Jack Armstrong Quotes in Spy Smasher (1942)


Jack Armstrong Quotes:

  • [Spy Smasher has rescued Jack Armstrong from a Nazi spy]

    Jack Armstrong: I'm mighty grateful.

    Spy Smasher: That's all right. Jack.

    Jack Armstrong: You know who I am?

    Spy Smasher: I should. I'm your twin brother.

    [Spy Smasher shows Jack his ring, which matches the wing Jack is wearing, and Jack suddenly recognizes Spy Smasher's identity]

    Jack Armstrong: Alan! But I thought you were killed in that plane crash in France last year.

    Spy Smasher: So did everyone, including the news agency I reported for. That's why I became Spy Smasher, to fight the Nazis on their own ground. Now it's time to fight them here, in the United States.

  • [while on patrol, Jack and Spy Smasher spot a suspicious boat]

    Jack Armstrong: That's the third buoy they've picked up.

    Spy Smasher: It's high time we got better acquainted!

  • Mentor Graham: Abe carried New Salem by 205 votes to 3.

    Jack Armstrong: My boys are out tryin' to find the 3 skunks who voted wrong.

  • Jack Armstrong: [to the crowd] I tell you, you all ought to listen to the judge. He got a round belly but a level head. No one can do nothin' with me without lickin' me first!

  • Jack Armstrong: [narrating] Her father, Reverend Faversham, and her mother were absolute pillars of Victorian morality. They were the kind of people who had little skirts made for the piano's legs to ensure the modesty of the home.

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