Lynch Quotes in The A-Team (2010)


Lynch Quotes:

  • Lynch: [Walking through security] Yes we have weapons, no you may not wand us.

  • Lynch: I want her phones, her computers, any support packages she operates, I want to know everything! I want active intercept taps on everything she's got, I want every move monitored from this moment forwards...

    Agent Blair: You realize she's D.O.D ?

    Lynch: I don't care if she's G.O.D. ! Do it !

  • Lynch: So Morrison's dead, Smith and his team are dead. Another fifteen minutes or so we'll locate those engraving plates.

    Pike: This is you gloating?

    Lynch: No, this is me beating you. After you burned me. We had a deal, remember?

    Pike: Not you and me.

    Lynch: You, me and Morrison.

    Pike: Not you and me directly.

    Lynch: And you two colluded and cut me out?

    Pike: [Kyle, Lynch's agent, is preparing to shoot Pike] Hey, what are you doing?

    Lynch: Are we going to do this in the car? He's going to do it?

    Pike: [Kyle drops the silencer] Way to go, that's brilliant right there.

    Pike: What are you doing? What is he doing? Jesus.

    Lynch: How's it going Kyle, are you all right?

    Agent Kyle: I'm good.

    Pike: Brother, you are far from good. What are you doing?

    [Kyle fumbling with the silencer]

    Pike: It's a suppressor, counter clockwise. You're holding a gun like that? You've held a gun like that before and you're still here? That's amazing. Jesus, hey, final request - don't let this guy shoot me please.

    Lynch: Okay, this was not well thought out.

    Pike: No shit? I mean I gotta teach you how to kill me, hey, do me a favor, all right? Put the barrel, put the gun flush to my head.

    Agent Kyle: You sure?

    Lynch: Is that going to go right through?

    Pike: Before you hurt somebody besides me.

    [Overpowers Kyle]

    Pike: We're okay. Never cuff a man in a seated position with his hands behind his back, makes it impossible to see the hands.

    Lynch: That was cool.

    Pike: You liked that?

    Lynch: Oh I liked that, I liked that a lot.

    [to Kyle]

    Lynch: Are you all right, you idiot?

    Agent Kyle: Yeah it was a good hit.

    Lynch: Please handcuff him.

    Pike: We don't need to use them again, we don't need the cuffs. Hey, I didn't burn you, Morrison did.

  • Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: What can I do for you, Mr. Lynch?

    Lynch: I need you to help me stop Saddam's former flunkies from stealing over a billion dollars in the next thirty hours. The only mint outside the U.S. capable of printing our money belonged to the Shah of Iran; during the Iraq-Iran war it went missing. Rumor was that Saddam'd stolen it.

    Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: And we got it back in Desert Storm.

    Lynch: Well, we didn't get the engraving plates.

    Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: It didn't matter. They would have had to rebuild the mint just to print those bills.

    Lynch: Well, sir, it's happening as we speak. Fadday's thugs have seized what's left of the Iraqi national mint to run off millions of dollars of unbacked American currency.

    Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: How are they planning to move the plates and a billion dollars out of Baghdad?

    Lynch: Armoured convoy. Men with former Iraqi backups. You know, high-speed shoot-to-kill types. So how do you plan on stopping them?

  • Capt. Charisa Sosa: [Lynch taking Pike out of her custody] Sorry, Pike. At least with me there are rules.

    Lynch: CIAs got rules. Our rules are just cooler than yours.

  • Lynch: Wow, that's awesome! That looks exactly like Call Of Duty, doesn't it?

  • Lynch: Colonel, my name is Lynch. I'm with Central Intelligence.

    Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: I knew a company man named Lynch back in the first Desert Storm.

    Lynch: Yeah, I come from a long line of Lynches.

    Col. John 'Hannibal' Smith: You ever stop to consider maybe the reason nobody trusts the CIA is because nobody knows your real names?

  • Lynch: There's no such thing as fair in a fight to the death!

  • Lord Durant: A gentleman knows when to use his sword and when to lay it down. Have you forgotten, Lynch, that was what you once were?

    Lynch: I'm not a gentleman; I'm an Irishman!

  • Lord Durant: You're a fool, Captain Lynch!

