Mean Machine Quotes in Judge Dredd (1995)


Mean Machine Quotes:

  • [when Dredd and Fergee regain consciousness, they find themselves in a dark building, their hands tied with thick ropes to the ceiling, several feet above the ground]

    Fergee: Am I dead? Am I dead? I'm dead!

    [the notorious Angel gang enters the room, chuckling. They are dirty, vicious-looking thugs. The most hideous is the cyborg Mean - he has a mechanical right arm, and his skull is covered with a metal dome with a dial on the front. Link and Junior carry a body from the shuttle. Mean carries a helmet on his mechanical arm. Pa Angel looks at the captives]

    Pa Angel: Awake? Good! We're running out of sinners.

    [Mean throws the helmet away. The four thugs approach the captives. Fergee is filled with fear]

    Fergee: Oh, my God! Dredd, do something!

    Pa Angel: [surprised] Dredd?

    Judge Dredd: [whispers to Fregee] You talk too much.

    Pa Angel: Can it be?

    [Fergee gasps in fear when Pa Angel points his staff, but he only uses it to press on Dredd's right arm in order to see his face]

    Pa Angel: The great man of the law himself.

    [convinced that the prisoner is indeed Dredd, Pa Angel bursts out laughing]

    Pa Angel: O Lord, you have blessed us indeed! Judge "rat" Dredd.

    Judge Dredd: You creeps are under arrest.

    Mean Machine: [unimpressed, waving his mechanical arm menacingly] Is that so? Let me crush him, Pa!

    Fergee: Excuse me. We're not together.

    [the Angels burst out laughing]

    Pa Angel: Allow me to introduce you to my family. There's Link, my oldest.

    Link Angel: Bite me!

    Fergee: Hi!

    Pa Angel: My youngest, Junior.

    Junior Angel: [slightly moves his hat] Howdy!

    Fergee: Hi!

  • [Fergee tries to convince the Angel gang that he is a believer, thinking incorrectly that they will let him live. While the attention of the Angels is turned on Fregee, Dredd struggles to get his hands free]

    Fergee: Amen, brother! Praise the Lord! I'm a believer!

    Judge Dredd: [whispers] Fergee, don't do it.

    Pa Angel: It sounds like we have a believer in the gallery.

    Fergee: Yes!

    Pa Angel: Cut him down.

    Fergee: Go tell it on the mountain!

    Judge Dredd: Fergee!

    [Fergee ignores Dredd's warnings. Link steps forward and cuts Fergee's bindings]

    Fergee: Yeah!

    Judge Dredd: [to Fergee] You're making a big mistake.

    Fergee: [chuckles gloatingly] Well, Dredd, maybe the law doesn't make mistakes, but I'm free - and you're a toast.

    Judge Dredd: [dryly] Actually, YOU'RE a toast. I forgot to mention it. Your new friends... they're cannibals.

    [Fergee's smile fades as the Angels grab him roughly and drag him to the fire]

    Link Angel: Fresh meat.

    Pa Angel: Prepare the supplicant for sacrifice!

    [as Link and Junior drag poor Fergee to the fire, Dredd manages to free his left hand from the ropes. The Angels fail to notice that]

    Fergee: No, wait. You can't eat me! I've got eczema. I've got warts. I've had gonorrhea. Eat Dredd! He works out.

    [Fergee's eyes widen in fear when he sees what is cooking over the fire - something that clearly was once human]

    Pa Angel: [looks disgustingly at Dredd] Yum, yum. It's been fun, lawman.

    [Pa Angel turns Mean's dial to level 2. Mean snarls]

    Pa Angel: [pats on Mean's shoulder] Finish Dredd.

    Mean Machine: My pleasure, Pa!

  • [as the last guard is about to shoot Dredd, a shot hits and kills him. An armed hooded figure appears. Dredd and Fergee stare at the hooded person, uncertain whether it is friend or foe. Dredd is surprised as the figure removes its hood, revealing itself as ex-Chief Justice Fargo - who was like a father to him]

    Judge Dredd: Chief Justice!

    Chief Justice Fargo: Joseph, together again.

    Judge Dredd: Together again, sir.

    [suddenly Fargo shrieks in agony, as he is stabbed in the back by Mean. The blade sinks into his body and protrudes from his chest]

    Judge Dredd: No!

    [Mean smiles viciously, as Fargo is skewered on his blade. Enraged, Dredd charges at the cyborg. Mean throws Fargo's body off his blade and faces Dredd]

    Judge Dredd: No!

    Fergee: God, not again!

    [Dredd grabs Pa Angel's staff and attacks Mean, but Mean easily knocks the staff off Dredd's hands and butts him in the face. Dredd stumbles and falls to the floor, but immediately recovers and picks a metal bar]

    Mean Machine: You got three strikes, lawman!

    [Dredd strikes Mean, but Mean blocks the blow with his mechanical arm]

    Mean Machine: Strike one! He-he-he...

    [Dredd strikes again - again, Mean blocks the blow]

    Mean Machine: Strike two!

    [Dredd brings the bar heavily on Mean's head - a blow that would crack human skull, but leaves no impression on Mean. Fergee winces]

    Mean Machine: Strike three. You're out, lawman!

    [Mean knocks the bar off Dredd's hands and advances, waving his blades. Dredd recoils, barely evades Mean's blows]

    Mean Machine: You killed Link! You killed Junior! You killed my brothers! You killed my pa...

    [Mean growls and charges, but Dredd sidesteps. Mean's blades get stuck deep into the wall, so he cannot free himself. Dredd partially rips a wire from Mean's mechanism and touches its broken end at Mean's arm]

    Judge Dredd: Mega City municipal code 27-22: illegal use of city electricity. How do you plead?

    [Mean growls in fear and rage]

    Judge Dredd: I knew you'd say that!

    [Dredd attaches the wire to Mean's back, elecrocuting the monstrous cyborg to death]

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