Hugh Alexander Quotes in The Imitation Game (2014)


Hugh Alexander Quotes:

  • John Cairncross: The boys, we're going to get some lunch.

    [no response]

    John Cairncross: Alan?

    Alan Turing: Yes?

    John Cairncross: I said we're going to get some lunch.

    [no response]

    John Cairncross: Alan?

    Alan Turing: Yes?

    John Cairncross: Can you hear me?

    Alan Turing: Yes.

    John Cairncross: I said we're off to get some lu-...

    [disrupts himself]

    John Cairncross: This is starting to get a little bit repetitive.

    Alan Turing: What is?

    John Cairncross: I had asked, if you wanted to come have lunch with us.

    Alan Turing: No, you didn't, you said you were going to get some lunch.

    John Cairncross: Have I offended you in some way?

    Alan Turing: Why would you think that?

    John Cairncross: Would you like to come to lunch with us?

    Alan Turing: What time's lunch time?

    Hugh Alexander: [Frustrated] Christ, Alan, it's a bleeding sandwich.

    Alan Turing: What is?

    Hugh Alexander: Lunch.

    Alan Turing: Oh, I don't like sandwiches.

    John Cairncross: Nevermind.

  • Hugh Alexander: If you run the wires across the plugboard matrix diagonally, you'll eliminate rotor positions 500 times faster.

    Alan Turing: This is actually not an entirely terrible idea.

    Joan Clarke: That's Alan for "thank you."

  • Alan Turing: Uh, that's my sandwich.

    Hugh Alexander: You don't like sandwiches.

  • Hugh Alexander: Damn you, you and your machine.

  • Hugh Alexander: Love will make a man do strange things, I suppose.

    Alan Turing: In this case, love just lost Germany the whole bloody war!

  • Hugh Alexander: You know to pull off this irascible genius routine, one has to actually be a genius.

  • Hugh Alexander: Because there's nothing like a friend's engagement to make a woman want to do something that she'll later regret with the fiancé's better looking chum.

  • Hugh Alexander: [reading a decrypted message] "... is directed to 53 degrees 24 minutes north and aufpunkt one degree west."

    Hugh Alexander: "Heil Hitler."

    Alan Turing: Turns out that's the only German you need to know to break Enigma.

  • Stewart Menzies: Burn everything.

    Hugh Alexander: Burn? Why?

    Stewart Menzies: You were told when you started this was a Top Secret program. Did you think we were joking?

    Hugh Alexander: But the war is over.

    Stewart Menzies: *This* war is. But there'Il be others.

    Alan Turing: And we know how to break a code that everybody else believes is unbreakable.

    Stewart Menzies: Precisely. Tear it down, light it up. Sweep away the ashes. None of you have ever met before. None of you have ever even heard the word "Enigma." Have a safe trip home.

    Stewart Menzies: [as they rise to go] Behave. With a bit of luck, you'll never have to see me or one another again for the rest of your lives...

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