John Wyatt Quotes in Judgment Night (1993)


John Wyatt Quotes:

  • John Wyatt: Hey fuck you, man! Let us get through!

  • Ray Cochran: Un-fucking-believable!

    John Wyatt: Ray, calm down.

    Ray Cochran: Calm down? This stuff's gonna cost me a fortune! I'm now the proud owner of this piece of shit!

  • John Wyatt: You know I hadn't noticed you were so fascinating before. Maybe it's the new gown.

    Dorothy Pierce: Maybe.

  • Roy Carlton: I almost forgot. We have to get a couple of nifties.

    John Wyatt: Fifties?

    Roy Carlton: No, no, no. Nifties. Sweet Mamas.

  • Roy Carlton: Is she a friend of yours?

    John Wyatt: No, but she will be in a moment.

  • John Wyatt: [addressing potential recruits] And the answer, men is: we must band together. You, Carter; you, Russell; and every man here that's suffered from the injustice of these gangs. And it's up to us to clean them out. Now my plan is this: every man here will ride a white horse, wear a black shirt and a white scarf. And this way we'll know each other in battle. I'm asking for single men only. Men who'll stick. Who'll join me here?

  • John Wyatt: Oh, Carter, have the boys mount up. We'll go into Red Bluff and spend the evening. Maybe some of the boys would like a little sarsaparilla.

    Carter - Singing Rider: Maybe they would. Me too. I'll tell 'em.

  • John Wyatt: Hey, stupid! Where do you think you're going? Get back there with the herd, you muttonhead!

    Mary Gordon: Just who do you think you're talking to? And who are you calling muttonhead?

    John Wyatt: Well, I... that is, I...

    Mary Gordon: And just what are you doing here, I may ask?

    John Wyatt: Well, I'm the new trail boss

    Mary Gordon: Well my name's Mary Gordon and my father owns this outfit. So from now on, it's 'Miss Gordon' to you, not 'muttonhead', you dumbbell!

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