Margot Quotes in The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)


Margot Quotes:

  • [Reading the note Anne included with her crossword book]

    Margot: You have never lost your temper / You never will, I fear / You are so good / But if you should / Put all your cross words here.

  • Margot: Sometimes I wish the end would come, whenever.

    Mrs. Edith Frank: Margot!

    Margot: At least we'd know where we were.

    Mrs. Edith Frank: You should be ashamed of yourself, talking that way. Think how lucky we are, think of the thousands dying in the war every day, think of the people in concentration camps.

    Anne Frank: What's the good of that? What's the good of thinking of misery when you're already miserable?

  • [as Henri and Margot walk down the aisle after being married]

    Henri: Your mother hates me.

    Margot: Yours hated me.

    Henri: Yours *killed* mine.

  • Margot: La Mole would die for us!

    Henri: For *us*?

    Margot: Yes, for us.

    Henri: He'd die for another night with you.

  • La Môle: Promise me something. They say death always took your lovers. They say you lock their hearts in gold boxes around your bed.

    Margot: They do? What else? That at night, wearing a mask, I roam the city, looking for love?

    La Môle: One day you'll know who you really are. Promise you won't forget me... the one you shouldn't have loved.

    Margot: I promise.

  • Margot: Henriette!... I need a man tonight.

  • Margot: Here, you're gonna need this.

    Elle: Your scrunchie?

    Margot: My LUCKY scrunchie. It helped me pass Spanish.

    Serena: You passed Spanish because you gave Professor Montoya a lap dance after the final.

    Margot: Yeah... Luckily!

  • Serena: Oh look, there's Elle! Elle, we came to see your trial and look! There's like a judge and everything... and jury people.

    Margot: VOTE FOR ELLE!

    The Honorable Marina R. Bickford: Ladies, take a seat!

  • Margot: I think we're just gonna to have to be secretly in love with each other and leave it at that, Richie.

  • Eli: I'm not in love with you any more.

    Margot: I didn't know you ever were.

    Eli: Let's not make this any more difficult than it already is.

    Margot: OK.

    Eli: OK, what?

    Margot: OK, I'm not in love with you either.

    Eli: Yes, I know, you're in love with Richie. Which is sick and gross.

  • Richie: I have to tell you something...

    Margot: What's that?

    Richie: I love you.

    Margot: I love you, too.

  • Raleigh: You don't love me any more, do you?

    Margot: I do, kind of. I can't explain it right now.

  • Margot: Do you send my mother your clippings and your grades from college?

    Eli: Please stop belittling me. You never gave me the time of day til I started getting good reviews.

    Margot: Your reviews aren't that good.

    Eli: But the sales are.

  • Raleigh: Are you ever coming home?

    Margot: Maybe not.

    Raleigh: You're joking.

    Margot: No.

    Raleigh: Well, I want to die.

  • Ethel: How long have you been a smoker?

    Margot: 22 years.

    Ethel: Well, I think you should quit.

  • Margot: [about Richie's suicide attempt] Why'd you do it? Because of me?

    Richie: Yeah, but it's not your fault.

    Margot: You're not going to do it again, are you?

    Richie: I doubt it.

    [Margot starts to cry]

  • Royal: Can we get somebody over here to kill these mice for us?

    Margot: No. They belong to Chas. Or anyway he invented them.

    Royal: Get him to stick them in a fucking cage or something.

  • Royal: [Points to Henry] He's not your father.

    Margot: Neither are you.

  • [at the hospital, after Richie has slashed his wrists]

    Margot: Dudley, where is he?

    Dudley Heinsbergen: [has Richie's blood splattered all over his shirt] Who?

  • Royal: [about Raleigh] You're two-timing him with that bloodsucker Eli Cash. Now, that's just not right, dammit. You used to be a genius.

    Margot: No, I didn't.

    Royal: Anyway, that's what they used to say.

  • Eli: [hearing the news that Royal is dying] I am very sorry, Margot.

    Margot: It's okay. We're not actually related anyway.

    Eli: True.

  • Chas: Please don't get in the middle of this, Mr. Sherman. This is a family matter.

    Margot: Don't talk to him like that.

    Henry Sherman: Call me Henry.

    Chas: I prefer Mr. Sherman.

    Ethel: Call him Henry.

    Chas: Why? I don't know him that well.

    Ethel: You've known him for 10 years.

    Chas: As your accountant, Mr. Sherman, yes.

  • Raleigh: You've made a cuckold of me.

    Margot: I know.

    Raleigh: Many times over.

    Margot: I'm sorry.

    Raleigh: And you nearly killed your poor brother.

    Ethel: What's he talking about?

    Margot: It doesn't matter.

    Raleigh: She's balling Eli Cash.

  • Royal: First thing I want to do is take you out to see your grandmother, at some point.

    Richie: I haven't been out there since I was 6.

    Margot: I haven't been out there at all, I was never invited.

    Royal: Well, she wasn't your real grandmother, and I never knew how much interest you had, uh, sweetie. Anyway, you're invited now.

