Magda Quotes in Octopussy (1983)


Magda Quotes:

  • James Bond: [looking at the tattoo on Magda's back] Forgive my curiosity, but, what is that?

    Magda: That's my little octopussy.

  • Magda: I guess this is good night.

    James Bond: I could come in for a nightcap.

    [Gobinda puts a hand in front of Magda's door]

    James Bond: Some other time perhaps.

    James Bond: [Gobinda walks Bond back to his room] I don't suppose you'd care for a nightcap?

  • Magda: [In bed] I need refilling.

    James Bond: Hmm? Of course you do.

    [Grabs for a champagne bottle]

  • James Bond: May I join you? Sotheby's. Half a million pounds.

    Magda: The man at the auction.

    James Bond: Precisely.

    Magda: You have a very good memory for faces.

    James Bond: And figures.

  • James Bond: Let's put it this way, up to now you are the least lethal and, by far, the prettiest of Kamal's friends that I've come across.

    Magda: Thank you.

    James Bond: So, does he have a proposition for me or - do you?

    Magda: He suggests trade. The egg - for you life.

    James Bond: Well, I heard the price of eggs was going up, but, isn't that a little high?

  • Magda: It's for my scrapbook. I collect - memories.

    James Bond: Well, let's get on with - making a few.

  • Kamal Khan: Good evening, Mr. Bond.

    James Bond: Good evening.

    Kamal Khan: Well rested? I believe you and Miss Magda have - met?

    James Bond: It was a pleasure.

    Magda: You're too kind.

  • [last lines]

    Magda: What are you doing?

    Magda's boyfriend: That's my girl he's kissing.

    Magda: But you just slept with me.

    Magda's boyfriend: I was only boning you to get to Mary.

  • Magda: The last time I had a pap smear, the guy needed leather gloves and an oyster shucker.

  • Dani: What's wrong? Are you sick?

    Magda: I've got breast cancer.

  • Olga: Tonight you will be blinded by passion.

    Magda: Oooh! I bet it was that laxative you took earlier.

  • Magda: Have you ever tasted living? This is not living! This is not life!

  • Magda: You like it here?

    Miranda Wells: [defensive] Of *course* I do!

    Magda: Of course you do. You like being waited on - I could see tonight it was your first time. You like peaches out of season. You like the feel of silk sheets against your young body... And one day you'll wish with all your heart you'd never come to Dragonwyck!

  • Magda: [to Miranda] You mustn't take me seriously, Miss. No one ever does.

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