Lucifer Quotes in The Prophecy (1995)


Lucifer Quotes:

  • Lucifer: Little Tommy Daggett. How I loved listening to your sweet prayers every night. And then you'd jump in your bed, so afraid I was under there. And I was!

  • Lucifer: Do you know what Hell really is, Thomas? It's not lakes of burning oil or chains of ice. It's being removed from God's sight, having His Word taken from you. It's hard to believe. so hard. I know that better than anyone.

  • Lucifer: I can lay you out and fill your mouth with your mother's feces, or we can talk.

  • Lucifer: Other angels have made this war because they hate you, you and all humans. God has put you in his grace and pushed them aside. They're desperate. They've never been able to conquer the other loyal angels, and so this war has remained in stalemate for thousands of years. And while this state of affairs endures no soul can meet its god. Your parents, and their parents, and so on from the beginning lie still in wormy earth. Of course, some of them do come to me eventually, for while heaven may be closed I am always open, even on Christmas.

  • Lucifer: Humans... and how I love you talking monkeys for this... know more about war and treachery of the spirit than any angel.

  • Lucifer: You see, I'm not here to help you little bitch because I love you or because I care for you, but because two hells is one hell too many, and I can't have that.

  • [Thomas has refused Lucifer's offer to "come home" with him]

    Thomas Daggett: I have my soul. I have my faith. What do you have, angel?

    Lucifer: Leave the light on, Thomas.

  • Lucifer: I was the first angel, loved once above all others...


    Lucifer: But like all true love... one day it withered on the vine...

  • Lucifer: [shrill whisper] I love you! I love you more than Jesus!

  • Lucifer: Think, Thomas, think. What is the one thing essential to an angel... the thing that holds his entire being together?

    Thomas Daggett: Faith, faith, faith.

    Lucifer: And what would happen if that faith was tested and an angel, just like you didn't understand? Use that. Use it!

  • Gabriel: This war is mine!

    Lucifer: Your war is arrogance. That makes it evil. That's mine.

    Gabriel: Lucifer. Sitting in your basement. Sulking over your break up with the boss. You're nothing.

    Lucifer: Time to come home, Gabriel.

  • Lucifer: God? God is love. I don't love you.

  • Lucifer: You know what Hell really is Thomas? It's not lakes of burning oil or chains of ice. It's being removed from God's sight. It's hard to believe... so hard.

  • Jesus: Father. Father. Father. Let there... let there be some other way. Let there be... let there be some other way.

    [a cup of thorns appears]

    Jesus: No! Take this cup away! Take it away! Take it away! Father! Father, dear father, listen to me, listen. If there is another way, another way, a way out!

    Lucifer: Go! Run, there's still time. Run, run for it! Come on, run.

    Jesus: No. No! Not my will! It's not my will it's your will, your will father, your will be done! Father... your will be done.

  • Pharisee: He saved others, why can't he save himself?

    Ben Azra: [amused] If he's the Messiah, let him come down now.

    Lucifer: [hissing] Come down now, leap off! Prove your power, if you *are* the Son of God, *if*.

  • Lucifer: [showing Jesus a vast army of people worshipping him] I will give this authority and power and glory to you. Bow down before me, and it will all be yours.

    Jesus: No. It is written... in the Scriptures... you shall worship the Lord your God, and no one else shall you serve! No one!

  • Lucifer: [said by Rodney Dangerfield] Even in hell I get no respect.

  • Lucifer: The last time I saw a pair of jugs that big, two hillbillies were blowing on them.

  • Lucifer: The last time you said everything was alright, the Renaissance happened.

  • Lucifer: Eat my box, rover.

    Dark: Clean the maggots out of it first, you stinky oyster.

  • Lucifer: If you pop a zit on your forehead you can get blood poisoning and die, you know.

    Dark: Lucifer, you are so dumb you should donate your brain to a monkey science fair.

  • Lucifer: I gotta burn off these calories fast, before I blow up. Let's go rollerblading or something. You wanna come along, Dark?

    Dark: I'd rather have my ball hairs burned off with an acetylene torch!

    Lucifer: Well, that can be arranged.

  • Lucifer: You shall be punished, and instead of red-hot coals, you will eat chocolate ice cream.

    Precio: No! No, Lucifer, King of all Evil Spirits! Not that! By the horns of everything satanic, I beg you! To live I must have heat. Frozen meals are bad for me, especially chocolate! It's very bad for my digestion, which is so delicate.

  • Lucifer: I begin to see your plan. By creating a reign of terror, you can force the city to accept any demands you make!

  • Lucifer: This Dick Tracy is a dangerous adversary.

    The Ghost: He's clever, I'll grant him that. But he can't fight an invisible man!

  • Lucifer: I'm not in the business of murdering innocent children. That's God's jurisdiction.

  • John: What is this place? Who are you?

    Lucifer: My dear, petty man. I've been called many things: the chaos in the story, the anarchy in your thoughts, but for you, John, I am the excuse you give when you cannot follow the rules.

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