Henry Dashwood Quotes in What a Girl Wants (2003)


Henry Dashwood Quotes:

  • Henry Dashwood: I think I owe you a rather large apology.

    Libby Reynolds: Do you think I've waited 17 years for an apology?

  • Henry Dashwood: You like Co-co Puffs?

    Daphne Reynolds: It's chocolate! Need I say more?

  • Glynnis Payne: Darling, darling, all I'm saying is before we let this hypothetical daughter blow your political career out of the water, we might at least consider doing some checking up on her.

    Henry Dashwood: Now, checking up for what?

    Glynnis Payne: I don't know... criminal record, blood type, triple sixes on her skull.

    Henry Dashwood: Glynnis, she has a birth certificate, she has my photograph and she has my eyes.

  • Henry Dashwood: So are you and Daphne...

    Ian: Yeah, we're eloping. I know it's rather sudden but after last night, there was no going back.

    Henry Dashwood: You are joking aren't you?

    Ian: Yes, of course.

  • Henry Dashwood: I'm not explaining this very well, am I?

    Daphne Reynolds: No, not really. But I'm having fun watching you try.

  • Henry Dashwood: I hope you find you sleeping arrangements conducive to...

    Daphne Reynolds: Henry, all it takes is sweet dreams.

  • Henry Dashwood: For me, it's just a stop on the campaign trail, and for Glynnis it's a chance to launch Clarissa on society.

    Daphne Reynolds: Launch her? You make her sound like a ship.

    Henry Dashwood: No, in Clarissa's case it's more like an intercontinental ballistic missile.

  • Henry Dashwood: Alistair, you've lied to me, I know you lied to Libby, so you'll forgive me if I don't give a flying fart in space what you think!

  • Henry Dashwood: Sorry, did you just say you've known about this your whole life?

    Daphne Reynolds: Yeah?

    Jocelyn Dashwood: Good. Well, now we've got that settled... How about some tea and a nice piece of fruitcake?

    Henry Dashwood: But your mother didn't feel I deserved the same consideration?

    Jocelyn Dashwood: [Quietly] No to the fruitcake, then.

    Henry Dashwood: [shouts] How could she keep something like this from me?

    Glynnis Payne: Excuse me, but what happened to the mistake theory we were operating on a moment ago?

    Daphne Reynolds: [Daphne turns to leave]

    Jocelyn Dashwood: No, wait a minute, Ducky!

  • Henry Dashwood: Remember when I told you how groovy I used to be?

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