Malfoy Quotes in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)


Malfoy Quotes:

  • Malfoy: Why so tense, Potter? My father and I have a bet, you see. See, I don't think you're going to last ten minutes in this tournament. He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five!

    Harry: I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy! He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic!

  • Malfoy: [after Moody humilates him by turning him into a ferret and bouncing him up and down] My father will hear about this!

    Professor Moody: Is that a threat?

    [He steps forward, and Malfoy runs around the tree, Moody following]

    Professor Moody: Is that a threat? Is that a threat?

    [Malfoy flees]

    Professor McGonagall: Professor Moody! Professor!

    Professor Moody: [yelling after him ] I could tell you stories about your father that would curl even your greasy hair, boy!

    Professor McGonagall: Alastor!

    Professor Moody: It doesn't end here!

    Professor McGonagall: Alastor, we never use transfiguration as a punishment. Surely Dumbledore told you that?

    Professor Moody: He might have mentioned it.

    Professor McGonagall: Well then. Do well to remember it!

    [She stalks off, and Moody makes a face at her retreating back]

  • Malfoy: Ah, come to see the show?

    Hermione: [shouts] You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!

    [Hermione raises her wand at Malfoy. He backs against the wall, whimpering]

    Ron: Hermione, no! He's not worth it.

    [Hermione lowers her wand and turns away. Malfoy starts laughing, she spins around and socks him in the nose]

    Vincent Crabbe: Malfoy! Are you okay? Come on, let's go!

    Malfoy: [running away] Quick! Not a word to anyone! Understood?

    Hermione: That felt good.

    Ron: Not good, brilliant!

  • Professor Lupin: Now repeat after me - without wands please - repeat after me, Riddikulus.

    Class: Riddikulus!

    Professor Lupin: Very good. A little louder please, and very clearly. Rid-di-kulus.

    Class: Riddikulus!

    Malfoy: [under his breath] This class is ridiculous.

  • Pansy Parkinson: [looking at Malfoy's arm in a sling] Does it hurt terribly, Draco?

    Malfoy: It comes and it goes. Still, I consider myself luckily. If it wasn't for Madame Pomfrey, another minute or two and I could have lost my arm; couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks.

  • [after being "attacked" by Buckbeak the hippogriff]

    Malfoy: You're going to regret this.

    Hagrid: Class dismissed.

    Malfoy: You and your bloody chicken.

  • Malfoy: [outside the shrieking shack to Ron and Hermione] Well, well. Look who's here - you two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn't it, Weasel-Bee? Don't your family all sleep in... one room?

  • Malfoy: Potter! Is it true you fainted? I mean, you actually fainted?

    Ron: Shove off, Malfoy.

    Harry: How did he find out?

    Hermione: Just forget it.

  • Vincent Crabbe: [as Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrive] Look who's here.

    Malfoy: Ah, come to see the show?

    Hermione: You! You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!

    Ron: [Hermione points wand at Malfoy, who staggers backwards into tree, wincing] Hermione, no! He's not worth it!

    [Malfoy whimpers]

    Vincent Crabbe: [Hermione lowers wand, while Malfoy laughs, making Hermione punch him in the face] Malfoy! Are you okay? Let's go!

    [Malfoy, Goyle, and Crabbe run away]

    Vincent Crabbe: Quick!

    Malfoy: Run!

    [he, Goyle, and Crabbe mutter various things while running away]

    Hermione: That felt good.

    Ron: Not good, brilliant!

    [looks at Harry]

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