Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD. Quotes in Yellow Submarine (1968)


Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD. Quotes:

  • Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD.: If I spoke prose you'd all find out / I don't know what I talk about.

  • [Jeremy is cornered by the Chief Meanie]

    Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD.: He does, in truth, seem quite annoyed. Some reference material be-be-before I'm destroyed!


    Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD.: "Where ground is soft most often grows, arise! Arise! Arouse! A rose!

    [a rose sprouts on the Chief Meanie's nose]

    Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD.: A rosy nose?

    Chief Meanie: Speak your last piece!

    Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD.: Peace! Peace! Supplant the doom and the gloom! Turn off what is sour! Turn into a flower and bloom! Bloom! Bloom!

    [roses sprout all over the Chief Meanie]

  • John: Hey, Jeremy, what do you know about holes?

    Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD.: There are simply no holes in my education.

    Paul: You mean you haven't composed a "hole" book?

  • Chief Meanie: [confronting Jeremy] I think I'll tear him up into little pieces.

    Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD.: Oh, he does, does he?

    Chief Meanie: Yes, I think I'll make a blue burger out of him.

    Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD.: I don't care what you think.

    [tries to leave, but the Chief Meanie grabs him]

    Chief Meanie: Oh, you don't, eh? We'll soon see about that!

  • Ringo: [seeing Jeremy captured by the Blue Meanies] Jeremy! Can it be you?

    Jeremy Hillary Boob, PhD.: Can it be me? I think you better inquire the guards, for when I was captured, they took all my cards.

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