Jack Ryan Quotes in Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)


Jack Ryan Quotes:

  • Jack Ryan: [to Harper, while arguing with Cathy] Can we have a... a-a-a minute, please ?

    William Harper: No, you can't.

    Cathy Muller: I would like to talk to Jack alone.

    William Harper: This is geopolitics. It's not couples therapy.

  • Viktor Cherevin: You Americans like to think of yourselves as direct, but I wonder if perhaps you are just rude.

    Jack Ryan: You Russians think of yourselves as poets but perhaps you're just touchy.

  • Jack Ryan: You didn't pick this life. I did.

    Cathy Muller: But I picked you.

  • Jack Ryan: I'm in the CIA.

    Cathy Muller: Thank God. I thought you were having an affair.

  • Jack Ryan: [collapsing on his crutches] I don't like you very much, doctor.

    Cathy Muller: I'm not a doctor. I'm a 3rd-year med student who is four credits short in P.T. until you decide to walk.

  • William Harper: [waiting to see the president] Any way you can get that boy-scout-on-a-field-trip look off your face?

    Jack Ryan: [big smile] Not a chance.

    William Harper: That's what I like about you.

  • [last lines]

    President: And what's your name, son?

    Jack Ryan: Ryan, Mr. President. Jack Ryan.

  • Jack Ryan: Do you know what happened three years ago today?

    Cathy Muller: You agreed to stop wearing cargo shorts?

  • Jack Ryan: Jesus, you weren't kidding. You *are* in the CIA.

    William Harper: Somebody has to be.

  • William Harper: I want to send you back to school to finish your doctorate, then you'll join financial intelligence as an analyst. You'll work in a series of private banks on Wall Street while you'll use your position to uncover funding for terror groups.

    Jack Ryan: Covertly.

    William Harper: Yep. So, you have to keep it to yourself. Your employers won't know you work for us; the people you love won't know you do, either. It's gonna get lonely but... it's how we like to do things.

  • [first lines]

    Jack Ryan: Hey, what's going on?

    Student: In there. It's on the news.

  • Adm. Painter: What's his plan?

    Jack Ryan: His plan?

    Adm. Painter: Russians don't take a dump, son, without a plan.

  • [last lines]

    Captain Ramius: "... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus.

    Jack Ryan: Welcome to the New World, Captain.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: [Ramius comments in Russian to Borodin that Mancuso is a "buckaroo". Ryan laughs] What's so funny?

    Jack Ryan: Ah, the Captain seems to think you're some kind of... cowboy.

    Captain Ramius: [spoken "You parle ruski"] You speak Russian.

    Jack Ryan: [in Russian] A little. It is wise to study the ways of ones adversary. Don't you think?

    Captain Ramius: [in English] It is.

  • Jack Ryan: [to himself, imitating Ramius] "Ryan, some things in here don't react well to bullets." Yeah, like me. I don't react well to bullets.

  • Jeffrey Pelt: You slammed the door on the General pretty hard, didn't you?

    Jack Ryan: That was not my intention.

    Jeffrey Pelt: Oh, yes, it was! He was patronizing you, and you stomped on him! And in my opinion, he deserved it!

  • [a torpedo is racing toward them]

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: Torpedo impact, 20 seconds.

    Captain Ramius: [to Ryan] What books?

    Jack Ryan: Pardon me?

    Captain Ramius: What books did you write?

    Jack Ryan: I wrote a biography of, of Admiral Halsey, called "The Fighting Sailor", about, uh, naval combat tactics...

    Captain Ramius: I know this book!

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: Torpedo impact...

    Captain Ramius: Your conclusions were all wrong, Ryan...

    Capt. Vasili Borodin: ...10 seconds.

    Captain Ramius: ...Halsey acted stupidly.

  • Helicopter Pilot: Fuel status says we turn back now.

    Jack Ryan: Wait a minute. Fuel status? You have a reserve, don't you?

    Helicopter Pilot: Yes, sir. I've got a ten minute reserve... but I'm not allowed to invade that except in time of war.

