Henry Royce Quotes in Gordy (1995)


Henry Royce Quotes:

  • Hanky Royce: We've been waiting to ask you a favor, Grandpa. It's about his family. They're lost and he's worried sick. And he wants desperately to go look for them.

    Father Pig: [flashback] I love you, Gordy!

    Henry Royce: Gordy wants to go? Well, he can't. He's becoming a nation institution. People have taken Gordy into their hearts.

    Gordy: Tell him I only wanted to do what's right.

    Hanky Royce: He doesn't want to let anyone down, Grandpa. He only wants to do what's right.

    Henry Royce: So it's all settled. Say no more about it.

  • Hanky Royce: She's really not that fat.

    Gilbert Sipes: I demand a retest!

    Henry Royce: Sorry, Sipes. The public has spoken. We'll sign Gordy to a lifetime contract.

    Gilbert Sipes: Well, you think he looks cute now, but he'll grow into a hog before you know it. You think those pictures of Jessica look fat? We're talking lard city.

    Henry Royce: I regret to say this, Sipes but my confidence in you is shaken. From now on, I'll supervise Gordy's publicity build up personally. We found our new image, Ladies and Gentlemen. From now on, Hero Pig brands is us.

  • Brinks: Hero pig outsold the competition 100 to 1.

    Gilbert Sipes: But Jessica had to win!

    Henry Royce: I'm sorry, my dear. People just can't resist a baby animal.

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