Major Heyward Quotes in The Last of the Mohicans (1936)


Major Heyward Quotes:

  • Major Heyward: You see, a British officer never gives in without a struggle.

    Alice: Spoken like a true Britain, sir!

    Major Heyward: And Miss Munro, you may consider yourself in a permanent state of siege.

    Alice: I shall welcome it.

  • Major Heyward: If you don't mind sir, I'd like to accompany the young ladies.

    Colonel Munro: Well, that's one way to enjoy a war.

  • Major Heyward: Injuns!

    Magua: My people.

    Major Heyward: Oh? Well, what do they want?

    Magua: Want pale-faced squaws.

  • Magua: Magua great warrior. Big White Chief Munro whip Magua like dog.

    Major Heyward: And you deserved it!

    Magua: Now Magua wipe out scars. Pale-faced squaws live. You die.

  • Major Heyward: I wonder if he can be trusted?

    Alice: What makes you think he can't?

    Major Heyward: Well, after all, he's little more than a white savage himself.

    Alice: Oh, Duncan, don't be such a bear.

  • Major Heyward: Fool! Separating our parties like this.

    Chingachgook: Two party alive. Good. One party dead. No good.

  • Major Heyward: What on earth are you doing?

    Chingachgook: Listen to beaver. Downstream. Indian sentry. When canoe come, beaver flap tail.

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Characters on The Last of the Mohicans (1936)