Henry Crawford Quotes in Mansfield Park (1999)


Henry Crawford Quotes:

  • Henry Crawford: What? A compliment? Heavens rejoice, she complimented me!

    Fanny Price: I complimented your dancing, Mr. Crawford, keep your wig on.

  • Henry Crawford: And what is your opinion, Miss Price?

    Fanny Price: I am sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Crawford, but I'm afraid I do not have a ready opinion.

    Henry Crawford: I suspect you are almost entirely composed of ready opinions not yet shared.

  • Henry Crawford: Fanny, you have created sensations which my heart has never known before.

    Fanny Price: Please.

    Henry Crawford: There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved.

    Fanny Price: Mr. Crawford, do not speak nonsense.

    Henry Crawford: Nonsense?

    Fanny Price: You are such a fine speaker that I'm afraid you may actually end in convincing yourself.

    Henry Crawford: Fanny. You are killing me.

    Fanny Price: No man dies of love but on the stage.

  • Fanny Price: And a woman's poverty is a slavery even more harsh than a man's.

    Henry Crawford: Mm, arguable. But it need not be your lot. You can live out your days in comfort... with me.

    Fanny Price: I know.

    Henry Crawford: You do?

    Fanny Price: Yes.

    Henry Crawford: Is that a yes?

    Fanny Price: Yes.

    Henry Crawford: Is that the yes I have heard a hundred times in my heart but never from you? Oh, Fanny Price... You will learn to love me. Say it again.

    Fanny Price: Yes.

  • Henry Crawford: You dance like an angel, Miss Price.

    Fanny Price: One does not dance like an angel alone, Mr. Crawford.

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