Karim Quotes in The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958)


Karim Quotes:

  • Sinbad: I have come to raise a crew for the hard and dangerous voyage to the land of Colossa.

    Karim: The land of the cyclops. We may be thieves and murderers, but we're not fools.

  • Karim: You hear the verdict. You die at dawn. And my wish for a night of pleasant dreams.

  • Karim: For you, will tie the knot myself, so you will strangle slowly.

  • Rob Cole: Up in time for class, Karim. What's wrong? Did your father realize there is more to studying than just buying books?

    Karim: One cannot be up in time for class if one never went to bed.

  • Rob Cole: You have all these virgins waiting for you. How many was it again?

    Karim: Some say 99, some say 20. What about yours?

    Rob Cole: None.

    Karim: None? Then what's the point in dying?

  • Karim: My father believed feelings and emotions were beneath a true ruler. When I was a child, to drive them from my heart, he would take me to witness executions. I watched condemned men beg for their lives. I watched the swarms of flies feasting on twitching corpses. But then, over time, I became used to the sight, the smell, and the screams. In time I felt nothing. My father had succeeded in turning death into a subject of objective study.

    Karim: And now I am the Shah, ruler of all we see. The king of feeling nothing.

  • Karim: What will you remember me as, Englishman? Friend or tyrant?

    Rob Cole: Both.

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