Jim Bowie Quotes in The Iron Mistress (1952)


Jim Bowie Quotes:

  • Jim Bowie: Ma...I killed a man.

    Mrs. Bowie: Did he need killin'?

    Jim Bowie: About as much as any man ever did.

  • Jim Bowie: I'd hate to say anything good about that long-winded jackanapes, but he does know the short way to start a war.

  • Col. Davy Crockett: Travis says Fannin's coming.

    Jim Bowie: Travis says! I wouldn't take Travis' word that night's dark and day's light!

  • [the Alamo garrison is informed that no reinforcements are coming]

    Jim Bowie: Well, that's it. I'm taking my men out of here now. Cutting through to the north. You coming?

    Davy Crockett: Seems like the better part of valor.

  • Jim Bowie: You're a damn fool Travis.

  • Lt. Col. Travis: How do you feel, Jim?

    Jim Bowie: I'd feel a lot better if somebody moved me out on that wall. I'll never get any shootin' done in here.

    Lt. Col. Travis: Don't be too sure of that. There's a lot of 'em left out there. Some of them might even pay you a visit.

    Sam: Just bring 'em in! Me and Mr. Bowie all ready for 'em.

    Lt. Col. Travis: I don't think we won't have to bring 'em in, Sam. It looks as if they intend to come in on their own.

  • Christopher 'Kit' Carson: Isn't that what they call a Bowie knife?

    Jim Bowie: Yup.

    Christopher 'Kit' Carson: Where'd you get it?

    Jim Bowie: Well... I made it.

    Christopher 'Kit' Carson: Then you're Jim Bowie?

    Jim Bowie: I reckon.

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