Kari Quotes in The Incredibles (2004)


Kari Quotes:

  • Elastigirl: [on Jack-Jack] All right, well, who'd you get?

    [scene switch to the Parr home]

    Kari: You don't have to worry about one single thing, Mrs. Parr. I've got this baby-sitting thing wired. I've taken courses and learned CPR, and I've got excellent marks and certificates I can produce on demand.

    Elastigirl: Kari?

    Kari: I also brought Mozart to play while he sleeps to make him smarter because leading experts say Mozart makes babies smarter.

    Elastigirl: Kari...

    Kari: ...And the beauty part is the babies don't even have to listen 'cause they're asleep! You know, I wish my parents played Mozart when I slept because half the time I don't even know what the heck anyone's talking about!

    Elastigirl: Kari, I really don't feel comfortable with this. I'll pay you for your trouble but I'd really rather call a service.

    Kari: Oh, there's really no need, Mrs. Parr. I can totally handle anything this baby can dish out.

    [to Jack-Jack]

    Kari: Can't I, little baby? Who can handle it? Who can handle it?

  • Kari: [on phone message] Hi, this is Kari, sorry for freakin' out but your baby has *special needs*.

  • Davis: Hey, I said only I can kiss Kari, she my girl!

    Kari: What do you mean, your girl?

  • Kari: My brother and I had a give-and-take relationship. I would give, and he would take.

  • Tai Kamiya: I wasn't going to send that letter!

    Kari: Then what did you write it for?

    Tai Kamiya: Ah, go to your party.

    Kari: Okay.

    Tai Kamiya: I can't believe Sora's gonna read my letter. Wait. Unable to deliver? I can't believe she's not going to read my letter! You try and tell a girl you're sorry and your computer shuts you down!

  • Kari: My name is Kari. KA-RI. And this is my brother. His name is Tai. TAI.

    Koromon: Hi, Karikari Taitai!

  • Lori: There's always a chance with tits like yours, Kari.

    Kari: Thanks.

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