King George Quotes in Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)


King George Quotes:

  • Lord John Carteret: [sarcastically] You *are* Jack Sparrow?

    Jack Sparrow: There should be a "Captain" in there somewhere.

    [he grimaces]

    King George: I've heard of you... and you know who *I* am.

    Jack Sparrow: Face is familiar. Have I... threatened you before?

  • King George: [as Jack peruses the buffet between them] I have a report: the Spanish have located the Fountain of Youth. I will *not* have some melancholy Spanish monarch - a Catholic! - gain... enternal... life!

  • Coffy: Ah, yes, Mr. George, I presume.

    King George: You're the lady from Jamaica who called me.

    Coffy: That I am, mon, and I can see that you're not at all disappointed, of course. So I'll come straight to the point as I like to do.

    [Coffy snaps her fingers at the waiter]

    Coffy: Boss! Another drink for my friend here.

    [to King George]

    Coffy: I presume a champagne cocktail is sufficient? Good, mon.

  • [last lines]

    King George: You have been on a journey. Now we are heading home to my country. To our country.

    Lady Sarah Ashley: And I will hear you.

  • [first lines]

    Nullah: My grandfather, King George, he take'em me walkabout, teach me black fella way. Grandfather teach'em me most important lesson of all. Tell'em story. That day I down the billabong. King George, he teach me how to catch'em fish using magic song. See, I not black fella. I not white fella either. Them white fellas call me mixed-blood, half-caste, creamy. I belong to no one.

    King George: That day I see'em them white fellas. They were pushing them cheeky bulls across the river onto Carney land.

    Nullah: [quietly] Make yourself invisible.

    King George: King George angry at them white fellas. King George say them white fella bad spirit. Must be taken from this land.

Browse more character quotes from Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (2011)
