Kid Sheleen Quotes in Cat Ballou (1965)


Kid Sheleen Quotes:

  • Jackson Two-Bears: Kid, Kid, what a time to fall off the wagon. Look at your eyes.

    Kid Sheleen: What's wrong with my eyes?

    Jackson Two-Bears: Well they're red, bloodshot.

    Kid Sheleen: You ought to see 'em from my side.

  • Kid Sheleen: Guns, bottles, fists, knives, clubs - all the same to me. All the same to you?

  • Kid Sheleen: Let's have a drink for old times' sake.

    Butch Cassidy: Old times' sake? That means you got no cash.

  • Kid Sheleen: At first you don't think you can stand to get hit, then you realize you can take it 'cause the blood don't matter, and you know you're gonna live. It's a great gift I'm goin' to give you - to know it don't hurt to fight!

  • Kid Sheleen: Yeah, it's all over in Dodge. Tombstone, too; Cheyenne, Deadwood, all gone, all dead and gone. Why, the last time I came through Tombstone, the big excitement there was about the new rollerskate rink that they had laid out over the OK Corral. I'll tell you something else, I used to work for the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show and a Congress of Rough Riders. And I rescued many stagecoach passengers from road agents and drunkard injuns... in the nick of time! Twice a day, three times on Saturday.

  • Kid Sheleen: Cut your throat, Cassidy!

  • Kid Sheleen: [sniffs at the faint smell of liquor] I smell a water hole!

  • Kid Sheleen: [to Cat] Oh, it was just swell! Just the way I figured it'd be.

  • Kid Sheleen: [to Jackson] See ya later, son.

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