Harvey Quotes in The Rundown (2003)


Harvey Quotes:

  • Harvey: Never met an American who didn't like guns.

  • Harvey: [looking down the cliff] You think they're dead?

    Hatcher: What am I, psychic?

  • Harvey: [about Beck] Somebody just shoot him.

  • Mace: We should split up.

    Harvey: I'm not sure that's such a good idea...

    Mace: You're probably right. We might get picked off one at a time by aliens.

  • Mace: Were screwed... one of us isn't anyway.

    Harvey: What happened?

    Mace: The airlock's destroyed. There's only one suit. Capa's taking it.

    Harvey: ...Why Capa?

    Mace: Because the rest of us are lower priority.

    Harvey: I'm Not A Low Priority.

    Mace: You're a comms officer on a ship that has no means of communication.

    Harvey: I am the captain!, The mission needs a captain to hold it together.

  • Harvey: For our wedding day, I bought her the best set of whitewalls.

    Winnie: We wore off the treads on our honeymoon.

    Dusty Crophopper: Yeah, ohh...

    Winnie: Driving!

  • Harvey: I bet I know a lot of things you don't know. I know that's not French you're singing.

    Manuel Fidello: That's right. About ten million people know it Portuguese.

    Harvey: I bet you can't speak French.

    Manuel Fidello: Right now, I sorry I speak *English*.

  • Captain Disko Troop: Inquiring if Harvey is earning his keep: Manuel?

    Manuel Fidello: It's okay, he do some work.

    Harvey: I did not. - That was work.

    Manuel Fidello: You clean something off deck, no?

    Harvey: You made me do something.

    Manuel Fidello: That was work.

  • Manuel Fidello: My father was the best fisherman on the whole Madeira islands! And that's everyplace.

    Harvey: Well, that's not so much.

    Manuel Fidello: How you mean not so much?

    Harvey: Well, I mean he didn't do much for you. I mean, he didn't leave you anything.

    Manuel Fidello: He didn't leave - ? He-he leave me this hurdy-gurdy that his grandfather leave him! He teach me how to fish, how to sail boat! He give me arms and hands and feet, feeling good outside and he teach me how to feel good inside! My father do all this and he have 17 other kids beside - what else a father do?

  • Manuel Fidello: I gonna get nifty suit. You know, purple colored. Oh, very nifty suit, with shoes to match and big pearl buttons. Oh, and then I get new tie with big yellow flowers. Oh, then I walk up and down Duckett Street, and I say "Hey, girls, girls. Hey, look, look. Manuel is in town."

    Harvey: Girls?

    Manuel Fidello: Oh sure, beautiful girls. I get maybe five, six girls in Gloucester. I tell each one I like her best. You gotta tell big lies to girls to make them happy.

  • Harvey: What smells so bad?

    'Doc': Smells? Ain't nothin' smells bad around here. Oh, you means de fish. But they ain't got no smell. Dems nice clean salt fish.

  • Dan Troop: Wait till you see some of the places we go.

    Harvey: What places?

    Dan Troop: Oh, Stone Fence, St. Pierre's Bank, Whale Deep, Virgin Rock. Pop gets a ride along with the fish. Folks say he thinks like a codfish.

    Harvey: Well, if thinking like a codfish is going to get me where I want to get, I don't care how he thinks.

  • Harvey: The food was awful. But, it was better than nothing, I guess.

  • Harvey: All cleared up, hasn't it? The weather - its nice now.

    Manuel Fidello: It was till you come up.

    Harvey: Well, they sent me up.

    Manuel Fidello: [Sarcastically] No. No, I bet they ask you stay.

  • Harvey: Why do you keep singing for?

    Manuel Fidello: Because I like to sing.

    Harvey: I never heard that song before.

    Manuel Fidello: Me neither. I just make 'em up.

    Harvey: You can't write songs.

    Manuel Fidello: I don't write 'em. I just find 'em in my mouth.

    Harvey: A song can't be any good like that! When you just make it up.

    Manuel Fidello: Say, that's best kind songs. When you feel good inside, like-like trade winds, she just come out.


    Manuel Fidello: O my beautiful lady...

  • Harvey: People learn songs. Songs aren't just inside of people like that.

    Manuel Fidello: Say, sometimes a song so big and sweet inside, I-I I just can't get 'em out. And then I look up at stars and maybe cry, it feels so good. Don't you never feel like this? No, I guess you don't.

