Jet Quotes in Cowboy Bebop: The Movie (2001)


Jet Quotes:

  • Jet: Great, a wannabe preacher with a gun...

  • Jet: Spike, if that hostage had been shot, what would you have done then?

    Spike: If it happens, it happens...

    Jet: Really... As usual, for a 125,000-Woolong criminal, there were too many risks involved. Bounty hunting is harder than just that. Before I teamed up with you, I lead quite a normal life.

  • [Faye draws a picture of Vincent]

    Faye: There you go!

    [everyone looks at the drawing]

    Jet: That's really unique Faye! Is that a mugshot or your version of Picasso?

    Spike: [chuckles] Hey I'll make you a deal. If anyone can catch him with that drawing, I'll pay you the bounty myself Faye!

    Faye: Fine, I'll just go catch him myself. You two can stay here and make your funny little jokes.

    [sarcastic laugh]

    Jet: So ends another episode of "Wasting Time with Faye".

  • [Jet describes the Nano-Machines]

    Jet: The message mentions bone marrow so they must know about the Nano-Machines.

    Faye: And so?

    Jet: That's all I have.

    Faye: So ends yet another episode of 'Wasting Time with Jet'

  • May: [May has Jet arrested for trespassing in Uncle Tak's shop but gets him out on bail and tries to talk to him] Jet! I went through a lot of trouble to bail your out of there. Some thanks would be appreciated.

    Jet: So why you lock me up then?

    May: [dryly] Well look, you asked for it.

    Jet: [calmly] No.

    May: Look, it's my job to look after the shop, okay?

    Jet: [Jet's not listening to May, he's trying to concentrate on what happened to Master Tak] I worried that... Master Tak got hurt in a fight.

    May: [frustrated] You Chinese men and all your stupid fighting! It's what ruins our reputation here in America!

    Jet: [irritated] You don't even know what you're talking about. You've got problems, don't blame me! You're too worried about... about your reputation, right? Goodbye!

    [Jet storms off and the Barrio Boyz, follow him]

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