    Jack Ryan: Listen, mister, if you don't get me on board that goddamn submarine, that just might be what you'll have! You got me? Now you have ten more minutes' worth of fuel, we stay here ten more minutes!

  • Jack Ryan: [in the shower]

    [imitating the Admiral]

    Jack Ryan: "The average Ruskie, son, don't take a dump without a plan." Wait a minute. We don't have to figure out how to get the crew off the sub. He's already done that, he would have had to. All we gotta do is figure out what he's gonna do. So how's he gonna get the crew off the sub.

    [later, shaving]

    Jack Ryan: They have to want to get off. How do you get a crew to want to get off a submarine? How do you get a crew to want to get off a nuclear sub...


  • Captain Davenport: They're pinging away with their active sonar like they're looking for something, but nobody's listening.

    Jack Ryan: What do you mean?

    Captain Davenport: Well, they're moving at almost forty knots. At that speed, they could run right over my daughter's stereo and not hear it.

  • Jack Ryan: Well... Ramius trained most of their Officer Corps, which would put him in a position to select men willing to help him. And he's not Russian. He's Lithuanian by birth, raised by his paternal grandfather, a fisherman. He has no children, no ties to leave behind. And today is the first anniversary of his wife's death.

    General: Oh, come on. You're just an analyst, what can you possibly know what goes on in his mind?

    Jack Ryan: I know Ramius, General. He's nearly a legend in the submarine community.

  • [about Ramius]

    Jack Ryan: Has he made any Crazy Ivans?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: What difference does that make?

    Jack Ryan: Because his next one is going to be to starboard.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Why? Because his last was to port?

    Jack Ryan: No. Because he always goes to starboard in the bottom half of the hour.

    [Mancuso looks at a clock, and sees it's near the half-hour mark]

  • Captain Ramius: Ryan, sit here.

    Jack Ryan: I'm not a Naval officer! I'm with the CIA!

    Captain Ramius: CIA?

    Jack Ryan: I'm not an agent, I just write books for the CIA!

    Captain Ramius: Whatever. Sit here and do exactly what I tell you.

  • Jack Ryan: [after a torpedo broke up harmlessly on the Red October's hull] What just happened?

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan. Ramius closed the gap before the torpedo could arm itself.

    Jack Ryan: So that's it?

    Captain Ramius: Not quite. Right now, Tupolev is disarming all safety measures so that the next torpedo will arm immediately. He won't make the same mistake twice.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: How did you know that his next turn would be to starboard?

    Jack Ryan: I didn't. I had a 50/50 chance. I needed a break. Sorry.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: That's all right, Mr Ryan. My Morse is so rusty, I could be sending him dimensions on Playmate of the Month.

  • Captain Davenport: What's he going to do, sail into New York, pop the hatch, and say "Here I am"?

    Jack Ryan: It might be just that simple, yes.

  • [Shootout in the missile room]

    Captain Ramius: Hey, Ryan, be careful what you shoot at. Most things in here don't react too well to bullets.

    Jack Ryan: Right.

    [Moves closer to enemy, who fires several shots at him]

    Jack Ryan: *I* have to be careful what *I* shoot at?

  • Flight Attendant: You know, if you do try and get some sleep, the flight will go a lot faster.

    Jack Ryan: I can never sleep on a plane. Turbulence.

    Flight Attendant: Pardon?

    Jack Ryan: Turbulence. Solar radiation heats the Earth's crust, warm air rises, cold air descends - turbulence. I, I don't like that.

    Flight Attendant: Oh. Well, try to get some sleep anyway.

  • [Ryan is on board a plane experiencing violent turbulence]

    Navigator C-2A: What's the matter Commander? You don't like flying, huh? Aw, this is nothing! You should've been with us five, six months ago! Whoa! You talk about puke! We ran into a hailstorm over the Sea of Japan. Everybody's retching their guts out! The pilot shot his lunch all over the windshield, and I barfed on the radio! Shorted it out completely! And it wasn't that lightweight stuff either, it was that chunky industrial weight puke!

