Mickey Crabbe Quotes in A Mighty Wind (2003)


Mickey Crabbe Quotes:

  • Mitch Cohen: [while eating dinner] What is it you do, Leonard? For work?

    Leonard Crabbe: Oh, for work. I'm in the bladder management industry. I sell catheters. I have my own distribution company, Sure Flo Medical Appliances. You may have heard of it. It's actually named in tribute after my mother, her name was Florence. It's a growth industry, really, because one in three people over 60 either have a flaccid or a spastic bladder, so in a sense, every 13.5 seconds a new incontinent is born, as it were. People like you and I have what they call "leakage problems." They can be running, playing tennis, laughing, sneezing, anything. I mean, the good old constipation, you know. You have impacted fecal mass in your rectum, you find that pushing on your bladder...

    Mickey Crabbe: You know, this might make good dessert talk.

  • Mickey Crabbe: Is there a cockfight arena near here?

  • Mickey Crabbe: What are you doing? He could be lying in a ditch - it wouldn't be the first time.

  • Mickey Crabbe: Then there's the kids - we're hearing: "You rock... you rock me... you rock my world!" What?

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