Isabel Quotes in Kiss of the Dragon (2001)


Isabel Quotes:

  • [Richard handing Isabel a matchbox car]

    Richard: Here, sweetie.

    Isabel: Don't you have any Barbies?

    Richard: All my Barbies are working.

  • [from trailer]

    Isabel: Thaddeus, I have not been able to stop thinking of you.

    Thadeous: [pot in his hand] What a coincidence. I was just about to finish thinking of you.

  • Isabel: It is my legacy to stop anyone who wants to fuck to make dragons.

  • Thadeous: Not so fast, trickster.

    Isabel: Hello, Thadeous.

    Thadeous: The time for pleasantries is through; do you feel that tiny prick in your back?

    Isabel: Is that your cock?

    Thadeous: Ha! It is a knife but I'll gladly penetrate you with it.

  • Isabel: That feeling is all too familiar. It's been burning in my beaver since the day I lost my brothers.

  • Thadeous: Well, then things will get very nasty.

    Isabel: Oh really?

    Thadeous: Oh, REALLY!

  • Isabel: He is a handsome little Focker!

    Jack Byrnes: He's not a Focker.

  • Isabel: Look down the road to her wedding. I'm in a room alone with her, fixing her veil, fluffing her dress, telling her no woman has ever looked so beautiful. And my fear is she'll think, "I wish my mom were here."

    Jackie Harrison: And my fear is... she won't.

  • Isabel: You look tired.

    Jackie Harrison: I hate when people say that. It's like a polite way of telling you that you look like shit.

  • Isabel: You know, I never wanted to be a mom. Sharing it with you... that's one thing. It's another to be looking over my shoulder for the next twenty years, knowing someone else would have done it better... someone else would have done it right.

    Jackie Harrison: What do you have that I don't?

    Isabel: You're Mother Earth, incarnate.

    Jackie Harrison: You're... hip, and fresh.

    Isabel: You ride with Anna.

    Jackie Harrison: You'll learn.

    Isabel: You know every story, every wound, every memory. Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you... every single second. Don't you get it? Look down the road to her wedding. I'm in a room alone with her, fixing her veil, fluffing her dress, telling her no woman has ever looked so beautiful. And my fear is she'll be thinking, "I wish my mom was here."

    Jackie Harrison: And mine is... she won't.

  • [Jackie is smoking marijuana]

    Jackie Harrison: Yep. Life's a tradeoff. It's finally legal to smoke dope, but you got to have cancer.

    Isabel: Are you dying?

    Jackie Harrison: Not today.

  • Jackie Harrison: You know, Ben was born in two hours, went right to the breast, and camped there for 4 days. His blanket looked just like a cape, even the nurses thought so. He loves hearing that story about how he was born a magician.

    Isabel: What about her?

    Jackie Harrison: 28 hours. The doctors wanted to go in and get her, but I knew she'd come at her own time. You can never rush her.

    Isabel: I'll keep that in mind.

  • [to Luke]

    Isabel: Don't fight with me when I'm hungry.

  • Isabel: It's not that I can't cook, I choose not to cook.

  • Isabel: You know, I never wanted to be a mom. Sharing it with you... that's one thing. It's another to be looking over my shoulder for the next twenty years, knowing someone else would have done it better... someone else would have done it right.

    Jackie Harrison: What do I have that you don't?

    Isabel: You're Mother Earth, incarnate.

    Jackie Harrison: You're... hip, and fresh.

    Isabel: You ride with Anna.

    Jackie Harrison: You'll learn.

    Isabel: You know every story, every wound, every memory. Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you... every single second. Don't you get it? Look down the road to her wedding. I'm in a room alone with her, fixing her veil, fluffing her dress, telling her no woman has ever looked so beautiful. And my fear is she'll be thinking, "I wish my mom was here."

    Jackie Harrison: And mine is... she won't.

  • Isabel: Why don't we name the puppy?

    Anna Harrison: I know: Isabel.

    Isabel: I beg your pardon?

    Anna Harrison: Well, it kind of smells like you, and I'm allergic to you too, so it fits perfectly.

  • [after Anna has called and hung up twice]

    Isabel: Hello?... What is your problem, asshole?

    Anna Harrison: YOU are my problem!