    [offers him the candy bar he's been eating]

    Navigator C-2A: Hey, you want a bite?

    Jack Ryan: Jack, next time you get a bright idea just put it in a memo!

  • Jack Ryan: Where are we going, anyway?

    Admiral James Greer: Briefing for Jeffrey Pelt, the President's National Security Advisor. Most of the Joint Chiefs will be there, along with a few other people.

    Jack Ryan: Who's giving the briefing?

    Admiral James Greer: You are.

  • Jack Ryan: Could you launch an ICBM horizontally?

    Skip Tyler: Sure. Why would you want to?

  • Jack Ryan: [thinking out loud - while slamming his hand on the table] You son of a bitch!

    Jeffrey Pelt: [Mildly] You want to add something to our discussion, Doctor Ryan?

  • Jack Ryan: [catches Loganov in the act of hot wiring an ICBM] A goddamn cook!

    Jack Ryan: [switches to Russian] Ostav' eto v pokoye! (Leave it alone!)

  • Jeffrey Pelt: Okay, when do you leave?

    Jack Ryan: [laughing] Wait a minute! The General was right. I am not field personnel, I am only an analyst.

    Jeffrey Pelt: You're perfect.

  • Capt. Bart Mancuso: Mr. Ryan...

    Jack Ryan: He's defecting.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: And he can't change his mind?

    Jack Ryan: He's not going to change his mind.

    Capt. Bart Mancuso: Are you willing to bet your life on that?

  • Jeffrey Pelt: I can't ask any of these characters to go. One, they don't believe in it. Two, they'd never stake their reputation on a hunch. Whereas you...

    Jack Ryan: ...are expendable.

    Jeffrey Pelt: Something like that.

  • [to himself, just before being lowered off a helicopter]

    Jack Ryan: Next time, Jack, write a goddamn memo.

  • Captain Ramius: There's one thing you haven't yet asked me: why?

    Jack Ryan: Well, I thought you would tell me when you felt ready.

    Captain Ramius: Well, there are those who believe that we should attack the United States first. Settle everything in one moment. Red October was built for that purpose.

  • Jack Ryan: I've got a line on those doors. You know what they are?

    Admiral James Greer: A nearly silent propulsion system?

    Jack Ryan: [taken aback] How did you know that?

    Admiral James Greer: The captain of the sub we had following her radioed in. Thing up and disappeared right in front of 'em.

  • Jack Ryan: Is there a way you could get me on board the Dallas?

    Admiral Josh Painter: What the hell for?

    Jack Ryan: I think that Captain Mancuso has found the Red October.

  • Jack Ryan: I'm not an agent, I just write books for the CIA.

  • Jack Ryan: Well, Sir, I was just thinking that perhaps there's another possibility we might consider. Ramius might be trying to defect.

  • Jack Ryan: [to Captain Bart Mancuso] Give the man a chance.

  • [discussing satellite surveillance of the terrorist training camps in North Africa]

    Jack Ryan: The people in those camps know probably better than we do exactly what time the satellite's going to pass overhead. And Marty... unless you authorize us to retask those satellites so we can get a look before they're overhead from the side, we are never gonna know which camp they're at.

    Marty Cantor: Jack, do you have any idea how big a deal it is to retask those satellites?

    Jack Ryan: [gives him a stern look] Yeah!

  • Admiral Greer: Excuse me, Jack, tell me one thing in life that is absolutely for certain.

    Jack Ryan: My daughter's love.

  • Cathy Ryan: It was him wasn't it? He's never gonna leave us alone.

    Jack Ryan: He'll never get that close to us again, honey. That's why he calls in the middle of the night. It's all he can do.

    Cathy Ryan: You get him, Jack. I don't care what you have to do. Just get him.

  • Jack Ryan: I want to know where Sean Miller and Kevin O'Donnell are.

    Paddy O'Neil: [scoffs] Let me try and understand this. You want me to sell out my fellow lrishmen to you? I don't think you understand me at all.

