Leopold Stokowski Quotes in Fantasia (1940)


Leopold Stokowski Quotes:

  • Mickey Mouse: [Pulling on Stokowski's coat] Mr. Stokowski! Mr. Stokowski!

    [Mickey whistles to get Stokowski's attention]

    Mickey Mouse: My congratulations, sir!

    Leopold Stokowski: [shaking hands with Mickey] Congratulations to you, Mickey!

    Mickey Mouse: Gee, thanks! Hehe! Well, so long! I'll be seeing ya!

    Leopold Stokowski: Goodbye!

  • Mickey Mouse: [Pulling on Stokowski's coat] Mr. Stokowski! Mr. Stokowski!

    [Mickey whistles to get Stokowski's attention]

    Mickey Mouse: Just wanna offer my congratulations, sir!

    Leopold Stokowski: [shaking hands with Mickey] Congratulations to you, Mickey!

    Mickey Mouse: Aww, gee, thanks! Hehe! Well, I gotta run now! So long!

  • Leopold Stokowski: [Patsy has come to apologize for telling a newspaper that Stokowski would be conducting her orchestra of jobless musicians] But why did you do it? You must have had a reason.

    Patricia "Patsy" Cardwell: Oh, yes! I had a hundred reasons! Would you like to hear them?

    Leopold Stokowski: I certainly would.

    Patricia "Patsy" Cardwell: [Goes to the door of his study and counts:] One! Two! Three! Four!

    [And Stokowski suddenly hears "Hungarian Rhapsody" as clear as a bell inside his own house! He and she go out onto his balcony overlooking the entryway. The 100 men are standing on the stairway, playing]

    Patricia "Patsy" Cardwell: Those are my reasons. I thought you'd like to hear them.

    [Stokowski listens until the piece is nearly over, and then starts conducting with his hands]

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