Love-a-Lot-Bear Quotes in The Care Bears Movie (1985)


Love-a-Lot-Bear Quotes:

  • Funshine Bear: Tenderheart! Tenderheart! The caring meter dropped two whole points!

    [everyone gasps]

    Love-a-Lot-Bear: A lot of people must have suddenly just stopped caring.

    Kim: What could have caused that?

    Tender Heart Bear: The same thing that caused the cloud quake. A boy named Nicholas is being taken over by an evil spirit.

    Jason: An evil spirit?

    Kim: So, what happens when the caring meter drops to zero?

    Love-a-Lot-Bear: No one in the world will care anymore.

    [Secret Bear whispers to Kim]

    Kim: And the end of Care-A-Lot?

    Tender Heart Bear: I think that's exactly what the spirit has in mind!

  • Friend Bear: Swift Heart, are you alright?

    Swift Heart Rabbit: You bet, Friend Bear! It takes more than that to slow me down!

    Love-a-Lot-Bear: Where are Kim and Jason?

    Gentle Heart Lamb: Maybe they're hiding and are afraid to show themselves.

    Tender Heart Bear: Okay, Brave Heart, you round up your friends and try to find Kim and Jason. Care Bears, follow me.

    Cozy Heart Penguin: What are you going to do, Tender Heart?

    Tender Heart Bear: We have to try and get through to Nicholas.

    Share Bear: And make him believe that we really do care about him.

    Love-a-Lot-Bear: And that he really cares about everyone else.

    Cozy Heart Penguin: With a Care Bear stare?

    Share Bear: That's right, Cozy Heart.

    Gentle Heart Lamb: I wish there was some way we could express our feelings like that.

    Friend Bear: There's always a way around others to share your feelings, Gentle Heart. Always.

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