  • Anna Harrison: I don't have to listen to you, you're not my mother!


  • Isabel: Maybe the problem is that your daughter is a spoiled, little brat!

    Jackie Harrison: Get out of my house, get out.

    Isabel: Are you sure? I didn't see that on the schedule.

  • [Isabel takes a family Christmas photo]

    Isabel: Why doesn't everybody get on the sofa for a picture, huh?

    Jackie Harrison: [talks to Luke] Baby, can you put that birdcage on the floor for me?

    Isabel: [sets the camera up for a second shot] And I'll set up here.

    Luke: All right, there you go.

    Isabel: On the count of three, I want to see big Christmas smiles. One, two... Benjamin.

    [looks at Ben to smile]

    Isabel: Three.

    [camera snaps]

    Isabel: Excellent.

    Jackie Harrison: Good one. Okay, now let's get one with the whole family. Isabel?

    Isabel: [Isabel smiles] Okay, let me just reset this. Get ready.

    [Isabel sits with Jackie, Luke, Anna, and Ben. The camera snaps]

  • Isabel: I am so unbelievably sick of your imperious bullshit. I never said I was June-fucking-Clever...

    Jackie Harrison: You don't use that kind of language in this house!

    Isabel: ...and if every time life hits her hard you want to have a twelve hour conversation every third Tuesday of the month, go right ahead, lady, I have a life.

    Jackie Harrison: Oh, and I don't?


    Jackie Harrison: You know what your problem is? You are so self-involved. You couldn't be a mother.

    Isabel: Maybe the problem here is your daughter, and that she is a spoiled, wise-ass little brat.

    Jackie Harrison: Get out of my house. Get out!

    Isabel: [pause, she turns to go] Are you sure? I didn't see that on the schedule.

  • Isabel: If you meet me back here in 1 hour, I will prove to you why you hired me... even though I wouldn't sleep with you

  • Isabel: [argueing with Jackie, after giving Anna some advice about a guy] What is it that your worried about, looking bad at the P.T.A?

  • Isabel: [backstage at the school Thanksgiving play] I have something to tell you.

    Jackie Harrison: You're having Michael Jackson's baby.

    Isabel: That, *and* Anna is totally over her head for Brad Kovitsky.

    Jackie Harrison: [gasp] No!

  • Isabel: I'm so sorry but you're not making this any easier on anybody.

    Jackie Harrison: It is not my job to make it easier for you it is my job to take care of those children and they don't wanna be with YOU

    [she grabs her children's hands]

    Jackie Harrison: I'm getting a court order and you are never going to be with these children again alone do you understand? EVER!

  • [first lines]

    DJ Scott Zoe: [the morning DJ on the radio] Hey, good morning, New York. Scott Zoe here at 102.7, WNEW-FM, where rock lives. Beautiful autumn day in the city, and a great record coming your way, too.

    [the song Under Pressure by David Bowie plays]

    Isabel: [Isabel gets up in a rush to go and wake up Ben] Ben? Ben? Ben. Get up, get up, get up. Late, late, late. Ben? Come on, honey. Get up. We're seriously late.

    [Isabel lowers down the blanket sheet over Ben's bed and reveals a blown up dinosaur underneath and screams]

    Isabel: All right, you may think this is funny but this is so not...

    [screams again as she nearly walks on Ben's bunny rabbit]

    Isabel: funny. I'm not kidding around anymore, Ben. You make yourself appear right this instant. Ben? Ben? The clock is ticking, Ben. Come on now. Ben?

  • Roxy: You shouldn't accept expensive gifts from a man.

    Isabel: Why?

    Roxy: Because it puts you in a position of having to do what he wants.

    Isabel: I'd do it anyway.

