Jeremy Taylor Quotes in Shadows in the Sun (2005)


Jeremy Taylor Quotes:

  • Jeremy Taylor: You tied me up, threw me in a lake...

    Weldon Parish: It was a pond!

  • Jeremy Taylor: Okay... fine. I'll do it.

    Weldon Parish: Ha, too late!

    Jeremy Taylor: What?

    Weldon Parish: Too late. Life is about seizing the moment... and you let this one slip by.

  • Jeremy Taylor: We all fail... the courage is in the trying.

  • Father Moretti: I baptize you in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen

    Jeremy Taylor: What are you doing?

    Father Moretti: I'm baptizing you.

    Jeremy Taylor: I'm Jewish.

    Father Moretti: Not anymore.

  • [first lines]

    Jeremy Taylor: You wanted to see me, sir?

    Mr. Benton: You read The Times this morning?

    Mr. Benton: Avershays Press announced a deal with Irving Gattinger.

    Jeremy Taylor: Gattinger said that he was done with writing.

    Mr. Benton: Yes. He hasn't written a book in 10 years.

    Jeremy Taylor: It's a brilliant move. Based on name recognition alone, it'll be an instant bestseller.

    Mr. Benton: Yes. What do you think about Weldon Parish?

    Jeremy Taylor: Parish is one of my personal favorites. Why, are you thinking of signing him? The man hasn't written anything in 20 years.

    Mr. Benton: All the more reason.

  • Isabella Parish: [very pleasantly] Papa hates reporters. He says they are the lowest form of human life.

    Jeremy Taylor: My name is Jeremy Taylor.I'm an editor with Pearce Learner Publishing.

    Isabella Parish: That's even worse. He says that editors don't even qualify as human life.

    Jeremy Taylor: Well, it couldn't hurt to talk to him, right?

    Isabella Parish: No, it could hurt very much. That last editor that came out here, he chased down to the water with axe.

  • Jeremy Taylor: He punched me in the nose!

    Weldon Parish: You'll live. I'll drive.

  • Ian McBain: One of these days you're going to push me too far, Weldon.

    Jeremy Taylor: Yeah? Well, let's hope you're standing by a cliff when I do.

  • Jeremy Taylor: Look, You don't want to write, I don't want to dance, okay?

    Weldon Parish: So If I would write, you would dance?

    Jeremy Taylor: Maybe.

    Weldon Parish: I don't want to dance with you that bad...

  • Weldon Parish: Everybody needs a little lunacy. It's what frees us from the pain of this world. There's a wild man inside you, Jeremy. I can see him in your eyes. Why don't you let him out? You might like him.

    Jeremy Taylor: If he's anything like you, I think I'll keep him lockup, thanks.

    Weldon Parish: [strips off for skinny dipping]

  • Weldon Parish: If you were writing a character who got punched in the stomach, how would you describe it?

    Jeremy Taylor: Just use my imagination.

    Weldon Parish: Okay, go ahead, tell me what it would feel like.

    Jeremy Taylor: I'd double over in pain, I'd be gasping for breath.

    Weldon Parish: Mmm. What else?

    Jeremy Taylor: I don't know.

    Weldon Parish: [laughs, punches him hard in the gut]

    Jeremy Taylor: [goes down writhing]

    Weldon Parish: Okay, now. You've got the doubling over and gasping for air part right. But there's also that burning sensation in your gut, the pounding in your head, the weak legs and teary eyes. Oh, notice the snot hanging out of your hose. There's feeling that you're never gonna breathe again, and then... your lungs fill with cool fresh air. That's experience.

  • Dexter: What are you doing here anyways?

    Jeremy Taylor: This is my uncle's house. He'll fucking kill you, man.

    Dexter: What are you talking about?

    Jeremy Taylor: He killed a dude in this bathtub, right here, okay? He's a fucking ninja! He's got ninja stars, swords and shit. He just hides them down the back of his shirt. You have no idea of the reign of pain that's coming your way!

    Dexter: Do you mind just shutting the fuck up for about five minutes and we'll be out of your way? Thank you.

  • Jeremy Taylor: Let's go back to my uncle's place and get freaky.

    Matilda: I can't.

    Jeremy Taylor: I've got a big bunch of weed and fifty dollars. What more could you want?

    Matilda: I don't do that anymore.

    Jeremy Taylor: Since when?

    Matilda: Since I spoke to God, Jeremy.

    Jeremy Taylor: And he specifically said do not have sex with Jeremy anymore?

    Matilda: Jeremy, I'm serious. I have a purpose, okay? I'm not really sure what it is yet, but I'm not going to ever know if I'm whoring around for drug money.

    Jeremy Taylor: You suck.

    Matilda: Not anymore I don't.

  • Jeremy Taylor: Don't I know you?

    [Royce runs up to Jeremy and punches him in the face]

  • Jeremy Taylor: Are you Mr Martin?

    Mr. Martin: That's me.

    Jeremy Taylor: May we sit with you?

    Mr. Martin: It's a public place.

    Jeremy Taylor: I'm told that you know the Malavi region very well; better than you know the palm of your own hand.

    Mr. Martin: No. Leave the palms of my hands out of it. It'd be impossible to know that region in depth.

    Ana: Who would know it, then?

    Mr. Martin: Only the Gaevis know it well.

    Ana: That's just who we're looking for.

    Mr. Martin: The Gaevis? Well, in that case, you people better look for somebody else around here.

    Jeremy Taylor: But I was told that you trade with them...

    Mr. Martin: So what about it? Even the Americans deal with the Russians without people making a big thing out of it. And, anyway, I always use intermediaries.

    Jeremy Taylor: I must go into that region. And I need a guide, supplies and a couple of hundred men to help me out.

    Mr. Martin: If you're really loaded... if you're loaded with a lot of cash, you'll find two or three desperate men ready to go with you and run any risks.

    Jeremy Taylor: Unfortunately, I don't have the money.

    Ana: His daughter was kidnapped by the Gaevis.

    Mr. Martin: When was that?

    Ana: Many years ago.

    Mr. Martin: You'd better forget about it. Anyway

    [looking at Taylor's amputated arm]

    Mr. Martin: you should know all about them.

    Mr. Martin: How dare you talk to me like that. You're just a filthy opportunist, a parasite earning a living trading with people who devour women and children. You disgust me. Let's get out of here.

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