  • Manuel Fidello: My father, when he alive, he made better songs than me!

    Harvey: What kind of songs did he sing?

    Manuel Fidello: Songs about the sun and the sea. Songs about the clouds. Big songs - about the wind and the storms. And little songs too - about the tip on my mother's nose. Oh, my father, he feel beautiful inside.

  • Manuel Fidello: You fish for sperm whale maybe?

    Harvey: He-he.

    Manuel Fidello: Don't laugh. Beside, you laugh no good. He-he-he-he. Like seagull.

    Harvey: I guess I want to do something.

    Manuel Fidello: Yes, but you want to do just what you want to do! I tell you what you do, you go below in galley and help Doc. You carry slops. You sweat in galley like Dan did, before you talk about being fisherman. Go on, now, go on.

  • 'Long Jack': It might go faster if our Jonah-catcher would throw away his hand-line and bend on a troll for once.

    Manuel Fidello: You no think I catch as much as fish as you, huh, Jack?

    'Long Jack': I ain't sayin' that.

    Manuel Fidello: Maybe you just bump your head on bunk when you get up this morning, huh?

    'Long Jack': Or, maybe you Portuguese just don't know nothin' about troll fishing.

    Manuel Fidello: I tell you what I do, I take Jonah-kid with me tomorrow. I fish hand-line, I show him same time. I bet you we bring in fish as you and Nate together.

    'Long Jack': Speak English, will ya: more fish as me and Nate together.

    Harvey: More fish *than* you and Nate together.

    [Crew laughs]

  • Harvey: Here, I've got one!

    [Pulls up his line, but no fish]

    Manuel Fidello: You got new idea, maybe, too, huh? What you think? We just feed fish, free, here, for nothing?

    Harvey: I-I guess I was too anxious, again.

    Manuel Fidello: I told you, stay away from that anxious business. Let the fish be anxious. Here. Look. One - Two - Now it's in his mouth - Now, up he come.

  • Harvey: Gosh, can I take him off the hook?

    Manuel Fidello: We got not time for that. We don't know these fish personal.

  • Harvey: Gee, I've got one now!

    Manuel Fidello: All right, pull 'em up! Pull 'em up! Don't let him stay down there and tell all other fish what is going on. Pull 'em up!

    [Harvey almost falls out of the boat]

    Manuel Fidello: Hey, wait a minute, Hey. You gonna bring fish up see you? You going down see him? Pull 'em up!

  • Harvey: Oh, oh, I'm sorry.

    Manuel Fidello: What you sorry about?

    Harvey: Well, I mean, your father, they didn't find him.

    Manuel Fidello: What they need find him for? He all right.

    Harvey: Well, but, drowning out in the ocean, all alone at night.

    Manuel Fidello: What's the trouble about that? That fine way. The savior, he take my father up to fishermen's heaven - with all his old friends.

  • Harvey: Do you think they really fish in heaven?

    Manuel Fidello: Well, sure they fish in heaven. What else they do?

  • Manuel Fidello: Hey, sleepyface! Look! You log on the bunk.

    Harvey: Oh, say, I didn't...

    Manuel Fidello: Easy now, easy, he's a big one. And stay off your backside, you hear me. Come on, pull 'em up!

    Harvey: I'm try-trying to...

    Manuel Fidello: Oh, you want Manuel's help, huh? I think you get blisters. Blisters good for fisherman. Come on, pull 'em up! Pull 'em up!

  • Harvey: What happens - what do you do when people don't speak to you, around here?

    Captain Disko Troop: You have to settle that yourself, son. I'm skipper to a crew; but, I ain't dry nursemaid. And I don't take no part in squabbles. They settle that between themselves, just like everything else. Whatever's foul between between you and Manuel, you'll have to free and clear yourselves.

  • Manuel Fidello: What's the matter, little fish? You sleepy?

    Harvey: I-I'm so ashamed, Manuel.

    Manuel Fidello: Sure. We all got to be ashamed once. So we don't do things again when we got be ashamed of, see?

  • Manuel Fidello: I think maybe I light candle for myself, too. I had a few bad thoughts this trip.

    Harvey: You never had any bad thoughts.

    Manuel Fidello: Oh, sure.

    Harvey: What were they?

    Manuel Fidello: Oh, I forget 'em now; but, I had them, I think.

