Kurt Muller Quotes in Hatari! (1962)


Kurt Muller Quotes:

  • Charles 'Chips' Maurey: [Observing Pockets being fawned over by Brandy] He fell off the fence.

    Kurt Muller: Yeah. You nearly lose a leg and I get a dislocated shoulder.

    Charles 'Chips' Maurey: And he gets the ice.

    Kurt Muller: C'mon I'll buy you a nice warm drink.

  • Sean Mercer: [Referring to the growing rivalry between Kurt and Chips over Brandy] So that's what's got you green around the gills this morning. The first sign of spring in the bush and the young bucks start butting heads.

    Kurt Muller: So what?

    Sean Mercer: So... I can't answer that. Just don't let it gum up the works around here.

    Kurt Muller: Oh, I won't. But I won't let the Frenchman have a free hand, either.

    Sean Mercer: Oh this is gonna be great! The Indian is knocked off, I've got a woman photographer on my hands,now you and the Frenchman break out in monkey bites and we're a month behind already!

    Kurt Muller: So?

    Sean Mercer: So don't let him have a free hand.

  • [first lines]

    Sean Mercer: [over two-way radio] Kurt, can you hear me?

    Kurt Muller: Go ahead, Sean.

    Sean Mercer: At about eleven o'clock... right in the middle of that herd of wildebeest - see him?

    Kurt Muller: Oh, that's a good one.

    Sean Mercer: Let's go; start out easy.

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