Jeff Tracy Quotes in Thunderbirds (2004)


Jeff Tracy Quotes:

  • [last lines]

    Jeff Tracy: Thunderbirds are go!

  • Alan Tracy: Hey, Dad. That stuff the Hood said, about you leaving him to die. He was lying, right?

    Jeff Tracy: No. See, you can't save everyone, Alan. It doesn't matter how hard you try or how brave you are. It doesn't even matter if it's someone you love, someone you'd give your life in a second to save. You just can't save everyone.

    Alan Tracy: What was Mom like?

    Jeff Tracy: She was a lot like you.

  • Alan Tracy: Say, Tin-Tin, why don't we go off to the mainland tonight? Just the two of us?

    Tin-Tin: That would be lovely, Alan. I'll wear my new dress.

    Jeff Tracy: [alarmed] What goes on around here? Have you all gone crazy? This is International Rescue, remember? You can't leave the base unmanned.

    [Jeff turns to Tin-Tin]

    Jeff Tracy: Sorry, Tin-Tin.

    Tin-Tin: [disappointed] That's OK, Mr Tracy, I understand.

    Alan Tracy: [annoyed] Well I don't. I'm going to bed.

    Tin-Tin: But won't you have some coffee, Alan?

    Alan Tracy: [heading for his room] No thanks! It keeps me awake!

  • [repeated line]

    Jeff Tracy: Thunderbirds are go!

  • Jeff Tracy: Now, let's have a rundown on the International Rescue craft. So far, there are five. Thunderbird 1: sleek, first and fast. Thunderbird 2: giant transporter. Carries all the rescue gear to the danger zone. Thunderbird 3: designed for space rescue. Thunderbird 4: capable of withstanding the pressure of the depths. Thunderbird 5: space monitor. Capable of receiving or intercepting distress calls from any part of the world. And I'm telling you, Brains, in no uncertain terms, that we now need a Thunderbird 6.

    Brains: Sure, Mr Tracy, but can you give me some sort of a steer? I like to work to a specification.

    Jeff Tracy: Specification? You didn't need to work to a specification when you designed that airship for the New World Aircraft Corporation.

    Brains: That's right. I didn't. And what happened? They laughed.

    Jeff Tracy: Yeah, that's right. They laughed... and then they built it.

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