  • Harvey: But, there's no fishing out there, is there?

    Frank Burton Cheyne: The best trout fishing in the world! And if I do say it myself, I can teach you to cast a fly wherever you want to put one.

    Dan Troop: I read about that kind of fishing, once, in a magazine. Manuel said that any fish that ate a bug was some kind of a frog.

  • Harvey: Monkey? MONKEY! I'm a fucking gorilla, you clown!

  • Beeks: This is as far as we go. No more cockamamie cigar smoke. No more Swedish meatballs there, tootsie. And no more phony Irish whiskey. No more goddamn jerky beef! The party's over.

    Harvey: The party's over? Hey, come on! What do you mean, the party's over? It's not even... ten o'clock, you dummy! Hey, come on, loosen up, man! It's almost New Year's Eve!

  • Harvey: I'm so excited. That was my very first felony. I've committed a lot of misdemeanors but I do believe that was my very first felony!

  • Harvey: I really don't like it when you tease the dogs.

    Vernon: What are you, some kind of animal lover?

  • [Terry and Harvey are waiting for Joe and Kate. Harvey is dressed in a very loud cowboy outfit]

    Terry: Harvey?

    Harvey: Yeah?

    Terry: Do you remember what I said about conspicuous behavior?

    Harvey: Keep it low profile.

    Terry: Are you achieving it do you think?

    Harvey: Yep.

    Terry: Good boy.

    Harvey: What do you think of my boots?

    Terry: Very lifelike.

  • Harvey: I don't know. Kate's a special lady.

    Terry: Kate is an iceberg waiting for the Titanic.

  • Harvey: What about the mini-van?

    Terry: You leave it here.

    Harvey: But I like the mini-van!

    Terry: I appreciate that. But as it's a stolen mini-van it's probably best that you leave it here.

  • Harvey: You're not really cut out for this business.

    Sam: That's funny. Most people wait to fire me before they tell me that.

  • Vera: Oh Harvey, it's so wrong. He's my husband. You're his lawyer and best friend.

    Harvey: From now on just think of me as his lawyer.

  • Harvey: Let's fuckin' smash it!

  • Harvey: The Scouser said he used a meat-delivery van as his cover so he'd only drop at suitable places, restaurants or big pubs that serve food. No, the only place round here that fits the description is The Rise club.

    Dodd: Okay. The club makes sense as a dropping point. But why would Roper leave his money in there and not in own his office? He doesn't own the club.

    Harvey: Albert's in his pocket and it puts some distance between him and his money in case he ever gets his collar felt.

    Dempsey: I suppose his firm looks after the club so he thinks it's safe there as in his own office.

    Harvey: Even more so, according to this bloke the safe's in a basement office with no windows, one entrance and the door's secured like a bank vault.

    Dodd: How much are we talking there?

    Harvey: At least 60 grand.

  • Harvey: You've got all my stuff? Thought mom chucked it all in the skip.

    Dempsey: We saw her do it so me and Charlie got it all back and fetched it here.

    Harvey: You never told me.

    Dempsey: I wanted it to be a surprise, see the smile on your little face. If I'd known you'd be hanging around in the middle of the fucking night, I would have thought twice.

    Harvey: Thanks mate.

    Dempsey: Say it with tea. Lots of tea with lots and lots of sugar in it.

  • Harvey: Men don't die easily. They take a lot of killing.

  • Harvey: Where are you going?

    Mickey: To a place called "None of Your Business".

  • Harvey: I don't think you should drink on duty.

    Mickey: I'm not on duty.

    Harvey: But you are.

    Mickey: You want to report me... here's my badge. Please... Please... report me.

    Harvey: You know i would'nt do that Michael.

    Mickey: Do i know you?

    Harvey: No, not yet.

    Mickey: Well when i do, remind me to tell you to mind your own business.

  • Harvey: What's his problem?

    Mickey: My only problem here is *you*!

  • Mickey: What's your name?

    Harvey: Harvey.

    Mickey: Go away, Harvey.

  • Harvey: A man can't turn bad if it ain't in him to be bad. And it ain't in you, Sam.

  • Harvey: I don't fast to loose weight, I fast to save money.

  • [Discussing the Boston Strangler victim]

    Nicoletti: So... you followed the girl home. Then what?

    Harvey: I killed her.

    Nicoletti: Where did you do that?

    Harvey: It was in the bathtub.

