Mr. Farber Quotes in Deconstructing Harry (1997)


Mr. Farber Quotes:

  • [Therapist Joan is trying to counsel Mr. Farber but has just learned that her husband, Harry, has had an affair with a patient of hers]

    Mr. Farber: I've been - I've been losing sleep at night. I can't shut my eyes at night. I - I think I should quit my job. But I can't bring myself to do it. Maybe because my brother-in-law treats me kindly. But - but working for him is taking its toll on me emotionally.

    Joan: Could you excuse me, Mr. Farber?

    [gets up and leaves the room]

    Mr. Farber: What?

    Joan: [from offscreen] You fuck-dumb fuck! I can't believe you fucking did this! You fucking asshole. You fucked my patient? Harry, you don't fuck somebody's patient. Fuck you!

    [she returns]

    Joan: Continue, Mr. Farber.

  • [Mr. Farber is lying on a patient's couch waiting for his therapist, Joan, to return from dressing down her husband, Harry, for having an affair]

    Joan: [from offscreen] I want you to get your shit. And I want you to get your goddamn clothes, and I want you to get the fuck outta here. You are the most fucking irresponsible person I've ever seen in my entire life! Get out!

    [she returns]

    Joan: Continue, Mr. Farber.

    Mr. Farber: [very uncomfortable] D-Doctor...

    Joan: [not bothering to leave the room this time] And I mean tonight, motherfucker!

    Mr. Farber: [bursts into tears]

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Characters on Deconstructing Harry (1997)