Jelly Quotes in Analyze This (1999)


Jelly Quotes:

  • [Ben rushes up to Paul's room after Jelly throws a hit man off the balcony onto the wedding party]

    Boss Paul Vitti: Hey, people get depressed, they jump. But that ain't my fault.

    Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh, so you're telling me it was suicide?

    Boss Paul Vitti: I don't know, he probably left a note. Jelly, did they find that note?

    Jelly: [taking out a pen] Uh no, but they will in a minute.

    Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh, and let me guess what it says? "Life is bullshit, I can't fucking take it no more! Signed, the Dead Guy."

    Jelly: Hey, that's good, Doc.

  • [Preparing to kill him]

    Jelly: Sorry, Doc. Nothing personal.

    Dr. Ben Sobel: Don't kid yourself, Jelly, it doesn't get more personal.

  • [when two hit men attack Paul and Ben in a junkyard, Ben grabs Paul's gun and blindly shoots back - he straightens up and sees two dead men]

    Dr. Ben Sobel: J-Jelly? Did I do that?

    Jelly: No, Doc. That one's mine. You got the '72 Chevy, and the Amana side-by-side refrigerator-freezer.

  • Jelly: I'm gonna get a bite to eat. You wanna sandwich or somethin'?

    Guard: What kind of sandwich ain't too fattening?

    Jelly: A half a sandwich.

  • Jimmy: You think those whales piss in that water?

    Jelly: No, I think they use the men's room next to the Burger King.

  • Boss Paul Vitti: [telling Ben about a dream after Jelly promises not to listen] My wife wakes me up, it's the middle of the night, the baby's crying. I go to the refrigerator to get a bottle of milk, and the milk is black.

    Jelly: That's fuckin' weird.

  • [Ben Sobel is in a bathroom stall of Paul Vitti's favorite restaurant trying to remove an FBI wire from his chest with Jelly standing outside. He hears Ben grunting and swearing]

    Jelly: You should get more roughage in your diet, Doc. A bran muffin in the morning would help that...

  • Jelly: This is serious, Doc. If he doesn't make that meeting they'll kill him for sure.

    Dr. Ben Sobel: Why can't someone else in the family go? How about Tommy the Tongue, or Louie the lip? What about you? You go.

    Jelly: That would be great except for one detail. I'm a fuckin' moron. I'm known for it. You have to go.

  • Jelly: [seeing Swiss Miss' body] Aw, man, what a waste.

    Peanut Butter: It's like, extra sad when a hot chick dies. When an ugly chick dies, it's like, their life probably sucked anyway, so it's no big deal.

  • Gates: You fuckin' mugs are the worst bank robbers I've ever seen, do you know that?

    Jelly: Yeah? Ya know, you just blew my ear off like 15 minutes ago, so you'll pardon me if I just let your little comments go in one ear and out the other.

  • Dr. Ben Sobel: I thought you were in prison?

    Jelly: It would appear not.

    Dr. Ben Sobel: Well, well, how'd you get out?

    Jelly: I had a new trial. It turns out that the evidence in the first trial was, uh, you know, tainted.

    Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh, I see.

    Jelly: Anyway, two of the witnesses decided not to testify, uh, and the third guy, well, he commited suicide.

    Dr. Ben Sobel: Oh? How?

    Jelly: He stabbed himself in the back four times and threw himself off a bridge... very unfortunate

  • [Paul and Jelly have captured the Gunman that had tried to shoot them earlier and have taken him to the roof of a parking garage, four stories above the ground with the Gunman's arms bound]

    Paul Vitti: I'm gonna ask you once. Who are you working for?

    Rigazzi Gunman: I'm working for your mother.

    [Paul punches the Gunman]

    Rigazzi Gunman: Fuck you.

    Paul Vitti: Fuck me?

    Rigazzi Gunman: Yeah.

    [Paul and Jelly grab him by the legs and hang him over the side of the building]

    Rigazzi Gunman: No! No! No! No! Wait! Wait! Stop! Wait! Wait!

    Paul Vitti: Who are you working for?

    Rigazzi Gunman: Get me up! Stop! Get me up!

    Paul Vitti: [to Jelly] Drop him.

    Rigazzi Gunman: I... I'm working for Lou "The Wrench" Rigazzi!

    Paul Vitti: Wrench?

    Rigazzi Gunman: Yeah! The Wrench!

    Paul Vitti: How do you spell his name?

    Rigazzi Gunman: How do I spell his... R-I-C-A-C-C...

    Paul Vitti: Can't even spell his fuckin name right, ya fuckin moron.

    [to Jelly]

    Paul Vitti: Now pull him up.

    [Jelly instead drops the Gunman, and the Gunman plunges three stories down and lands heavily in a dumpster full of garbage]

    Paul Vitti: What's the... What's the matter with you?

    Jelly: You said drop him.

    Paul Vitti: I said pull him back up.

    Jelly: Hey, that ain't what I heard.

    Paul Vitti: Then you heard what you wanted to hear.

    Jelly: [Grins] I guess you got me there.

  • Eddie DeVol: [Paul and Jelly go to Patti LoPresti's house, Eddie Devol opens door] Yeah what?

    Paul Vitti: "Yeah what?"? Is that how you answer the door? "Yeah what?"?

    Eddie DeVol: You got a problem with that?

    Paul Vitti: [punches Eddie, enters house] Yeah what?

    Jelly: [points gun at Eddie who is lying on floor] Don't bother getting up on our account.

  • [last lines]

    Paul Vitti: Hey, doc.


    Paul Vitti: There's a place for us.

    Dr. Ben Sobel: A time and place for us.

    Jelly: Hold my hand and we're halfway there.

    Dr. Ben SobelPaul VittiJelly: Hold my hand and I'll take you there. Somehow, someday, somewhere!

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