Miles Morgan Quotes in Last Love (2013)


Miles Morgan Quotes:

  • Miles Morgan: I did not need a teacher, I needed a father.

    Matthew Morgan: You know, you're gonna have to stop blaming me for everything that goes wrong in your life. All I ever wanted for you was to go out in the world and chase your dreams. Find adventure, fall in love, take risks. That's all I wanted for you.

    Miles Morgan: Why didn't you ever tell me that?

    Matthew Morgan: Because I didn't think I had to.

  • Pauline Laubie: If I had a father like Matthew, I would be very happy.

    Miles Morgan: Why, because he's such a shining example of fatherhood?

    Pauline Laubie: That he's still alive.

  • Karen Morgan: You are my favorite brother.

    Miles Morgan: I'm your *only* brother.

    Karen Morgan: Details!

  • Matthew Morgan: Goddamn it, Miles! What do you want from me?

    Miles Morgan: I want you to stop acting like you're the only one who lost her!

  • Miles Morgan: I don't blame you, dad. I just wished I could say goodbye to her.

    Matthew Morgan: I wanted to say goodbye. I was there, I didn't know how.

  • Miles Morgan: You seem to know your way around here pretty well.

    Pauline Laubie: It's not heart surgery.

    Miles Morgan: Brain surgery.

  • [last lines]

    Miles Morgan: He left you the summer home.

    Pauline Laubie: I told him I didn't want it.

    Miles Morgan: Well, he always had a better idea. Listen, I have to go see my son. But, uh, I'll be back.

    Pauline Laubie: Okay.

    Miles Morgan: I'll come back for you Paulina.

    Pauline Laubie: Okay.

    Miles Morgan: Okay. Ready?

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