Mme. du Barry Quotes in Marie Antoinette (1938)


Mme. du Barry Quotes:

  • Mme. du Barry: I was never a laundress! I was a milliner!

  • King Louis XV: What's the meaning of this? Why are you here?

    King Louis XVI: I don't want her to be sent back!

    King Louis XV: Ha, ha! Indeed.

    Mme. du Barry: [Sharply to Louis XVI] His majesty is not well!

    King Louis XVI: [Ignoring du Barry] But it isn't her fault! Don't you understand?

    King Louis XV: [Looking up to Du Barry with confusion] What? What's he talking about?

    Mme. du Barry: [Even more sharply to Louis XVI] Will you go, please?

    King Louis XVI: No! You get out!

    [Then to the king & now pleading on his knees]

    King Louis XVI: Listen, grandfather, it's going to be different now...

    King Louis XV: Get up you fool! Your argument is as unimpressive as your appearance. Your wife goes back to Austria! Your marriage will be annulled! I'll hear no more of it!

    [Looking frail & weak he starts coughing uncontrollably & waves him impatiently away]

    King Louis XV: Get out! Get out!

    King Louis XVI: I'll get out, but I'll come back! I'll come back when your dead! I'll be king then!

    King Louis XV: Silence!

    King Louis XVI: [Ignoring the king he turns to du Barry] And you! You know what will happen to you when I'm king? There are places for women like you in the Bastille!

    Mme. du Barry: Stop it!

    [to the king]

    Mme. du Barry: Make him stop!

    King Louis XV: Silence!

    King Louis XVI: I'm going to have my wife back! I'm going to have children! I know!

    [he starts loosing his composure]

    King Louis XVI: But you... your weak! Your not going to live long! I'll be sitting there and you'll be dead!

    King Louis XV: [Trembling with anger he starts to rise] Be silent!

    King Louis XVI: [Roughly shoving the king down hard] Sit down!

    [Then with shame he hangs his head as he leaves]

    King Louis XVI: Forgive me, sire. I didn't mean to touch you. Forgive me.

  • Duke d'Orléans: Bravo, witty & beautiful. Oh most rare lady. To the King:Sire.

    Mme. du Barry: Oh, his Grace d'Orleans. I've been waiting.

    Duke d'Orléans: I'm desolate.

    Mme. du Barry: His grace is late.

    Duke d'Orléans: The loss is mine, Madame.

    Mme. du Barry: Flatter, I believe you want something.

    Duke d'Orléans: Let's see. Why, of course I do. I want to be Grand Admiral of France

    Mme. du Barry: Laughing: And can we resist him? He has all the charm of a sailor.

    Duke d'Orléans: You're too kind.

    Mme. du Barry: Oh, but you have. And I've know lots of sailors. All fancy lads. And all liars.

    King Louis XV: What? What?

    Mme. du Barry: Handing the pamphlet to the King:Read this little sea ballad. It's about me. This couch, the one you gave me, it was pinned there. Oh, I'll read it! "Is this the couch of a princess? Is this the couch of a duchess? Oh, no indeed twa-la, twa-la. It's only the couch of a laundress."

    King Louis XV: Who wrote this?

    Mme. du Barry: Ask his Grace d'Oleans.

    Duke d'Orléans: Why,I deny it sire.

    Mme. du Barry: He had it written. He paid for it. He has writers by the dozen. Riff-raff! Against the state, against you, against me and blast your eyes I never was a laundress, I was a milliner!

    Duke d'Orléans: If Madame will kindly permit me to assure her that I...

    Mme. du Barry: You fool! I could've made you the biggest man in Paris, but you weren't smart enough. You let me find you out!

    Duke d'Orléans: That has its pleasant side, Madame. For to be frank as these gentleman would like to be, I am as weary of paying homage to the somewhat overblown charms of the ladies who rule our ruler as the people are paying their bills.

    Mme. du Barry: You royal lout!

    King Louis XV: This is enough! You can't forget, cousin, that your great-grandfather was Regent of France. You have his ambition, but without his talent. No, I'm not afraid of you, nor of the nobles, nor of the people, nor of ideas. The state will last my time. After me, the deluge.

    Duke d'Orléans: Taking leave & bowing to the King: With your permission, Your Majesty.

    King Louis XV: And take care, cousin. The liberals you encourage for your ends, they'll destroy you for theirs. Good morning!

    Mme. du Barry: Laughing hysterically: His face when he saw the pamphlet!

  • Mme. du Barry: I'm late, Madame, but with His Majesty's permission... a slight headache.

    Marie: I'm so sorry, Madame. It was a pleasure delayed.

    Mme. du Barry: For me too, Madame. I might say a triumph.

    Marie: You're very kind.

    Mme. du Barry: I presume I shall not have the honor of meeting his Royal Highness?

    Marie: My husband does not care for dancing, madame.

    Mme. du Barry: Quite the family man, isn't he? The fireside, the nursing room and all that? To the duc Orleans: Well, here is my old friend and how well he takes the husband's place!

    Marie: I'm sorry you feel your triumph incomplete, madame. My husband has better sense than I. He knows where to draw the line.

    King Louis XV: To du Berry: Will you dance, Madame?

    Mme. du Barry: Ignoring the King's request: So that's it? I'm dirt, ah? Not good enough for your high and mightiness?

    Marie: But, nooo, madame! Royalty loves an occasional roll in the gutter, don't they Grand-pappa?

    King Louis XV: Madame!

    Marie: Ignoring the King's dismay at her rudeness: I enjoy nothing more than meeting people of broad experience.

    King Louis XV: To both Marie-Antionette & du Berry: Recollect yourselves!

    Marie: Still ignoring the King: You see I've never walked the streets of Paris, but I am sure you could tell me something about that.

    King Louis XV: To du Berry: You will prefer to leave, madame, as I do.

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