  • Isabel: Good morning. This is Isabel broadcasting from the new Phoenix Regazza Radio station. I'd like to open up with a statement on behalf of Adalede Norris and the Women's Army. Her murder serves as a warning for women everywhere for the struggle we face. And the truth will be heard and the story must and shall be told. It is not only the story of women's oppression, it is the story of sexism, racism, bigotry, nationalism, false religion and the blasphemy of the state controlled church, the story of environmental poisoning and nuclear warfare. Of the powerful over the powerless, for the sake of sick and depraved manipulations that abuse and corner the human soul like a rat in a cage. It is all of our responsibilities as individuals and together to examine and to re-examine everything, leaving no stones unturned. Every word that we utter, every action and every thought. We are all, women and men, the prophets of this new age. And for those of us who would be safer in the sensibilities of racism, seperatism and martyrdom: if you can't help us towards building this living church, then step out of the way. The scope and capabilities of human love are as wide and encompassing as this vast universe that we all swirl in. One for all, and all for one-ness. This fight will not end in terrorism and violence. It will not end in a nuclear holocaust. It begins in the celebration of the rites of alchemy. The transformation of shit into gold. The illumination of dark chaotic night into light. This is the time of sweet, sweet change for us all. This is Isabel from Phoenix Regazza Radio, signing off until tomorrow.

  • Lewis: Do you know Isabel, you really are a boring woman. You are probably the most boring woman in the world. You are a woman's destiny of bore.

    Isabel: Well, women are an occupied country.

  • Isabel: We find me.

  • Isabel: For every shadow, no matter how deep, is threatened by morning light.

  • Isabel: Kneel, Conquistador.

    [Tomas kneels before her]

    Isabel: Let in the morning light.

    [the doors are opened; light floods into the hall]

    Isabel: The beast runs amok in my kingdom. He has isolated me, and now he is sharpening his talons for one more fateful push. But salvation lies in the jungles of New Spain. Will you deliver Spain from bondage?

  • Isabel: Will you deliver Spain from bondage?

    Tomas Verde: Upon my honor and my life.

    Isabel: Then you shall take this ring to remind you of your promise.

    [hands him the ring]

    Isabel: You shall wear it when you find Eden, and when you return, I shall be your Eve.

    [he looks at her]

    Isabel: Together we will live forever.

  • Isabel: Are you a communist?

    Dan: What?

    Isabel: I was looking through your books. Che in Africa?

    Dan: So?

    Isabel: The Communist Manifesto?

    Dan: If I had a copy of Mein Kampf, would that make me a Nazi?

    Isabel: [Eating leftover dinner] You know, this is really good. Very tasty.

    Dan: You should try it warm.

    Isabel: Well, you don't have a copy of Mein Kampf, but if you did, then yes, I'd ask if you were a Nazi.

    Dan: Maybe I'm hiding it.

    Isabel: Why would you hide it?

    Dan: 'Cause it's just not cool to be a Nazi anymore, baby.

  • Ana: [unable to sleep] Isabel?

    Isabel: [opening her eyes] What?

    Ana: [whispering] Tell me what you were going to tell me.

    Isabel: [whispering] About what?

    Ana: The movie.

    Isabel: Not now... Tomorrow.

    Ana: Now... You promised. Why did he kill the girl, and why did they kill him after that?... You don't know - you're a liar.

    Isabel: They didn't kill him, and he didn't kill the girl.

    Ana: How do you know? How do you know they didn't die?

    Isabel: Everything in the movies is fake. It's all a trick. Besides, I've seen him alive.

    Ana: Where?

    Isabel: In a place I know near the village. People can't see him. He only comes out at night.

    Ana: Is he a ghost?

    Isabel: No, he's a spirit.

    Isabel: Like the spirit Dona Lucia talks about?

    Isabel: Yes, but spirits have no bodies. That's why you can't kill them.

    Ana: But he had one in the movie. He had arms and feet. He had everything.

    Isabel: It's a disguise they put on when they go outside...

    Ana: If he only comes out at night, how can you talk to him?

    Isabel: I told you he was a spirit. If you're his friend, you can talk to him whenever you want. Just close your eyes and call him... It's me, Ana... It's me Ana...

    [they hear what sounds like ominous footsteps and are silent]

  • Isabel: Papa, have you ever picked a bad mushroom?

    Fernando: No. You know why?

    Isabel: Why?

    Fernando: Because I always do like my grandfather told me.

    [he gets up and starts to walk; the girls follow]

    Fernando: If you're not sure a mushroom's good, don't pick it. Because if it's bad, and you eat it, it's your last mushroom and your last everything too.

  • [last lines]

    Isabel: It's me, Ana... It's me, Ana...

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