Jug Quotes in Support Your Local Gunfighter (1971)


Jug Quotes:

  • Jug: You hit that fellow from behind?

    Latigo: Just as hard as I could!

  • Latigo: [Annoyed that Jug has just used up the 100 dollars he had given him earlier, including giving much of it to some woman] You gave her the money?

    Jug: Seemed like the thing to do...

    Latigo: But, you idiot! Don't you know that's the surest way to make an enemy out of a woman, givin' her money?

    Jug: [Confused] It is?

    Latigo: Oh, I learned that a long time ago.

  • Jug: You know, I may not have too much of a chance with Swifty Morgan. But suppose I down him?

    Latigo: Well, suppose you don't? And the odds are a thousand to one you won't. Well, you'll just end up an unknown character under a wooden cross on Boot Hill.

    Jug: Well, everybody winds up dead sooner or later.

    Latigo: Well, the smart ones try to postpone it as long as possible.

  • Taylor Barton: [Upon seeing Lat Smith and Jug] Young man, about that job I want you to do...

    Latigo: [Annoyed] I told you not to bother me, mister.

    Jug: [Eagerly] The man said something about a job!

    Latigo: I don't like work. It tires me out.

  • Jug: He called me "Swifty."

    Latigo: Yeah, that's short and friendly for Swifty Morgan. That's who they think you are. And they're willin' to PAY to back up that mistaken idea.

    Jug: [Shocked] I'm supposed to pretend I'm Swifty Morgan?... Good Bye!

    Latigo: They're willin' to pay!

    Jug: How much?

    Latigo: Thousand dollars. We'll split it fifty-fifty. That means FOUR HUNDRED for you.

    Jug: [Ponders for a second] Seems fair. But I think that...

    Latigo: No, no you don't. That's part of the deal. I do the thinkin'. You stand around and look tough.

  • Latigo: Like I said: a man should spread happiness as he walks through life.

    Jug: I think we've been spreadin' it a little thick.

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Characters on Support Your Local Gunfighter (1971)