Jacques LaFleur Quotes in Harry and the Hendersons (1987)


Jacques LaFleur Quotes:

  • Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: Well, Jacques-o, what's next for you?

    Jacques LaFleur: I don't know. There's always Loch Ness.

    [Both laugh]

  • [LaFleur is released from the watch house]

    Jacques LaFleur: Where the hell have you been?

    Jerome: There was nothing I could do!

    Jacques LaFleur: Oh, bullshit!

    Jerome: They weren't letting anybody out until they processed those guns, and there were a lot of guns! You need a bath.

    Jacques LaFleur: And what, blow my cover?

    [bangs on counter]

    Jacques LaFleur: Come on, come on! Give me my piece!

    Police Clerk: Hey, when I'm ready, pal.

    Jacques LaFleur: When he's ready...! Jerome, do something, hey!

    Police Clerk: [to woman on phone] So, what's your sign?

  • Jacques LaFleur: [Confused, looking at the multiple sets of bigfootprints in the snow made by the Hendersons and Dr Wallace Wrightwood] It's a Goddamned herd!

  • Jacques LaFleur: We both spent our whole lives chasing after that beast and we both had to stare at ourselves in the mirror every morning and keep repeating, "I am not a fool. I am not a fool." Only you finally BLUNK.

    Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: I finally opened my eyes.

    Jacques LaFleur: [climbs in his truck] We'll find out soon enough.

    [drives away]

    Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: Go for it, Jacques-o! Raise a ruckus. God knows I can use the business.

  • Jacques LaFleur: [to Nancy, about Harry] It could be out there suffering. And I know you'd want to help me find it so I could ki-... care for it.

  • Jerome: I might be able to get you out sometime tonight, but I'm gonna need a damn good reason.

    Jacques LaFleur: For Christ's sake, I'm talking about bagging a Sasquatch!

    Jerome: That'll cut a lot of ice for the judge.

  • George Henderson: [Pins LaFleur against his car] Listen to me. You're wrong. I was like you! I almost killed him myself. But it would've been murder. He's not an animal!

    Nancy Henderson: He's our friend!

    Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: For God's sake, Jacques-o, open your eyes.

    Jacques LaFleur: Are you people out of your minds? You think I'm going to stop now? I'm going to kill him.

    George Henderson: [Begins slamming LaFleur against the car] You're not gonna kill him! You're not gonna hurt him! I won't let you! I'll kill you first...

    [Harry pushes George and LaFleur apart]

    Jacques LaFleur: [Pointing to George] Don't let him kill me. Don't let him kill me.


    Jacques LaFleur: Please don't let him kill me! Don't let him kill me, please don't...! Please don't let him kill me!

  • Jacques LaFleur: Listen, you don't understand. I almost had him! I was THAT close.

    Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: Then what? Gun jam? Or maybe a change of heart? Had him in your sights and couldn't do it? What's the story this time?

    Jacques LaFleur: I don't know. I think he was hit by a car.

    Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: Well, that should have made it easy.

    Jacques LaFleur: Yes, I know. There were no traces. No tracks. Nothing, he just... vanished.

    Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: Well, like I tell my customers, Bigfoot eat their dead.

    Jacques LaFleur: I don't know why the hell I bother with you.

    Dr. Wallace Wrightwood: Because you figure I'm the only one who wants to believe you deep down, but I don't. Not anymore.

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