Leslie Miller Quotes in Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)


Leslie Miller Quotes:

  • Leslie Miller: Oh yeah... really nervous... it's been about, 2 months. I haven't told my boyfriend yet. How did you know?


    Leslie Miller: OH! You mean about the pageant! Yeah!

  • Amber Atkins: [crying after her tap costume disappears] I just wanted to compete.

    Lisa Swenson: I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe she said...

    [thinks for a moment than takes her jacket off]

    Lisa Swenson: Amber, here, my jacket, take it, cos you know I know I got my costume OK'd a month ago before the pageant, you can wear it! Come on, put it on, here...

    Michelle Johnson: Oh wow... Lisa, I don't think you should do this.

    Leslie Miller: They're never gonna let you perform naked. I asked.

    Lisa Swenson: Shut up, you guys.

    Amber Atkins: No...

    Lisa Swenson: Amber, I'm not gonna to win. OK? And let's be honest our family only needs one Liza and and Peter's got much better legs than me

    Amber Atkins: Your parents'll kill ya.

    Lisa Swenson: Come on, I love 'em... And you know that they only had me cos Peter needed that kidney.

  • Leslie Miller: Hey! Hey! I got second runner up! I got second place!

    Pat: Third.

    Leslie Miller: Huh?

    Pat: Third.

    Leslie Miller: No, I got...

    [to the camera as she runs off following Pat]

    Leslie Miller: Bye!

  • Voice of Documentarian: So, just tell us your name, and why you're signing up for the pageant.

    Leslie Miller: Ok... Hi... I'm Leslie Miller... and I'm signing up 'cause... oh... I always watch the pageants on TV and my boyfriend thinks I'll win

    [cuts to Leslie and her boyfriend making out]

    Leslie Miller: Hi Pat. GO MUSKIES WOO!

  • Leslie Miller: [performing her cheer at the pageant] Roll him over! Lay him flat! Pin his shoulders to the mat! Goooo Muskies! Yeah!

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