Ingrid Randall Quotes in That Darn Cat! (1965)


Ingrid Randall Quotes:

  • Ingrid Randall: You'll do nothing. You'll get Tom Swift, or whoever that is, and his electric scoreboard, or whatever that thing is, out of my room or I'm going to call the police.

  • Ingrid Randall: Be careful Gregory, be extremely careful about what you say! I haven't had my coffee yet, and I'm in no mood for stupid, irresponsible remarks.

    Gregory Benson: Oh.

  • Ingrid Randall: Say!

    Patti Randall: Shush!

    Ingrid Randall: What do you mean shush? This is my room!

    Zeke Kelso: Patti! I'm gonna have to ask you to quiet down, and that goes for you too!

    [first meeting of Zeke Kelso & Ingrid Randall]

    Zeke Kelso: Why, hello there.

    Ingrid Randall: Who are you! How do you get off telling me to be quiet in my own room!

    [Zeke Kelso then pulled out his FBI badge, to show to show it to Ingrid Marshall]

    Ingrid Randall: What's this thing supposed to be, I don't know anything about that stuff.

  • Ingrid Randall: You know, that fellow has the most attractive way of putting his foot in his mouth. What did you say his name is?

  • Ingrid Randall: Can you imagine his wife? Mrs. Zeke Kelso... sounds like something that got caught in a clothes dryer.

  • Patti Randall: [Patti just discovered Margaret Miller's wristwatch, around DC's neck] D.C.'s wearing a wristwatch.

    Ingrid Randall: What's the matter? Well, well, what will that sweet innocent cat be bringing home next? The Hope Diamond, I imagine.

  • Patti Randall: [Inkie is Patti's nickname to Ingrid] Have a nice day, at the office, Inkie.

    Ingrid Randall: Patti, you've got that terrible "butter-won't-melt-in-your-mouth" expression. I know what's going on, in your tiny little mind and I absolutely forbid it.

  • Patti Randall: We have to cooperate.

    Ingrid Randall: Of course we do but the FBI has gotten along all these years without using my room as a base of operation. Right? Now, I want Mr. Whoever-he-is, and his ham radio or whatever that is, out of my room by the time I get home, or I'm going to become very difficult.

  • [Patti picked up the spare micrphoned cat collar and takes Ingrid to another room, in their house, for Zeke Kelso to find her, with the FBI locating device]

    Ingrid Randall: [Ingrid speaking with microphoned spare cat collar] Mister Kelso... if you don't mind, let's get going.

    Zeke Kelso: Be patient, it's not nine o'clock yet.

    Ingrid Randall: [just as Zeke Kelso sneezed] Let's get going.

    Zeke Kelso: [Zeke Kelso acted as he thought the cat really spoke English] Now, wait a minute. Let's pull ourselves together, here a minute.

    Ingrid Randall: [louder and angrily] Patti, you little wretch, let m out of here, I'm suffocating!

    Zeke Kelso: Oh.

    Ingrid Randall: [Ingrid angrily pounds on the closet door] Hey!

    [Ingrid pounds on the closet door again]

    Ingrid Randall: Let me out of here!

    Zeke Kelso: I'll get you out. Patti's gone to the movies.

    Ingrid Randall: Gone to the movies?

    Zeke Kelso: There's something that seems to be stuck here.

    Ingrid Randall: Well, open it. There's no air, I'm suffocating!

    Zeke Kelso: Yeah, well don't worry, I'll go get a screwdriver.

    Ingrid Randall: I'm suffocating! Get me out of here!

    Zeke Kelso: [DC starts to leave the house] I'm sorry, I've got to follow it.

    Ingrid Randall: Don't you dare follow that cat! Let me out of here! There's no air!

    Zeke Kelso: I'll be back. Probably just an hour or two. Lie down on the floor, there's usually more air down there.

    [Zeke Kelso then tried waving air through the door, to Ingrid]

    Ingrid Randall: I'm gonna scream!

    Zeke Kelso: Worst thing you can do. It uses up all the air.

    Kipp MacDougall(Mrs. MacDougall): [Ingrid Marshall screamed extremely loud and hard] I distinctly heard a woman scream.

    Wilbur MacDougall(Mr. MacDougall): Right.

    [Wilbur MacDougall grabbed Kipp MacDougall's arm to keep her at the kitchen sink]

    Wilbur MacDougall(Mr. MacDougall): If you don't keep away, you're going to hear another.

    Zeke Kelso: [DC left the house, while Zeke Kelso on dis-connecting the closet door hinges, that Ingrid was apparently locked in] Okay, push.

    [the closet door opens, knocking Zeke Kelso onto the bed, behind him]

    Zeke Kelso: I'd have that latched fixed. Especially, if you go in there a lot. Excuse me, but I've got to run. I just hope I haven't lost the cat.

    Ingrid Randall: [as Ingrid catches her breath, she speaks irately] Go ahead and follow that cat. And when you find him, do me a favor. The both of you just stay there!

    Zeke Kelso: [shortly after Zeke Kelso freed Ingrid Marshall from the locked closet, he starts his search for DC, and DC is next to a motor cylist, that is about to start the engine] Oh!

    [Zeke Kelso's remark was from the motorcycle starting]

    Zeke Kelso: [the motorcycle driver, starting its engine almost broke, injured or deafened Zeke Kelso's ear drum]

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