    Jack Ryan: Oh, l think l do.

    Paddy O'Neil: Listen! l don't give a damn what they've done. But the day l sell out my own people is the day l'll put a bullet through my head.

    Jack Ryan: So, that's it then?

    Paddy O'Neil: That's it. You know on second thought maybe I won't have a drink with you

    Jack Ryan: Fine. I'll go home.

    Paddy O'Neil: Have a nice trip.

    Jack Ryan: I'll go home and call all the news stations! Invite them into my daughter's hospital ward. Give them what they want!

    Jack Ryan: [Gets in O'Neil's face] I don't give a shit whether you did it or not. But if you don't help me, I will put such a stranglehold on your gun money that your boys will be out in the streets throwing rocks! I will *fucking* destroy you! I will make it my mission in life!

  • Sean Miller: How's the family, Ryan? Nearly lost 'em, didn't you? It's easy to get at them. You should look after your family better, you know? Are you there?

    Jack Ryan: Yeah.

    Sean Miller: I understand your little girl's feeling better, eh? Lost her spleen though, eh? Pity, that. Make it a mighty tough on her to fight off infection, eh Jacky?

    Jack Ryan: You sick son of a bitch!

  • [showing Marty some pictures of the woman they're after, provided by Paddy O'Neil]

    Jack Ryan: Paddy O'Neil can sleep at night. In fact, he probably enjoys the irony. She's not Irish; she's English.

  • [about Paddy O'Neil and the pictures he provided to Jack]

    Marty Cantor: You tell O'Neil that you're looking for a girl, he gives you the pictures of a girl. He obliges you to get you off his back. And you believe him?

    Jack Ryan: I didn't tell him I was looking for a girl, Marty.

  • Jack Ryan: [to CIA Agent Geoffrey Watkins who turned out to be a mole, and has already been shot once] Want me to start with the other knee?

  • Marty Cantor: They were moving him to Albany Prison in the Isle of Wight while it happened. We think he's left the country.

    Admiral Greer: Marty, excuse me. Let's deal in what we know and not what we don't. We know he's escaped. We know it happened in Kent near the Channel. If he's left the country... Jack, listening? The chances he'd come here, that he'd try, that he could come here are so remote, I have trouble even saying it.

    Jack Ryan: And yet your first instinct was to come all the way here and tell me.

  • Robby: So, you just waded on in like John Wayne. Why'd you do it? What were you thinking, man?

    Jack Ryan: I don't know. I wasn't thinking.

    Robby: That's it? You sound like some of my students.

    Jack Ryan: It just pissed me off. I couldn't just stand there and watch him shoot those people right in front of me. It was... rage. Pure rage... Just made me mad.

    Robby: Here's hoping you never get mad at me, man.

  • Jack Ryan: [to the attacker] Where's Sean Miller? Where's Sean Miller?

  • Jack Ryan: I am telling you I want back in!

  • Jack Ryan: Listen! Who are we looking for here, huh? IRA terrorists or some ultra-violent faction of the IRA, fighting the cause their way? Jimmy O'Reardon checked into a hotel with a woman with long red hair. Long red hair! This is who we should be looking for! We find her... we'll find him.

  • Jack Ryan: I'm not after your job, Marty. I'm after the man who tried to kill my family.

  • [discussing Cathy Ryan's pregnancy]

    Sally Ryan: I don't have any say in this, do I?

    Jack Ryan: Sure, you do, honey. This is a family. Everybody's got a say.

    Sally Ryan: But my say's after the fact. Or am I wrong?

    Jack Ryan: Uhh... no, you're right.

    Sally Ryan: Michaela really despises her little sister.

    Jack Ryan: Yeah? Well, ready for this? It could be even worse. It could be a baby brother.

    Sally Ryan: [rolls her eyes] Oh, no. Boys...

  • [first lines]

    Jack Ryan: [answering machine answers] Sorry, we can't come to the phone right now. If you leave a message, we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Thanks.

