Leader-1 Quotes in GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords (1986)


Leader-1 Quotes:

  • Leader-1: Nuggit, you're worth your weight in gold.

  • Cy-Kill: I won't miss twice.

    [the scepter begins to take on a life of its own]

    Cy-Kill: What's happening?

    Slimestone: [as the Rocklord Warlords look on] It serves him right.

    Marbles: If he doesn't let go of the scepter soon its powers will start to overwhelm him.

    Cy-Kill: Help! It's melting in my hand.

    Crasher: Cy-Kill! What do we do?

    Talc: Let's get out of here.

    Fitor: I'm with you.

    Crasher: Oh okay.

    Cy-Kill: Help!

    Leader-1: [sighs] I know I'm going to regret this later.

    [Leader-1 shoots the scepter out of Cy-Kill's hand. The scepter then begins to fly over top of Stonehenge and then disappears leaving only Magmar's battle axe]

    Scooter: Leader-1?

    Cy-Kill: Wait for me you imbiciles!

  • Solitaire: Thank you for all of your help. Now that Magmar's been defeated he knows that we're a force to be reckoned with.

    Nuggit: Hey Scooter thanks for fixing my jetpacks for me.

    Scooter: Just remember practise makes perfect.

    Brimstone: Once we've defeated Magmar for good we can start to rebuild.

    Leader-1: Call us if you need any help.

    Solitaire: We will.

    Nick: [as Narliephant jumps up and sniffs Scooter] I think he wants you to stay Scoot.

    Scooter: Don't worry boy. I'll be back.

    Turbo: Time to go Scooter.

    [Everyone says their goodbyes]

  • Leader-1: Very good, Nuggit, you're a gem.

    Nuggit: Not technically. You see, gems are quite different.

    Turbo: This guy's as bad as Scooter.

  • Scooter: Scooter to Leader-1 do you read me?

    Leader-1: I read you Scooter. What's up?

    Scooter: The scanners picked up an unidentified flying object heading towards Gobotron.

    Leader-1: What kind of object Scooter?

    Scooter: Well, acording to the scanners it looks like a meteor and it seems to have it's own jet propulsion system.

    Heat Seeker: Look Scooter! It just changed course. It's heading right for the city.

    Zeemon: Put Gobotron on high alert Heat Seeker.

    Heat Seeker: You've got it Zeemon.

  • Turbo: [after Boulder defeated and rock dinosaur] You did it!

    Leader-1: That's some weapon you have Boulder. Why did you wait until now to use it?

    Boulder: Because as Magmar's power grows stronger the scepter's power grows weaker. I was saving its power for the right moment. I couldn't let my friends perish.

    [Marbles looks embarrassed]

Browse more character quotes from GoBots: Battle of the Rock Lords (1986)
