Lt. Crystal Quotes in Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951)


Lt. Crystal Quotes:

  • Capt. Horatio Hornblower, R.N: Gentlemen, we will raise our objective within two days. It will be identified by a fortress on a hill overlooking a large bay.

    [Hornblower leaves the quarterdeck]

    Lt. Crystal: A fortress... and a wind before morning. Huh! Heat's gone to his head.

    Lt. William Bush: Well, I think he knows more than he's saying.

    Lt. Crystal: Perhaps you'd care to take a wager on it, Mr. Bush?

    Lt. William Bush: How much can you afford?

    Lt. Crystal: Five shillings that says no wind and ten shillings that we don't sight any fortress.

    Lt. William Bush: Done!

  • Lt. Crystal: Signal from the lookout, sir. Natividad's gone about - one more tack and she'll be at the harbor mouth.

    Capt. Horatio Hornblower, R.N: Very good, Mr. Crystal. Well, gentlemen, that leaves time for a rubber of whist.

  • [Hornblower informs his officers of the approach of a Spanish ship-of-the-line]

    2nd Lt. Gerard: A sixty gunner! What do you suppose he's up to?

    Lt. Crystal: We don't clear the bay, I'll wager we're all dead before morning.

    Lt. William Bush: How much can you afford this time?

    Lt. Crystal: Twenty shillings.

    Lt. William Bush: Done! Where shall I send the money if you win?

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