  • Jack Ryan: Down! Get down!

    Terrorist: Move in!

    Jack Ryan: Get down!

    [the car explodes]

    Jack Ryan: Come! Get down! Keep her down!

  • Jack Ryan: What about my daughter?

    Doctor: Let's sit down for a moment.

    Jack Ryan: No, talk to me.

    Doctor: It will be a while before we know. Maybe in the morning.

  • Cathy Ryan: Where's Sally?

    Jack Ryan: She's in the recovery room, honey. They're watching her. We'll know in seven or eight hours.


    Jack Ryan: They had to remove her spleen. She's in pretty bad shape.

  • Jack Ryan: Bring up Camp Eighteen again. Tighten on the camp here.

  • Jack Ryan: Where are you taking me, Marty?

    Marty Cantor: It's you who have taken us, Jack...

    Woman: Satellite now entering target area.

    Marty Cantor: ...Into battle.

    Woman: Enlargement Sector Four. Airborne Support approaching target area. E.T.A. Thirty five seconds.

  • Jack Ryan: I don't go on the, you know, missions, I just write reports for the CIA.

    John Clark: Then write a report about it.

  • Cabot: Are you Ryan?

    Jack Ryan: Yes, sir.

    Cabot: What is this? The Paper Chase?

    Jack Ryan: Sir, my ah...

    Cabot: Well come on, were late.

  • Jack Ryan: General, the President is basing his decisions on some really bad information right now. And if you shut me out, your family, and my family, and twenty-five million other families will be dead in thirty minutes.

  • [Jack needs a helicopter]

    Jack Ryan: I'm here to rent the Huey.

    Helicopter owner: We don't rent it anymore, but it is for sale.

    Jack Ryan: How much?

    Helicopter owner: Two million dollars.

    Jack Ryan: Uh, my pilot and I will have to take it for a test drive.

    Helicopter owner: Of course, you just have to leave a deposit.

    Jack Ryan: How much is that?

    Helicopter owner: Two million dollars.

    Jack Ryan: Umm...

    [Shows a CIA business card]

    Jack Ryan: Would you take a company check?

  • The President: [on who gets punished for 'Reciprocity'] You'll take the blame. Cutter and Ritter will take some too, but it won't amount to much. They'll get a slap on the wrist and $20,000 an hour on the lecture circuit. The rest, you'll dump on Greer. Yes, you'll take him down with you. You'll *destroy* his reputation. But it won't go any further than that. It's the ol' Potomac two-step, Jack.

    Jack Ryan: I'm sorry, Mr. President, I don't dance.

  • Jack Ryan: I didn't sign up for this. This is someone's bullshit political agenda. Who authorized this? Cutter?

    Ritter: Cutter couldn't tie his own shoes without permission.

    Jack Ryan: If I go down you're coming with me.

    Ritter: Wrong again. I have an *autographed get-out-of-jail-free card*! "The President of the United States authorizes Deputy Director of the CIA Robert Ritter to conduct 'Operation Reciprocity' including all necessary funding and support. This action is deemed important to the national security of the United States etcetera, etcetera, etcetera." You don't *have* one of these, do you Jack?

    [as Ryan walks away]

    Ritter: Gray! The world is gray, Jack!

  • The President: How dare you come in here and lecture me!

    Jack Ryan: How dare *you*, sir!

    The President: How dare you come into this office and bark at me like some little junkyard dog? I am the President of the United States!

  • [Entering the White House grounds]

    Jack Ryan: Uh, where do I park?

  • Jack Ryan: Who authorized this?

    Ritter: I'm sure they'll ask you that.

    Jack Ryan: Who authorized it?

    Ritter: I have no recollection, Senator

  • Jack Ryan: Said anything yet?

    FBI Agent Dan Murray: Yeah. "We're innocent."

    Jack Ryan: Till the D.A. offers them a deal.

    FBI Agent Dan Murray: He already has. Regular or extra crispy. He was either referring to fried chicken or the electric chair.

  • Jack Ryan: You're going to jail, pal!

