Ivy Quotes in Batman & Robin (1997)


Ivy Quotes:

  • Robin: I need a sign that you've turned over a new leaf.

    Ivy: How about "slippery when wet?"

  • Ivy: There's just something about an anatomically correct rubber suit that puts fire in a girl's lips.

    Batman: Why is it that all the beautiful ones are homicidal maniacs? Is it me?

  • Lou: I've never met a stray.

    Ivy: Actually, I prefer "domestically challenged".

  • Ivy: Ehhh, you a bitch! You wanna suck it bitch? Or do you just wanna drink?

  • Ivy: [last words] Oh shit! Mother fucker! You fuckin' bitch!

  • Ivy: You know what you are Paulie ? You're my seeing-eye parrot.

    [dissolve to sunset]

    Ivy: You've been a dear friend to me Paulie. We're birds of a feather, you and I. Betwixt and between, that's us. So what do we have tonight? Is it pretty?

    Paulie: Oh, very pretty. There's more orange now, and it's getting darker. Just a little gold left.

    Ivy: The sun must almost be set. Can you see any stars yet?

    Paulie: Not yet.

    [cut to ambulance pulling away]

    Paulie: And then one day, the cat got her.

  • Ivy: Somebody has to teach this beautiful bird some manners. Might as well be me.

    Paulie: What's wrong with my manners?

  • Ivy: We always used to talk about going to The Grand Canyon, but we just never got that far. You know, Earl said that if you stand right at the edge just when the sun comes up, it's like seeing the first sunrise in the whole world.

    Paulie: He was kind of poetic, wasn't he ?

    Ivy: For an ex-Marine.

  • Sylvie Cooper: I like the ivy.

    Ivy: Well the cross makes me think of death, but the ivy is life. Sort of the tragic and hopeful you know.

  • Ivy: It's nice and cool in here. I missed my ride. Can you take me to Olympic and Fairfax?

    Darryl Cooper: No.

    Sylvie Cooper: Just a sec

    [to her Father]

    Sylvie Cooper: Dad, she's my best friend.

  • Sylvie Cooper: So what are you busted for?

    Ivy: I gotta keep a certain grade point average. I'm slipping in biology.

  • Sylvie Cooper: My name's Sylvie Cooper.

    Ivy: So Cooper, what they nail you for?

  • Ivy: Everybody hates me.

    Sylvie Cooper: Oh well everybody hates me too.

  • Ivy: This is great.

  • Sylvie Cooper: You're still my best friend.

    Ivy: 'Till death.

  • Sylvie Cooper: I'm a geek.

    Ivy: You're beautiful.

  • Ivy: I thought you both could use this.

    Georgie Cooper: Get out.

  • Sylvie Cooper: What the hell are you doing in my Mom's car?

    Ivy: I found the key.

  • Sylvie Cooper: Please, stop.

    Ivy: I want to hear you say it! Are you excusing me of something?

    Sylvie Cooper: Why? Did you do something?

  • Ivy: No, Fred, come here.

    Sylvie Cooper: No, Fred, come here.

  • Sylvie Cooper: You killed her.

    Ivy: She wanted to die.

  • Ivy: Hello, Mr. Cooper, care for anything?

  • Ivy: It won't ever happen again.

  • Ivy: Energy never dies. It just changes form.

  • Ivy: One day with the top down is better than a lifetime in a box.

  • Ivy: [about Melinda's art project] It's scary, like in a weird way, not "clown" scary, um how do I say this? It's like you don't wanna look at it too long.

  • Ivy: [looking at Melinda's art project] It's scary. Like, in a weird. way. Not clown scary. How do I say this? It's like you don't want to look at it for too long.

    Mr. Freeman: Excellent. This is excellent.

  • Mr. Freeman: Can anybody tell me what this is?

    [holds up a smashed globe]

    Ivy: A globe?

    Mr. Freeman: A Globe? Gosh... What're you guys? 13? 14? You already let them beat the creativity outta you?... It's ok. I used to let my daughters kick this around my studio when it was too wet too play outside. And one day Jenny put her foot right through Texas and the entire United States crumbled into the sea. I mean, you could, you could *paint* a wet muzzled dog... chewing Alaska! The possibilities are endless. It's almost too much but you all are important enough to give it too.

  • Mr. Freeman: In here is a piece of paper and on that piece of paper is a word. You are gonna spend the rest of the year turning that object into art.

    Ivy: Uh, Mr Freeman? When I was little I was really scared of clowns and I don't wanna relapse and have to go back into therapy.

    Mr. Freeman: Oh yeah, well, fear is a great place to begin art.

    [Melinda picks a piece of paper that says "tree" and tries to put it back]

    Mr. Freeman: Hey! Whoa. You just chose your destiny. You can't change that.

    Melinda Sordino: I learned how to draw a tree in like the 2nd grade.

    Mr. Freeman: Oh really? Um. Well, do you wanna show me? It's OK. I won't grade you.

    [he hands her the chalk and she sulks up to the blackboard and very hesitantly draws a really pathetic tree]

    Mr. Freeman: That's a pretty good start. Yeah, let's see what it looks like at the end of the year.

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