    Richie: You know, Rachael's buried out there too.

    Royal: Who?

    Chas: My wife.

    Royal: Oh, that's right, isn't it. Well, we'll have to swing by her grave too.

    [Chas slams his book shut and angrily walks out]

  • Ethel: Raleigh says you've been spending 6 hours a day locked in here, watching television and soaking in the tub.

    Margot: [lying in the bath] I doubt that.

    Ethel: Well, I don't think that's very healthy, do you? Nor do I think it's very intelligent to keep an electrical gadget on the edge of the bathtub.

    Margot: I tie it to the radiator.

  • Ari: [about Margot's severed finger] Did you try to sew it back on?

    Margot: Wasn't worth it.

  • Eli: How's Richie?

    Margot: I don't know. I can't tell.

    Eli: Yeah, me neither. He wrote me a letter. He says he's in love with you.

    Margot: What are you talking about?

    Eli: That's what he said. I don't know how we're supposed to take it.

  • Richie: You dropped some cigarettes.

    Margot: Those aren't mine.

    Richie: They just fell out of your pocket.

  • Margot: You probably don't even know my middle name.

    Royal: That's a trick question. You don't have one.

    Margot: Helen.

    Royal: That was my mother's name.

    Margot: I know it was.

  • Richie: And I heard about Eli.

    Margot: I know. Poor Eli. Anyway, we mostly just talked about you.

    Richie: You did?

    Margot: Yeah. I guess that was the attraction, if you know what I mean.

  • Lou: Maybe you should take a shower. It'll make you feel better

    Margot: I don't want to take a shower

    Lou: Just do me a favor, ok?

    Margot: [in the shower and Lou splashes cold water on her] You?

    Lou: Yeah

    Margot: Every - ?

    Lou: Everyday

    Margot: There's no...

    Lou: There's no problem with the water. There's nothing to get fixed. I thought when we're 80, I'll tell Margot I've been doing this her whole life, and it'll make her laugh. As kind of a long term joke

    Lou: [leaves]

    Margot: [laughs and starts to cry]

  • Margot: I'd like to make a date to kiss you.

    Daniel: Well... my schedule's fairly flexible.

    Margot: Is it flexible in 30 years?

    Daniel: 30 years?

    Margot: I'd like to see you at the lighthouse in Louisbourg. I'd like to meet you there. I'll be 58, I don't know how old you'll be...

    Daniel: I'll be 59.

    Margot: I'd like to see you there, on this date, at... 2PM. Eastern Standard time. August 5th, 2040, I'd like to kiss you. Until then, I'm married. But after 35 years of being faithful to my husband I think I'll have earned one kiss from you.

  • Margot: Sometimes I'm... walking along the street and a shaft of sunlight falls in a certain way across the pavement and I just wanna cry. And then a second later, it's over. I decide because I'm an adult, to not succumb to the momentary melancholy; And I thought that sometimes with Tony, she just had a moment like that. A moment of not known how or why, and she just let herself go into and there was nothing anyone could do to make it any better. It was just her and the fact of being alive, colliding.

    Daniel: Or maybe you just didn't figure out what it was.

  • Margot: I'm married

    Daniel: Oh. That's too bad.

    [Gets out of the taxi]

    Daniel: That's too bad cause I live right here.

    Margot: Oh shit.

  • Lou: Hey Margot! I just bought a new melon baller and I'd like to gouge out your eyes with it

    Margot: [smiles] Yeah, me too

    Lou: Bye, Margot

    Margot: Bye, Lou

  • Margot: A dog is like a starter for a kid.

    Lou: No, a dog is like a starter for a cow... or a bigger animal.

  • Margot: I should've called. I just didn't know what to say...

    Lou: It's hard to know, I guess.

  • Margot: [holding the painting Daniel made her] I guess my response is... Fuck you.

  • Margot: I remember when my niece, The Tony was newborn... Reserving the... And sometimes crying, as do babies, and... And... I did what I could to find the cause. Hungry, is tired? Has rash? 9 times out of 10 I solve the problem, but... Sometimes... I do not know... Sometimes... I walk in the street, and... A ray of light illuminates a special way the sidewalk... And... I want to cry... And... after a second over. And I decide, because i'm an adult. Decide not to leave the emotional moment. And this some thought times with Tony. And she just lived such a time. One moment he did not know how and why and just let herself. And he could not do someone something about it to make it better. He was alone. And the fact that 're alive... Conflict... with this... Yes. - Or just do not understand what it was. -Yes.

  • Pauline: I think Becky got it the worst.

    Margot: Did she ever. Raped by the horse trainer.

    [they burst out laughing]

  • Margot: He's not ugly. He's completely unattractive.

  • Malcolm: Paul apologizes for not coming. She's still getting the house ready.

    Margot: I'm sorry it was such short notice.

    Malcolm: I don't care. Paul's frantic, but I don't give a shit. Oh, and Ingrid wants me to tell you that she made us all bracelets.

    Ingrid: No, I said we should wait.