    Lynch: No, m'lord, I'm not a fool... I'm an Irishman!

  • Lynch: Here you are, my lord

    [handing over a cutlass]

    Lynch: . The blade, you know, is very sharp.

    Lord Durant: Unlike your wit.

  • Lynch: [talking to Jane in his rowboat after she hs dived in the sea for a nude swim] What do you want? Well, girl, it's a lot easier to get off a ship with no clothes on than to get back onto a ship with no clothes on.

  • Jane Barnet: [turning around to see the Captain] How long have you been sitting there?

    Lynch: A very long time.

    Jane Barnet: [laughs softly] You move quietly.

    Lynch: Yes, girl, I do.

    Jane Barnet: It's natural among thieves.

    Lynch: Beg your pardon, Ma'am. I'm not a thief. I'm a pirate and good to be called one.

    Jane Barnet: Will you give me back what you stole from my family?

    Lynch: No.

    Jane Barnet: Then, sir, you are a thief!

    Lynch: [after a pause] As you please.

  • Lynch: Never fight fair when you're fighting for your life, girl!

  • Lynch: That's an idea. I gotta go.

    [lifting from bed at the prostitute]

    S & M Prostitute: You are going nowhere.

    Lynch: Take 'em off.

    [showing his handcuffed hand]

    S & M Prostitute: They stay where they are.

    Lynch: We're finished.

    S & M Prostitute: Oh I haven't even started.

    [holding up some vibrating thing]

  • [at a phonebooth, Lynch in it phoning with a mobile phone]

    Phonebooth Guy: [banging on the phonebooth door] I wanna use the phone.

    Lynch: [opening the door] You want a phone?

    Phonebooth Guy: Yes.

    Lynch: [pushing the whole phone off the wall and throwing it to the guy, shouting] There is your fucking phone!

  • Lynch: Who makes windows that don't fucking open?

  • Lynch: What is this? James fucking Bond?

  • [Bud just got a promotion]

    Lynch: The minute I laid eyes on you, I knew you had what it took.

  • [Bud just got arrested]

    Lynch: The minute I laid eyes on you, I knew you were no good.

  • [Lynch is firing Dan]

    Dan: We go way back, Harry. You know, I-I've put a lot of money into this firm over the years, and I've brought in a lot of businesses.

    Lynch: You've taken enough out, too. You know that. You should have something put aside, for chrissake.

    Dan: Well, I don't. With the divorces and everything, I haven't had a chance. And the kids...

    Lynch: The bridges are burned.

    [Bud walks by Lynch's office]

    Dan: When you fire me, I'm finished, Harry, finished on the street.

    Lynch: How do think I feel about this?

    Dan: How do you think I feel? I've got a lot of responsibilities.

    Bud Fox: [to Marv] What's goin' on?

    Marv: Lynch is giving him the boot. He's not pulling his quota. We're all just one trade away from humility, Bud.

  • [Bud arrives at his to see Lynch, agents from the SEC and USPS, an lawyer from the U.S. Attorney's Office, and and an NYPD uniformed officer ready to arrest him]

    Bud Fox: [shocked] I guess you're not here to open an I.R.A.

    Postal Inspector: Mr. Fox, I'm Henry Patterson with the Postal Inspection Service. This is Mr. Ebanhopper from the U.S. Attorney's Office, Evan Morrissey from the Securities and Exchange Enforcement Office.

    SEC Man: You're under arrest, Mr. Fox, for conspiracy to commit Securities fraud and for violating the Insider Trader's Sanction Act.

    Lynch: [furious] The minute I've laid eyes on you, I knew you were no good.

    U.S. Attorney: [as the cop places the handcuffs on Bud, he is read the Miranda warning] You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Do you understand? Anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during any questioning now or in the future.

    [Bud, now fired and disgraced from Jackson-Steinem, is led away from the office in tears amongst onlookers]

    Bud Fox: [sobs to Carolyn] So long, Carolyn.

  • US Soldier: I was supposed to be over here killing Spaniards.

    Lynch: Kill some in your dreams.

  • [last lines]

    Lynch: [to young rebel pretending to be a villager] This is your lucky day, Amigo.

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