    Ritter: [seeing Ryan holding a piece of paper] What is that? What is it you *think* you have there?

    Jack Ryan: You broke the law.

    Ritter: You are *such* a Boy Scout! You see everything in black and white!

    Jack Ryan: No, no, no! Not black and white Ritter, *right* and *wrong*!

  • Clark: Hey, get out of my chopper!

    Jack Ryan: No, no - *my* chopper.

    [Hands Clark receipt]

  • Ritter: Jack, computer theft is a serious crime.

    [hangs up the phone]

    Jack Ryan: [to himself] So are crimes against the Constitution.

  • Jack Ryan: [confronting Ritter on "Reciprocity"] Why was I kept out if it?

    Ritter: You weren't kept out of it, you're NECK DEEP in it! You went before Congress and you got the money for it!

  • The President: So go down there, establish it.

    Jack Ryan: Go down where?

    The President: Colombia.

    Jack Ryan: Who, me?

  • Jack Ryan: Have a little faith in people. Not God, cause he's just an imaginary friend for grown ups.

    Frank Pizzarro: What the hell's that supposed to mean?

    Jack Ryan: I don't know.

  • Lou Harris: You shut up, coconut nigger.

    Jack Ryan: Did he just say coconut nigger? Harris, Harris, Harris, Harris, you can't say coconut nigger.

    Lou Harris: Oh, I can't?

    Jack Ryan: Not really in this day and age.

    Lou Harris: You're fired.

  • Frank Pizzarro: What is this?

    Jack Ryan: What's what?

    Frank Pizzarro: Dude, this is $200. You said we made six.

    Jack Ryan: Right, yeah, but $200 is your cut, cause that's the going rate for hiding in the truck.

  • Nancy Hayes: I dropped out of high school, took a trip to Hollywood, went broke, came home, and hostessed at a strip club.

    Jack Ryan: Everybody hostesses, nobody strips.

  • Nancy Hayes: That's probably my mother.

    Jack Ryan: Is your mother hot?

    Nancy Hayes: Ugh!

    Jack Ryan: What? I just want to know if you two look like mother/daughter.

    Nancy Hayes: Easy, Jack.

  • Bob Rogers, Jr.: You trying to be cute?

    Walter Crewes: Now, Junior, who can be cute with you around?

    Bob Rogers, Jr.: This is company business, Walter.

    Walter Crewes: Does he work for you?

    Bob Rogers, Jr.: No, but we paid him off and he agreed to leave.

    Walter Crewes: You paid him off because you owed him. Now he doesn't work for you anymore. Right? Right. So if he doesn't want to go anywhere, he doesn't have to. Right? Right.

    Jack Ryan: Right.

    Bob Rogers, Jr.: You gonna let him fight your battles for you?

    Jack Ryan: Yeah. He seems to be doing a good job.

  • Bob Rogers, Jr.: You know, if I wasn't with someone, I might just pick your ass up and carry you out of here.

    Jack Ryan: You might have to if Walter here keeps buying me beer. He's getting me all liquored up, I'm just trying to keep my wits about me.

  • Bob Rogers, Jr.: I get the feeling we're gonna run into each other again and one of us could end up looking like shit.

    Jack Ryan: I got a headstart on you in that department. It's not fair.

  • Jack Ryan: Are you serious? You really wanna box?

    Nancy Hayes: If I win, you show me how to steal a car. If you win, I do whatever you want. Put em up!

    Jack Ryan: You grow up on a marine base?

    Nancy Hayes: Don't use the, "I've never hit a girl" excuse.

    Jack Ryan: I've never hit a girl.

    [Nancy hits him in the head]

    Jack Ryan: Don't be hitting me in my head when I'm not looking. You just awakened a sleeping giant.

  • Jack Ryan: You gotta admit, this is a great boat, even if it is called the Allison.

    Nancy Hayes: Wait til you see the one they name after me.

  • Frank Pizzarro: Harris says I know where you're hiding.

