Link Quotes in The Matrix Reloaded (2003)


Link Quotes:

  • Neo: Trinity, I know you can hear me. I'm not letting go. I can't. I love you too damn much.

    Link: [Shocked with astonishment after Neo brought Trinity back to life] I can't take this.

  • Link: Trinity, we're talking less then 5 minutes here.

    Trinity: In five minutes, I'll tear that whole goddamn building down.

  • Trinity: Is Neo okay?

    Link: Okay? Shit, Morpheus, you should have seen him.

    Morpheus: Where is he now?

    [Link checks a computer]

    Link: He's doin' his Superman thing.

  • Morpheus: Link?

    Link: Yessir?

    Morpheus: Given your situation, I can't say I fully understand your reasons for volunteering to operate on my ship. However, if you wish to continue to do so, I must ask you to do one thing.

    Link: What's that, sir?

    Morpheus: ...To trust me.

    Link: Yessir. I will, sir.

    [Morpheus looks at him for a moment]

    Link: I mean, I do, sir.

  • Neo: Link, where am I?

    Link: You're not gonna believe this, but you're in the mountains.

    [Neo looks around. He is surrounded by grassy hills and snow-topped peaks]

    Neo: [Sarcastically] Really?

  • [last lines]

    Roland: Once the machines were done with us, they started digging again. We made a quick pass to look for survivors.

    Link: You found one.

    Roland: Only one.

  • Zee: I lost two brothers to that ship, Link. Afraid of it. Afraid it's gonna take you too.

    Link: It won't.

    Zee: How can you say that to me?

    Link: Because of Morpheus, because of what he's told me. He said that this is it. That it will be over soon.

    Zee: Link, Morpheus is crazy.

    Link: No doubt, but Tank and Dozer believed him, and I'll tell you what - soon after being on that ship and seeing Neo do the things he can do, I gotta say - I'm starting to believe him too.

    [he embraces Zee]

    Zee: Be careful, Link.

    [hugs him back as he kisses her cheek]

    Zee: Please be careful.

  • Link: Where's my puss... Hey.

    Link's NieceLink's Nephew: Uncle Link.

  • Morpheus: Smith?

    [Neo nods his head, winded]

    Morpheus: Now there's more than one of him?

    Neo: A lot more.

    Link: But how? How can that be possible?

    Neo: I don't know. Somehow he's found a way to copy himself.

    Morpheus: Was that what he was doing to you?

    Neo: I don't know what he was doing. But I remember what it felt like.

    Trinity: What?

    Neo: It felt like I was back in that hallway... it felt like dying.

  • Zion Virtual Control Operator: Door's open, bed's made. Welcome home.

    Link: No place like it.

  • Link: All I know is that ship needs an operator. And right now that operator's me.

  • Link: That's the closest I can get you, you better grow some wings.

  • Link: Goddamn, it's good to be home again.

  • Link: Operator.

    Niobe: Link, it's Niobe. We've been sent to bring you in. I need to talk to Morpheus.

    Link: Believe me, Niobe, he needs you.

    Niobe: Where is he?

    Link: Just follow the sirens.

  • Link: We got a serious situation, sir.

    Morpheus: [Morpheous sees that Tinity is jacked in] Oh, no!

  • Link: Here they come. Let's go, Morpheous.

    Neo: We won't make it.

    Trinity: We have to try. Come on!

    Neo: Something's different. I can feel them.

    Trinity: [Neo raised his right arm, stopped five charging sentinels and passed out] Neo!

  • [about the good luck charm]

    Zee: You wore it.

    Link: Are you kidding? I'll never take it off.

  • Kirby: You know the difference between fitting and proper?

    Link: Well, I'm not a trailer park poet like you, Kirby. You're gonna have to tell me.

    Kirby: Well, it goes like this. I could shove my thumb up your ass right now and it would probably fit...

    Link: Mmm-hmm.

    Kirby: ...but it wouldn't be proper!

  • Link: No, no, there's no winning or losing.

    Link: You either want to wake up in the morning or you don't.

    Link: And if you can't find a way to live with yourself well then, why run? why come to me? why do any of this?

    Lydia: I don't wanna die.

    Link: What was that?

    Lydia: I don't wanna die.

    Link: That's right.

    Link: You don't wanna die.

    Link: Because you're a 17 year old kid and you've got a lot to live for.

    Link: You may not want to wake up tomorrow but the day after that, might just be great.

