Marcia Brady Quotes in The Brady Bunch Movie (1995)


Marcia Brady Quotes:

  • Peter Brady: If Mom and Dad have to sell the house, we'll have to move.

    Bobby Brady: Go to a new school.

    Jan Brady: Make new friends.

    Marcia Brady: But Jan, you don't have any friends.

  • Marcia Brady: [shows Doug her swollen nose] I suppose you don't want to go out with me now, huh?

    Doug: Oh, of course I do. It's not your nose I'm after.

  • Marcia Brady: [suggesting a way to raise money] I've got it! We could enter that Search For The Stars contest! First prize is twenty thousand dollars!

    Greg Brady: That's a great idea, Marcia!

    Bobby Brady: Great idea, Marcia!

    Jan Brady: Am I invisible? Do I not have a voice? I had that idea two days ago!

    Peter Brady: [disgusted] Oh come on, Jan.

  • Jason: Marcia, I may be able to use you as a model, but first you'll have to do a little work on yourself.

    Marcia Brady: You mean like walking with a book on my head?

    Jason: No, I mean like cutting that mousy hair, capping those teeth, and losing about 30 pounds, my little sausage. How do you feel about breast implants?

    Marcia Brady: [slaps him] Cut my hair?

  • Charlie: Marcia, I think I just felt your tongue in my mouth.

    Marcia Brady: It's called a French kiss, Charlie.

    Charlie: Um, Marcia, I gotta go. Uh something suddenly came up.

  • Jan Brady: [suggesting a way to raise money] I saw a sign at school today for a Search For The Stars contest. First prize is exactly twenty thousand dollars.

    Marcia Brady: Oh sure Jan, like we'd really win.

  • Marcia Brady: [in Jan's thought] But Jan, you don't have friends. You're just jealous Jan.

    [Jan wakes up, holds a pair of scissors like a knife, and starts to cut Marcia's hair]

    Cindy Brady: Jan, what are you doing?

    Jan Brady: Go back to sleep Cindy!

    Cindy Brady: Jan don't. Marcia's hair is so beautiful.

    Jan Brady: Exactly. That's why I'm gonna make alot of money when I sell it.

    [Jan continues to cut Marcia's hair]

    Jan Brady: [laughs psychotically]

    Cindy Brady: [Screams]

    [Carol and Alice come into the room]

    Carol Brady: Jan, what are you doing?

    [Marcia's got a new hairdo]

    Carol Brady: Oh Marcia, I love your hair!

    Alice: What a groovy hairdo!

    Cindy Brady: Oh, you're so beautiful!

    Jan Brady: No! She was supposed to look bad! No! No!

    [Jan wakes up]

    Jan Brady: What a horrible dream.

  • [Doug kisses Marcia]

    Marcia Brady: Doug! I think I just felt your tongue in my mouth.

    Doug: It's called a french kiss.

    Marcia Brady: But I thought you were from Nebraska!

  • Marcia Brady: [after getting hit in the nose with a ball] Now I'll never be a teen model.

  • Marcia Brady: Oh those are pretty pictures, what have you modeled for?

    Model: Guess.

    Marcia Brady: Are you a Breck girl?

    Model: No, Guess Jeans.

    Marcia Brady: Levi's? Wrangler? Osh Kosh B'Gosh?

  • [Noreen is in bed with Marcia]

    Marcia Brady: Noreen, is that you?

    Noreen: Oh, sorry, I thought that was my leg.

  • Doug: Marcia, got a minute?

    Marcia Brady: Forget it Doug. Even with a swollen nose, I can still smell a rat.

  • Greg Brady: And that's why I called this meeting.

    Marcia Brady: Greg, what are we going to do?

    Peter Brady: Yeah, if we don't raise $20,000 in one week, we'll have to move.

    Bobby Brady: And go to a new school.

    Jan Brady: And make new friends.

    Marcia Brady: But Jan, you don't have any friends.

  • Marcia Brady: Charlie asked me to the dance, and I said yes. Then Doug asked me to the dance, and I said yes to him too. What am I going to do?

    Greg Brady: Well, you just tell the guy you don't wanna go with, something suddenly came up.

    Marcia Brady: And that works?

    Greg Brady: Sure. Girls say it to me all the time.

  • Jan Brady: His name is George.

    Marcia Brady: George what?

    Jan Brady: George, uhhh Tropicana!

    Carol Brady: What a nice name. Is he Cuban?

    Jan Brady: No i mean... Glass. George Glass

    Marcia Brady: That's funny. I've never heard of a George Glass at our school.

    Jan Brady: That's because he's a transfer student. He came in the last week of school. He's really good looking and he thinks I'm super cool.

    Marcia Brady: Sure, Jan.

  • Cindy Brady: You can't take my mommy!

    Marcia Brady: Cindy's right! Take Jan!

  • Marcia Brady: I'm so happy for you, Jan.

    Jan Brady: Really, Marcia?

    Marcia Brady: No.

    [Jan looks disappointed]

    Marcia Brady: Jan, of course I am!

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