    Jack Ryan: First of all, I'm not really hiding. Second of all, you would never tell him where I was hiding because you're my friend, right?

  • Frank Pizzarro: I'm desperate for this money and we're friend, right?

    Jack Ryan: Yeah, we're friends. But, you know, it's the type of friendship where if you're in trouble, I probably won't be there for you. Just like I wouldn't expect you to be there for me. It's a more honest friendship. It's not this like phony thing. It's a genuine friendship. I can't trust you. You can't trust me. I'm not gonna take a bullet for you. I'm not gonna jump on a grenade for you. I'm gonna...

    Frank Pizzarro: Jack, cut the shit, will you.

  • Nancy Hayes: What a freak hole.

    Jack Ryan: What?

    Nancy Hayes: Jack, it's really depressing here. I'm depressed. I'm depressed.

    Jack Ryan: That's one of the things I like about it is how depressing it is. It's like where dreams go to die.

  • Walter Crewes: Jack, was that you giggling?

    Jack Ryan: Nope. Must have been Number 9.

    Walter Crewes: Well, what are you doing sneaking around here?

    Jack Ryan: I'm not sneaking around. No, I was just thinking. Sometimes when I'm thinking it looks like I'm sneaking.

  • Jack Ryan: There's no beer in the fridge.

    Nancy Hayes: Look in the cabinet.

    Jack Ryan: In the cabinet? What are you, British?

  • Nancy Hayes: Frank something came here last night and told me if I didn't give him $1500 for the wallets, he'd go to the cops. He settled for $450.

    Jack Ryan: You got robbed. He would have settled for $100.

  • Jack Ryan: Wait, where's my happy ending?

  • Jack Ryan: If that girl's not careful, she's gonna wind up on the business end of my dick.

  • Nancy Hayes: Jack, what do you think will happen if that money reaches those thugs.

    Jack Ryan: I don't know. They'll probably have a hell of a luau.

    Nancy Hayes: I mean to Walter!

    Jack Ryan: We'll probably get invited.

  • Jack Ryan: She just has a little mischief in her that makes her kind of fun to be around. The other day she took off her clothes and then she folded them in this neat little pile.

    Walter Crewes: You really are smitten.

    Jack Ryan: Sometimes you get so alone it just makes sense. That make sense?

    Walter Crewes: Hell no. And if you think you're gonna be able to control this girl or control yourself with her, you've got a mind-breaking realization coming, son. She's nothing but trouble.

    Jack Ryan: The problem is, Walter, a lot of the stuff you say makes me kinda want to be around her.

  • Lou Harris: You wanna piss with me?

    Jack Ryan: I don't even understand what you're saying. Do I wanna piss with you?

  • Nancy Hayes: I know it wasn't just about me. Was it?

    Jack Ryan: No. Come on. Those paintings on the wall could fetch a pretty penny in the right circles.

    Nancy Hayes: Jack, we don't know anybody in the right circles!

    Jack Ryan: I know plenty of people in plenty of circles.

  • Jack Ryan: For a long time I've been walking down life's road with my two pals, Bad Luck and Bad Choices. Fortunately I'm a big believer in new beginnings, new friends, and running from my problems. So one day I decided to head for the island. Aloha, my name is Jack.

  • Nancy Hayes: Okay, now the truth.

    Jack Ryan: If that girl's not careful, she's gonna wind up on the business end of my di...

    Nancy Hayes: Oh my God! Shut up!

  • Jack Ryan: 200 Grand is a lot different from a tv set.

    Nancy Hayes: Yea... It's way lighter.

  • [Jack and Nancy kiss]

    Jack Ryan: Aw, come on.

    Nancy Hayes: I'm spoken for.

    [Jack tugs Nancy's overalls]

    Jack Ryan: No, you're not.

    Nancy Hayes: Yes, I am.

    [Nancy takes Jack by the hand]

    Nancy Hayes: Come on, let's go peek in some windows.

    Jack Ryan: Have a heart.

    Nancy Hayes: It'll be fun, come on.

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