Lilly Wust Quotes in Aimee & Jaguar (1999)


Lilly Wust Quotes:

  • Felice: I'm Jewish, Lilly.

    Lilly Wust: What are you?

    Felice: The worst was when my mother died. Since then I've never felt safe, only with you.

    Lilly Wust: How can you love me?

    Felice: I've tried not to.

    Lilly Wust: Felice... Don't leave me.

  • Lilly Wust: Felice, why do you mean so much to me?

  • Lilly Wust: Felice. Please, don't hurt me.

    Felice: I'd better go.

    Lilly Wust: I'd die if you did.

  • Lilly Wust: I don't know why Felice, but since you're here, everything makes sense.

    Felice: Don't say that too often, or I'll run away.

  • Lilly Wust: What do you want Felice?

    Felice: You. All of you. Everything! But I'd be satisfied with one single moment, so perfect, it would last a lifetime. For example, this one. This one here is great. I don't want forever. I want now. Now! Now! Now! I want loads of 'nows' and I want them til I turn old and grey. And besides, I want more cake.

  • Lilly Wust: [to the kids] That's enough! If I hear one more word from you, I'll send you to the maneaters


    Lilly Wust: ... in Bavaria!

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