    Link: Might be the best fucking day of your life.

    Link: You know?

    Link: You don't want to miss it right?

  • Preacher: What'cha you doin'? Stealing from me, Link?

    Link: Stealing? You stole every goddamn thing I ever had. Now look at you. You're so fucking broke and pathetic, I can't even kill you for it. You even stole that from me!

  • Lydia: You ever think about... what the world would be like without you? If I just went ahead and killed myself this would all be over.

    Link: Oh, so that's where we're at, giving up. Fine. You kill yourself then I'll kill myself and I'll take some innocent people with me. How'd that be?

    Lydia: You think I'm kidding, Dad, but I've tried.

    Link: Yeah, so have I, plenty of times. Where's that got us?

    Lydia: I took all of my stepdad's pills when I was twelve.

    Link: Girls take pills when they want somebody to find them.

    Lydia: I tried to hang myself when I was ten years old.

    Link: Well, that didn't work very well.

    Lydia: You understand what I'm trying to tell you?

    Link: Yeah, sure. Congratulations.

    Lydia: I was ten years old.

    Link: I knew a ten-year-old kid, killed his whole family with a rock.

    Lydia: What the fuck does that mean? Why don't you ever listen to me?

    Link: I'm listening, okay.

    Link: [Points to the top of his head] Look. Feel this, right up here.

    Lydia: No.

    Link: Yes, come on, it's important. Feel it, come on.

    Lydia: [Touches his head] Oh my god. What is that?

    Link: Yeah, drove my bike off a cliff on the PCH, split my head wide open. The point is I meant to do it, but they saved my ass anyway and there's a steel plate in my head. And look at this.

    Lydia: No. I don't want to. You're a fucking Cyborg.

    Link: I opened up my wrists in prison. Then I got sepsis, spent two months in the prison hospital watching game shows then I really wanted to kill myself.

    Lydia: Alright, you win.

    Link: No, there's no winning or losing. You either wanna wake up in the morning or you don't, and if you can't find a way to live with yourself, well then, why run? Why come to me, why do any of this?

    Lydia: I don't wanna die.

    Link: That's right, you don't wanna die. Cause you're a seventeen-year-old kid and you got a lot to live for. Okay? You may not wanna wake up tomorrow, but the day after that might just be great. Might be the best fucking day of your life. You know? You don't wanna miss it, right?

  • Preacher: [Points a gun at Link] I can't believe you'd have the nerve...

    [Link shoots Preacher in the chest and kills him]

    Link: Fucker.

  • Link: You may not wanna wake up tomorrow,

    Link: but the day after that might just be great.

    Link: Might be the best fucking day of your life, you know?

  • Lydia: I don't wanna say too much because you see my boyfriend wanted us to get married so I wouldn't be able to testify against him in court.

    Link: Pretty romantic.

  • Link: Keep talking, senile motherfucker!

    Preacher: Motherfucker?

    Link: Yeah!

    Preacher: I wouldn't be if you kept your mother home at night!

  • Link: You sure are a good girl. You sure are. You sure... are.

  • Link: How 'bout I shoot you right now?

    Preacher: With your daughter right outside?

    Link: Yeah, I might.

    Preacher: No, you won't. You can't. You're past that. I watched it, I saw it. You've changed.

  • Link: Where are you hiding the shit? Tell me right *fucking* now, this is not cute! I worked too hard and this place is clean, I'm not going down for a game of FUCKING HIDE AND SEEK!

  • Stoney: [a car horn is heard] Your parents!

    Dave: My parents!

    Link: AHH!

  • Link: Betty nugs.

  • Dave: Stop! Stop, where did you go? You just took off after school. Do you know how worried I've been?

    Stoney: God, Dave, you sound like my Mom.

    Dave: God, you can't do that to me.

    [looking more closely at Link]

    Dave: What's on his Nose?

    Stoney: Ya know what, Dave, just Chill, 'cause you know why? Link and I had a Stoney time at the Mountain.

    Dave: You took him to Mega Mountain? Are you crazy?

    Stoney: Yeah, 'cause they're ridin' The Vapor in reverse.

    Dave: They are?

    Stoney: Unh-huh!

    Dave: Oh, cool!

    Link: Check out Fresh Nugs, wheezin' the juice...

    StoneyLink: [howling together] Oooooooowwwwww! Bud-dy!

  • Link: Weeze the juice!

  • Link: [On keyboard] COOK PHONE.

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