Lucille Larusso Quotes in The Karate Kid (1984)


Lucille Larusso Quotes:

  • Daniel: [throwing his bicycle into a dumpster after being beaten up] This damn bike! I hate this bike. I hate this frickin' bike! Stupid bike.

    Lucille Larusso: Daniel! What's the matter? Why did you throw your bike away?

    Daniel: Because I felt like it.

    Lucille Larusso: Please look at me when I'm talking to you.

    [sees Daniel's bruised face]

    Lucille Larusso: Oh my god!

    Daniel: Mom.

    Lucille Larusso: Can you tell me what's going on and don't tell me about another bike accident?

    Daniel: What do you want to hear mom?

    Lucille Larusso: I want to hear the truth!

    Daniel: No you don't want to hear the truth. All you want to hear about is how great it is. Well it may be great for you but it SUCKS for me! I hate this place! I HATE IT! I just want to go home. Why can't we just go home?

    Lucille Larusso: Listen to me. I cannot help you unless you talk to me

    Daniel: I gotta take karate. That's it.

    Lucille Larusso: You took karate!

    Daniel: No, not at the Y. At a good school.

    Lucille Larusso: But fighting doesn't solve anything Daniel.

    Daniel: Yeah well neither does palm trees mom.

    Lucille Larusso: That's not fair!

    Daniel: Like it was fair coming over here without asking me how I felt about it. Right, that was real fair.

    Lucille Larusso: You're right. I should've asked.

    Daniel: Well I just want to go home. That's it. I don't understand the rules here and I just want to go home.

    Lucille Larusso: Let's clean you up and maybe we can figure the rules out together. What about your bike?

    Daniel: It's safer taking a bus.

  • Lucille Larusso: [singing] California, here we come. California... oh, what's the matter, Daniel? Don't you like my singing?

    Daniel: I don't like the song, Ma.

  • [they arrive at their new home]

    Lucille Larusso: This is it. This is the end of the line.

    Daniel: You're telling me.

  • Lucille Larusso: Look at those palm trees. Damn! You know what that means?

    Daniel: Yeah. Watch out for falling coconuts.

  • Lucille Larusso: [DELETED SCENE: At their apartment, Daniel's mom is reading the fine print on the All-Valley Tournament application] ... This says I won't hold anybody responsible if you're injured. Are you NUTS?

    Daniel: Mom, I've gotta do this.

    Lucille Larusso: Do WHAT? Get KILLED?

    Daniel: Nobody gets hurt, Ma.

    Lucille Larusso: Then why do I have to sign anything?

    [She crumples the application and throws it away]

    Lucille Larusso: Good night, Daniel.

    [after she retires, Daniel rescues the application and un-crumples it. Then he signs his mother's name to it]

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