Kenny Fraiser Quotes in Nashville (1975)


Kenny Fraiser Quotes:

  • Opal: [In an automobile junkyard] I'm wandering in a graveyard. The dead here have no crosses, nor tombstones, nor wreaths to sing of their past glory, but lie in rotting, decaying, rusty heaps, their innards ripped out by greedy, vulturous hands. Their vast, vacant skeletons... sadly sighing to the sky. The rust on their bodies... is the color of dried blood. Dried blood. I'm reminded of... of an elephant's secret burial ground. Yes. Cette aire de mystère. Cette essence de I'irréel. These cars are trying to communicate. O cars, are you trying to tell me something? Are you trying to convey to me some secret...

    Kenny Fraiser: What... Excuse me?

    Opal: Oh, excuse me! I thought I was completely alone. How embarrassing. Oh, you're a musician!

  • Albuquerque: Well, I know it sounds arrogant, but I'm on my way to town, if I ever make it, to become a country-western singer or star.

    Kenny Fraiser: Yeah? What are you gonna do if you don't?

    Albuquerque: If I don't? I don't kn... Oh, I could always go into sales.

    Kenny Fraiser: Like ladies' clothes? Like what you're wearing?

    Albuquerque: No... I don't know. Well, I know all about trucks, so I'd go into trucking, I guess.

    Kenny Fraiser: You're kidding me.

    Albuquerque: No, I'm not kiddin' you. I'm in a truck enough. And I know how to fix motors and all that.

    Kenny Fraiser: Nobody'd buy trucks from a girl.

    Albuquerque: I been fixin' motors a long time. They'd buy 'em from me 'cause I know all about motors. Why do you say that? See, what's happenin' is, if I can't sell trucks and I can't go...

    Kenny Fraiser: Nobody'd buy a truck from a girl.

    Albuquerque: [Spots her husband's truck] I knew this was gonna happen. Don't say you saw me.

    [Runs off]

    Star: Hey, you haven't seen my wife, have ya? She's sort of ordinary-lookin'.

    Kenny Fraiser: Uh-uh. Are you going into town?

    Star: You're not one of them country singers, are ya?

    Kenny Fraiser: No. Can you give me a ride?

    Star: All right, get in. You look like a guy I was in the navy with. He wouldn't bathe, so we had to pee in his bed to get him discharged.

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