drugs!

  • Customs Man at Heathrow: Anything to declare, sir?

    Mr. Hyde: Man has not evolved an inch from the primordial slime that spawned him.

    Customs Man at Heathrow: Very good, sir.

  • Woman in Jaguar: [after Hyde jumps into her car; pushes her to the passenger seat, and prepares to drive away] Rape! RAPE!

    Mr. Hyde: Later, if I have time.

  • Mr. Hyde: Perhaps you prefer a gentleman. One of those fine-mannered and honorable gentlemen. Those panting hypocrites who like your legs but talk about your garters.

  • Mr. Hyde: If you do one thing I don't approve of while I'm gone, the LEAST little thing, mind you... I'll show you what horror means!

  • Mr. Hyde: [after strangling Ivy] Isn't Hyde a lover after your own heart?

  • Mr. Hyde: Think before you decide, I tell you! Do you want to be left as you are, or do you want your eyes and your soul to be blasted by a sight that would stagger the devil himself?

  • Mr. Hyde: What we need is something big. Something novel. Almost like... an accident.

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