    Nicoletti: Why did you do that?

    Harvey: She was dirty. She was a very dirty girl, very dirty.

    Nicoletti: So do you remember... how many times you stabbed her?

    Harvey: [Thinks for a moment] Eighty-seven.

    Nicoletti: [pause] Harvey...

    Harvey: Yeah?

    Nicoletti: Get the fuck outta here. I got work to do.

  • Nyla: I don't think a chicken laid these...

    Harvey: Well I'll tell you something, it wasn't a streetcar, baby.

  • Harvey: Why don't we just go somewhere, and ask somebody for some help?

    Mike: This isn't Nebraska. There isn't any service station down the road. There isn't any phone. If there were, the long-distance rates would be something else.

  • Capt. Lee Norsythe: I'll need two volunteers to see what's up there.

    Nyla: I'll go.

    Capt. Lee Norsythe: Good, take Mr. Baylor with you.

    Harvey: I thought this was volunteer work.

    Capt. Lee Norsythe: You haven't been carrying any heavy equipment, Mr. Baylor. You look fairly well rested.

    Harvey: Well, doesn't being a vice president pull any weight around here?

    Nyla: Of course, Mr. Baylor. I mean, you get to walk on the shady side!

    Harvey: I suppose rank has its privileges. This is one of the rankest privileges I've ever encountered.

  • Harvey: Captain! Slow her down!

    Capt. Lee Norsythe: Slow or fast, Mr. Baylor, we're landing.

  • Harvey: Oh, great, great. You not only lose the spaceship, you nearly drown all of us. And you land us God knows where. And now you're telling me you lost the most valuable piece of equipment we had aboard ship? Captain, the next ship you get, you're going to be the steward.

  • Harvey: [Showing Nyla a giant egg] Do you know what this is, sweetheart? This is eggs benedict for a week. Scrambled eggs, sunnyside up! Cheese omelette for ten! Can you imagine what must have laid these? We're looking at fried chicken for a month.

  • Harvey: That time machine works. There is nothing like it. I mean, just look at these pants!

  • Harvey: Where do you think I got these track pants?

    Art: How the fuck should I know?

    Harvey: I got them in the future, that's where.

    Art: Well, they are pretty nice.

    Harvey: Everyone wears them in the future. They're really comfortable.

  • Harvey: You're fired.

    Rachel Keller: No, I'm not.

    Harvey: Yes, you are.

    Rachel Keller: No, I'm not! I'm cooking too good a story.

  • Harvey: I know you think I'm a hick, but I'd like to change your mind about that if you'd give me a chance.

    Nikki: Why?

    Harvey: Because I would really like to plow your field.

  • Harvey: Y'know what I find amazin'? Muffy's her real name. I mean, my name's Harvey but they call me Hal, so I figure Muffy must stand for something... Muffin?

    Nikki: Muff-child, Moffo, the Muffster, Muffin' stuff...

    Harvey: Muff dive.

  • Harvey: I'm a catholic turned atheist, how can I have a Jewish wedding?

  • Liza: [Talking about jobs] What do you do?

    Harvey: I drink a lot.

    Liza: What a coincidence, me too.

  • Harvey: I'm just wandering around trying to find some rope to hang myself with.

  • Harvey: [about drinking] It's not an answer, but it will help.

  • Harvey: [about sex] She was upset and got out of hand...I enjoyed it. No, I don't think I did, it was more mechanical. Does that count?

  • [Modesto is attempting to stop Bob from double crossing Rio]

    Bob: I'm real disappointed in you, Modesto; pullin' a gun on an old saddle pal like that.

    Chico: One more word and I will kill you!

    Bob: One more word, huh? Let me see if I can think of one. How about g-r-e-a-s-e-r? Greaser?

    [Modesto pulls his trigger and realizes that Bob has unloaded his gun during the night]

    Bob: Lookin' for these, Modesto? (throws cartridges at him)

    Harvey: (laughing) Eat 'em, greaser.

    Chico: (throws his gun at Bob)Banditos!

    Bob: You had a good life, Modesto. (shoots him)

  • [Bob and Harvey are watching Longworth whip Rio]

    Harvey: We better get down there and do something.

    Bob: Do something? Not this old horse; Longworth's got enough shotguns down there to start a war. Besides, this might help get some of that snot-nose out of him.

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Characters on The Rundown (2003)