King Xerxes Quotes in One Night with the King (2006)


King Xerxes Quotes:

  • Hagai: [leading Esther to Xerxes chambers] You can let go of my arm now. He will be the fortunate one to choose you... He will be the one who congratulations are due...

    [she still won't let go]

    Hagai: Esther, my arm.

    Queen Esther: [in Xerxes's chambers, walking towards the stool]

    King Xerxes: [standing in the shadows] The scroll is on the stool. You may begin when ever you are ready.

    Queen Esther: [glances at the stool and back towards Xerxes]

    King Xerxes: [pacing around] Is there a problem?... Did they not tell you I weary at this procession of candidates? I simply wanted someone to...

    [stops and looks at Esther]

    King Xerxes: Wait. You were the one who read to me before. You tried to beguile me with love stories. Did you not think I had the sense to see through your little parable? The arrogance, you speak to me as I were this Rachel, in need of help to look after my father's sheep!

    Queen Esther: My lord, I meant no disrespect.

    King Xerxes: [walking towards her] And this is how you come to see me? Your only adornment before your one night with the king.

    Queen Esther: It is, your majesty.

    King Xerxes: You consider yourself of so little worth, that I could purchase your love so cheaply.

    Queen Esther: I was taught... that when you visit a King, rather than expect a gift, one should bring one to lay at his feet.

    [removes her necklace and offers it to him]

    Queen Esther: This is my most valuable possession in the world. It is my past, my present, and my future. And all of it is yours.

    King Xerxes: [takes her necklace and turns away] Some would call you foolish, indeed. As they would call your Jacob. Of all commodities, love is the easiest... and the most cheaply purchased.

    Queen Esther: [considerate] If it is for sale, my lord. It is not love.

    King Xerxes: Even you...

    [moving closer]

    King Xerxes: Even you must have a price.

    Queen Esther: I am neither a buyer nor a seller of love.

    King Xerxes: [earnestly] Suppose, my lady. A man offered you a more treasured gift. Say a kingdom.

    Queen Esther: [near tears] The only gift I would accept is your heart.

    King Xerxes: [taking her hands] Than it is yours. And you didn't have to serve 7 years to get it. Tell me, Esther of Susa. Who are you really? Tell me of your people. Teach me of your ways.

    Queen Esther: My father told me it takes the glory of God to conceal a matter. And it takes the honor of Kings to search it out.

    King Xerxes: Than marry me and we shall spend an eternity discovering this 'truth'... together.

  • King Xerxes: Of all commodities love is the most cheaply purchased

    Queen Esther: If it is for sale, my lord, it is not love.

  • King Xerxes: [impassioned, kissing Esther deeply] Know you how many times I tried to come for you after that first night... How many evenings I spent counting the stars to keep my mind off you... How many excuses I created just to avoid the other candidates

    [kissing her wholly]

  • King Xerxes: Suppose, my lady. A man offered you a kingdom.

    Queen Esther: [almost in tears] The only gift I would accept... is your heart.

  • Queen Esther: What made you come back?

    King Xerxes: I saw them, I saw the stars.

  • King Xerxes: Tell me of your people, teach me of your ways

    Queen Esther: My father told me, It takes the glory of God to conceal the matter and the honor of kings to search it out.

  • Prince Memucan: [playing an ancient, lifesize version of chess] Now let me see... you over there.

    Queen Esther: Why can not a truce be arranged?

    King Xerxes: Truce? That devil, Memucan has beat me twice in a row.

    Queen Esther: I fear losing you.

    King Xerxes: I gave an oath

    [rising to feet, with Esther]

    King Xerxes: to my father.

    Queen Esther: He's the one I fear losing you to. You must dream You'll be gone much in the coming months.

    King Xerxes: Keep this for me.

    [giving her the necklace]

    Queen Esther: But it is yours.

    King Xerxes: Than be at peace. I always return for what is mine.

    [before kissing her]

    Prince Memucan: Will thoust sit there all day, my lord!

    [gesturing for him to play]

  • King Xerxes: Then marry me... And we shall spend an eternity discovering this truth... together.

  • Queen Esther: Let my life be given me, at my petition and my people at my request

    King Xerxes: You demand me your life, and that of your people? My dear girl,I know not of your people, you have yet to tell me who they are.

    Queen Esther: Have we been nearly sold as slaves? I would have held my tounge, This... This Haman wanted our blood, my blood, the blood of Jacob, your Jacob. Your Jacob was given a new name, Israel. As do was I.

    King Xerxes: You... Esther, a Jew?

    Queen Esther: Not Esther, my lord, Hadassah Batabihan ,Daughter of the tribe of Benjamen, Child of the most high God.

    Haman, the Amelekite: Never have I heard I heard a more pathetic story in my entire life.

  • King Xerxes: [Xerxes is returning from the training camp, having been gone for quite some time] Have you had a busy morning?

    Queen Esther: Not as busy as it could get.

  • Hagai: [in Xerxers' chambers] Queen Vashti, your majesty.

    [steps aside, revealing the beautiful Queen]

    King Xerxes: Enter.

    [gathers his shirt and goes to her, kissing her hand]

    King Xerxes: The night's festivities hold not your interests?

    Queen Vashti: It is long since you summoned me here.

    [looking at his work table]

    Queen Vashti: Your hands have not been idle.

    King Xerxes: Not idle... not gifted either.

    Queen Vashti: You do know why the Princes have asked you to extend the feasting another night.

    King Xerxes: [turning to leave] Your to late if you seek me to deny them, especially now. With such clamering to march upon Greece and avenge my father's death.

    Queen Vashti: [stopping him, pleading] How long have dreamt of molding Persia into a pillar of learning and culture? Afraid to make even the greatness of Greece buy a shadow. You know as well as I that this not something that is won in battle, but in the hearts of men.

    King Xerxes: [unbelieving] You would have me do nothing then?

    Queen Vashti: You're no warrior, no soldier... I'd have you stay... enhance your kingdom, preserve your thrown.

    [hesitates and leaves]

  • King Xerxes: [at the training grounds, to Hagai] My captain!

    Hagai: Blame me not for this, my lord. But the princes' have ordered us to begin brining you candidates by the end of the week.

    King Xerxes: [quite amused] You jest. I am in the middle of...

    Prince Memucan: [cuts in with a smile] At least you'll get it over with. Besides these men might enjoy seeing some ladies around. No?

  • King Xerxes: [quite amused, watching Misgath attempt to mount her horse] By the looks of it, I must be allowing the candidates to keep their jewelry.

    Hagai: [cringing] Perhaps a horse ride is not the best idea, my lord.

  • King Xerxes: [as his subjects become louder requesting the Queen] Am I to be a mockery before my subjects?

    Prince Admantha: [interjecting] Or Greece as well.

    King Xerxes: [intent] Continue, cousin.

    Prince Admantha: Let not this deed of refusal travel abroad to all women, making their husbands contemptible in their eyes. Let it not be said that Xerxes commanded his wife to come before him, but she came not. Vashti is not only guilty of disobedience to the crown, but against the protocols of our fathers.

    King Xerxes: Tell me.

    [turning to Memucan]

    King Xerxes: What dictates the protocol?

    Prince Memucan: A royal edict must be issued and written into the laws of the land, that Vashti... that Vashti come no more before the King. That her royal position be given to a new Queen. Someone more 'worthy' then her.

    Hagai: [at attention] My lord. What answer do I send the Queen?

    King Xerxes: [as his guests become more protesting, standing] The land has no more Queen!

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