    Malcolm: I thought you asked me to tell them. Anyways, I got Knicks colours.

    Ingrid: They're not Knicks colours!

    Margot: It's beautiful, Ingrid.

    Ingrid: Where's your dad and Josh?

    Claude: They might come later.

    Margot: Josh's spring break is next week, and then Jim teaches through Friday. Then he opens the house in Vermont on the weekend.

    Malcolm: It means a lot to Pauline that you came.

    Margot: Good.

    Malcolm: [swerving to avoid a car] Holy Jesus! Watch it, dicksack! God! If you're wondering about the mustache...

    Margot: No, I wasn't.

    Malcolm: I had a full beard for a while, and then when I shaved it I left this part for last, you know, to see how it looked. And... it's meant to be funny.

  • Pauline: I was dating that guy Horace back then. Do you remember him?

    Margot: Was that the guy who liked to rough you up?

    Pauline: No, that was our dad.

    Margot: Our dad used to strip down to his skivvies and beat us with a belt.

    Malcolm: That man had a sexual screw loose.

    Pauline: That's awful, that stuff that happens to kids. Malcolm was fondled by a male babysitter.

    Malcolm: Just use that information however you want.

  • Margot: You didn't notice anything different about Pauline?

    Claude: No.

    Margot: She's pregnant. She told me. She's keeping it a secret from Malcolm and even Ingrid, which I think is unforgivable. Now she's gonna have to marry him. What's she planning on doing, getting married and not drinking champagne? Then she's just gonna be lying. I guess she's afraid she'll miscarry. She probably will. I think on some level, she's ambivalent about the marriage. That's why she's not telling him.

    Claude: Are you stoned, Mom?

    Margot: Maybe a little.

    Claude: I don't like it.

  • Margot: He's doing the interview with me in town on Friday. Did I tell you he and I are collaborating on a screenplay? An adaptation of one of Dick's novels.

    Pauline: No. I didn't even know you knew he was up here.

    Malcolm: [while drawing with Claude and Ingrid] Is he even a good writer? Why do people care about him?

    Pauline: You're competitive with everyone. It doesn't even matter if they do the same thing as you. He's competitive with Bono.

    Malcolm: It's true. I don't subscribe to the credo that there's enough room for everyone to be successful. I think there are only a few spots available, and people like Dick Koosman and Bono are taking them up.

    [continues drawing a picture of a man and woman having sex]

    Margot: Malcolm, what would ever make you think that's something to draw right now?

    Malcolm: [looks around at what Claude and Ingrid are drawing; crumples up his paper] Sorry. I wasn't thinking about it. Sorry Margot.

  • Malcolm: [Margot turns around; startled by Malcolm's presence] Sorry. I'm here.

    Margot: I didn't see you.

    Malcolm: I'm just writing my vows. I'm trying to do something appropriate but also funny. Not jokey, more character-based humour. You having an OK time?

    Margot: Yeah, besides Wizard getting out.

    Malcolm: Yeah. We'll find him. Or else, I don't know.

    Margot: We won't.

    Malcolm: Right. Or else, he's dead or something. It means a lot to Paul that you came.

    Margot: Yeah.

  • Margot: I thought he was a musician.

    Pauline: Well, music's officially a hobby. He's painting now, and writing letters to newspapers and magazines. He's very meticulous. He'll spend up to a week writing a response to a music review. He's incredibly smart. Maybe too smart, I don't know. We're doing very well.

  • Margot: You know, Pauline told me she's very disappointed in you.

    Claude: Why?

    Margot: She thinks you laze about the house. Ingrid is always offering to help clean or cook. She made bracelets for all the guests. Even Malcolm puts up the tent. You just wait until everyone else does it for you.

    Claude: That's not true.

    Margot: It is true. I wish I taught you better manners...

    Claude: I can try to make pop-overs. If I remember how...

    Margot: Don't bother.

    [She looks at him with grave disappointment]

    Claude: Why are you looking at me like that?

    Margot: I just see how much you've changed. Your body language. You used to be rounder and more graceful. You're so stiff now, so blasé.

    Claude: What do you mean?

    Margot: I can't explain it.

    [She sees the tears in his eyes]

    Margot: It's okay, though.

    Claude: Uh-huh.

    [He stands up and starts walking away]

    Margot: You're still handsome!

  • Margot: Stop picking on me.

  • Claude: Did she poop in her pants?

    Margot: It happens to everyone, not just babies. It will happen to you too someday.

  • Margot: Winter is the best season.

  • Margot: I see. I'm the substitute.

    Gaspard: In fact, a substitute for a substitute.

  • Margot: Friendship's a gag, but trifles are serious!

  • Margot: Patience brings roses.

    Jochen von Roth: What do we do with roses? We need guests.

  • Margot: We should leave her. We're not gonna make it. I know it sounds bad but everybody's thinking it. She's safe here. We could come back, couldn't we?

    Justine: We're not leaving her.

  • Margot: How much money'd you bring?

    Remi: Three hundred bucks.

    Margot: They're all ones!

Browse more character quotes from The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)
